Title: Agenda 47: A Blueprint for Trump’s Authoritarian Vision (TL;DR Version)

Author: Donald J. Trump’s 2024 Presidential Campaign

“Agenda 47,” Donald Trump’s policy platform for his 2024 presidential campaign, is not just a collection of campaign promises; it’s a blueprint for a radical transformation of America that echoes the authoritarian tendencies he displayed during his first term. Presented through a series of videos on his campaign website, Agenda 47 targets his base with populist rhetoric, appeals to fear and resentment, and promises to restore a mythical “greatness” to America. However, beneath the surface lies a dangerous agenda that threatens to undermine democratic norms, erode civil liberties, and exacerbate inequality and division.


  • “America First” Nationalism: Agenda 47 is steeped in “America First” nationalism, prioritizing American interests above all else, even at the expense of global cooperation, international alliances, and human rights. This worldview views the world as a zero-sum competition, where other nations are rivals or enemies to be dominated, not partners to be engaged with.
  • Populist Grievances and Scapegoating: The agenda taps into populist grievances and scapegoats immigrants, minorities, liberals, and “elites” for America’s problems. This divisive rhetoric fuels resentment and anger, creating an “us vs. them” mentality that undermines social cohesion and democratic discourse.
  • Expansion of Executive Power: Agenda 47 seeks to expand presidential power and weaken checks and balances, concentrating authority in the hands of the executive branch and undermining the role of Congress and the courts. This reflects Trump’s authoritarian tendencies and his belief that he is above the law.
  • Law and Order Rhetoric: The agenda emphasizes “law and order,” promising to crack down on crime, secure the border, and restore a sense of safety and security. This rhetoric often appeals to fear and anxiety about crime and social disorder, and it can be used to justify policies that disproportionately target minority communities and erode civil liberties.
  • Conservative Social Agenda: Agenda 47 promotes a conservative social agenda, seeking to restrict abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, promote traditional family values, and impose a Christian nationalist worldview on American society. This reflects the influence of the religious right on Trump’s base and his willingness to use the power of government to advance their agenda.


3.1 Economy: Protectionism, Energy Dominance, and “Making a Fortune”

Agenda 47’s economic policies are a mix of protectionism, energy dominance, and populist promises of economic prosperity. These policies, while appealing to some segments of the population, could have devastating consequences for the U.S. economy and global trade relations.

  • Universal Baseline Tariffs: Trump proposes imposing universal baseline tariffs on most foreign products, arguing that this will protect American jobs and businesses. However, economists warn that tariffs would raise prices for consumers, harm American businesses that rely on imports, and trigger retaliatory tariffs from other countries, potentially leading to a trade war.
  • Economic Independence from China: Trump calls for “decoupling” the U.S. economy from China’s, arguing that China is a threat to American jobs and national security. He proposes revoking China’s Most Favored Nation trade status, gradually stopping all Chinese imports of essential goods, and banning federal contracts for companies that outsource to China. This aggressive approach could disrupt global supply chains, harm American businesses that rely on trade with China, and escalate tensions between the two countries.
  • “Trump Reciprocal Trade Act”: Trump proposes a “Trump Reciprocal Trade Act,” which would automatically impose tariffs on goods from countries that impose tariffs on American goods. This protectionist policy would likely lead to trade wars and retaliatory tariffs, harming American businesses and consumers.
  • Energy Dominance: Trump promises to “unleash American energy” by eliminating environmental regulations, promoting fossil fuel production, and withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. This agenda would exacerbate climate change, harm public health, and undermine America’s global leadership on environmental issues.
  • Saving the Auto Industry: Trump promises to “save America’s auto industry” by rolling back fuel economy standards, eliminating electric vehicle subsidies, and demanding full compliance with USMCA’s regional content requirements. This would undermine efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote the transition to electric vehicles, potentially making American automakers less competitive in the global market.

3.2 Education: “Reclaiming” Education from the “Radical Left”

Agenda 47’s education policies are focused on “reclaiming” education from the “radical Left,” promoting a conservative social agenda, and empowering parents. These proposals could lead to censorship in schools, a weakening of public education, and increased discrimination against marginalized groups.

  • Banning Critical Race Theory and “Gender Ideology”: Trump proposes cutting federal funding for schools that teach critical race theory or “gender ideology,” directing the DOJ to investigate schools that engage in “race-based discrimination,” and keeping “men out of women’s sports.” These proposals are based on a misrepresentation of critical race theory and gender identity and could lead to censorship and discrimination in schools.
  • Empowering Parents: Trump emphasizes parental rights in education, calling for greater transparency and control over curriculum, school budgets, and health services. This could lead to the exclusion of certain topics and perspectives from schools, particularly those related to race, gender, and sexuality.
  • School Choice: Trump advocates for universal school choice, allowing parents to use public funds to send their children to private or religious schools. This could divert resources away from public schools and exacerbate inequality in education.
  • Reforming Higher Education: Trump proposes using the college accreditation system to “reclaim” universities from the “radical Left,” firing “radical Left accreditors,” and imposing new standards that emphasize patriotism, free speech, and traditional values. This could undermine academic freedom and institutional autonomy.

3.3 Expansion of Presidential Powers: Dismantling the “Deep State”

Agenda 47 proposes several measures to expand presidential power, potentially undermining democratic norms and checks and balances.

  • Schedule F: Trump proposes reissuing Schedule F, an executive order that would make it easier to fire federal employees, potentially allowing for a purge of career civil servants based on their political views.
  • Impoundment: Trump calls for restoring impoundment, a controversial tactic that would allow the President to unilaterally withhold funds from programs, even those approved by Congress. This would give the President unprecedented control over federal spending and could be used to defund programs that he disagrees with.
  • Control over Independent Agencies: Trump proposes bringing independent regulatory agencies, such as the FCC and FTC, under presidential authority, potentially undermining their independence and making them more susceptible to political pressure.

3.4 Foreign Affairs: “America First” and Confrontation

Agenda 47 advocates for a more confrontational and less diplomatic approach to foreign policy, prioritizing American interests over global cooperation and multilateralism.

  • Renegotiating Ukraine Conflict: Trump proposes negotiating an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 24 hours, without specifying how this would be achieved or what concessions he would be willing to make to Russia.
  • Preventing World War III: Trump calls for “cleaning house” of “warmongers and America-Last globalists” in the “Deep State,” Pentagon, and State Department. This rhetoric suggests a distrust of the foreign policy establishment and a preference for a more unilateral and less diplomatic approach.
  • Rebuilding Military Strength: Trump proposes increasing military spending, asking Europe to reimburse the U.S. for aid to Ukraine, and addressing the “military recruitment crisis” by restoring “the proud culture and honor traditions of America’s armed forces.” This suggests a more militaristic approach to foreign policy.

3.5 Law Enforcement: “Tough on Crime” and Targeting Political Opponents

Agenda 47 advocates for a “tough on crime” approach to law enforcement, promising to increase police funding, expand their liability protections, and crack down on crime. However, it also includes proposals that could be used to target political opponents and silence dissent.

  • Tough-on-Crime Policies: Trump advocates for increasing police funding, expanding their liability protections, enforcing stop-and-frisk, and imposing the death penalty for drug dealers and human traffickers. These proposals raise concerns about mass incarceration, racial profiling, and a more punitive criminal justice system.
  • Targeting “Radical Left” Prosecutors: Trump calls for investigating and potentially suing “radical left” prosecutors in cities like Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, accusing them of engaging in “race-based enforcement of the law.” This suggests a willingness to use the DOJ to target political opponents.
  • National Guard Deployment: Trump proposes sending the National Guard to cities with high crime rates, potentially escalating tensions and undermining local control over law enforcement.

3.6 Social Issues: Restricting Rights and Promoting Traditional Values

Agenda 47 promotes a conservative social agenda, seeking to restrict the rights of marginalized groups and to impose traditional values on American society.

  • Restricting Transgender Rights: Trump proposes banning “gender affirming care,” investigating pharmaceutical companies and hospitals that provide such care, and passing a law that recognizes only two genders assigned at birth. These proposals are discriminatory and could harm transgender individuals.
  • Addressing Homelessness: Trump calls for using resources diverted from Ukraine aid to “get the homeless off our streets,” banning urban camping, and creating “tent cities” where homeless individuals would be relocated and potentially involuntarily committed to mental institutions. These proposals raise concerns about criminalizing homelessness and violating the rights of homeless individuals.
  • Combating Drug Addiction: Trump proposes a “full naval embargo” on drug cartels, deploying military assets to target them, and imposing the death penalty for drug smugglers. This suggests a more militaristic approach to drug policy.


Agenda 47 consists of a wide range of policy recommendations, many of which are outlined in greater detail in Project 2025. These recommendations reflect a radical conservative agenda that seeks to transform the federal government and American society.


  • Appeal to Populist Grievances: Tap into fear and resentment towards immigrants, minorities, liberals, and “elites” to mobilize Trump’s base and justify his policies.
  • Expand Executive Power: Increase presidential authority, weaken checks and balances, and undermine the role of Congress and the courts.
  • Promote a Conservative Social Agenda: Restrict abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, promote traditional family values, and impose a Christian nationalist worldview on American society.
  • Implement a “Law and Order” Agenda: Crack down on crime, secure the border, and increase the power of law enforcement.
  • Pursue an “America First” Foreign Policy: Prioritize American interests over global cooperation, withdraw from international agreements, and take a confrontational stance towards China and other perceived adversaries.


  • Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership: Project 2025 provides the detailed policy blueprint and personnel recommendations to implement the broad promises made in Agenda 47.
  • Trump’s First Term: Agenda 47 builds on the policies and rhetoric of Trump’s first term, suggesting a continuation and intensification of his agenda.
  • The Republican Party Platform: Agenda 47 reflects the current platform of the Republican Party, which has embraced Trumpism and its nationalist, populist, and socially conservative agenda.


  • Erosion of Democracy: Agenda 47’s proposals could lead to a significant erosion of democratic norms and institutions, including the rule of law, the separation of powers, and the protection of civil liberties.
  • Increased Inequality and Division: The agenda’s economic and social policies could exacerbate income inequality, racial disparities, and social divisions, creating a less just and less equitable society.
  • Environmental Degradation: The agenda’s rejection of climate science and its promotion of fossil fuels could accelerate climate change and lead to irreversible environmental damage.
  • Damaged International Relations: The agenda’s “America First” approach and its confrontational foreign policy could damage America’s relationships with allies, undermine global cooperation, and increase the risk of conflict.


  • Authoritarian and Anti-Democratic: Critics argue that Agenda 47 is authoritarian and anti-democratic, seeking to concentrate power in the hands of the President and to undermine the checks and balances that protect our democracy.
  • Harmful to Vulnerable Populations: Opponents argue that the agenda’s policies would disproportionately harm vulnerable populations, including minorities, immigrants, low-income Americans, and LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Based on Fear and Division: Critics argue that the agenda is based on fearmongering, scapegoating, and divisive rhetoric that undermines social cohesion and democratic discourse.


  • “We will make America great again, again.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects Trump’s nationalist and populist appeal and his promise to restore a mythical “greatness” to America.
  • “We will dismantle the deep state and drain the swamp.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects Trump’s distrust of the federal bureaucracy and his desire to purge it of those he deems disloyal.
  • “We will build the wall and make Mexico pay for it.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects Trump’s hardline stance on immigration and his willingness to use inflammatory rhetoric to appeal to his base.
  • “We will protect the unborn and defend the Second Amendment.” (Donald Trump) This quote highlights the importance of social conservative issues to Trump’s agenda.
  • “We will put America first.” (Donald Trump) This quote encapsulates the “America First” nationalism that underpins Agenda 47.


“Agenda 47” is a blueprint for a radical conservative transformation of America, reflecting Donald Trump’s authoritarian tendencies and his desire to reshape the country in his image. The agenda’s promises, if implemented, could have devastating consequences for American democracy, the rule of law, and the well-being of millions of Americans.

It is crucial for Democrats, progressives, and all Americans who value a fair, just, and sustainable society to understand the threat posed by Agenda 47 and to be prepared to fight back against its implementation. The 2024 election will be a pivotal moment in determining the future direction of our country, and we must be vigilant in defending our democracy and our values.