Title: Trump’s Shadow Government

This isn’t a policy document; it’s a Trump administration reunion. Forget “draining the swamp” – Project 2025 is about refilling it with the same people who enabled Trump’s most destructive policies. Every single chapter of “Mandate for Leadership,” the 900+ page blueprint for a second Trump term, was written by someone with direct ties to Trump, his family, or his inner circle.

This isn’t about conservative ideology; it’s about loyalty. It’s about ensuring that if Trump returns to power, he’ll have an army of loyalists ready to execute his agenda on Day One, regardless of the consequences for our democracy or our nation.

2. THE PLAYERS: A Roster of Trump Loyalists

Let’s call them out by name. These aren’t just random conservatives; they’re the architects of Trump’s most controversial and damaging policies:

Trump’s Cabinet: Back for More

  • Ben Carson (HUD): Remember Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon who somehow ended up running HUD? He’s back, ready to “reset” HUD and promote his vision of “individual responsibility” over government assistance, likely leading to cuts in affordable housing programs and a weakening of fair housing enforcement. (Chapter 15)
  • Ken Cuccinelli (DHS): The architect of Trump’s cruel immigration policies, Cuccinelli wants to dismantle DHS and create a new, even more powerful agency focused on border security and deportations. Imagine a super-ICE, unleashed to terrorize immigrant communities. (Chapter 5)
  • Christopher Miller (DOD): As Acting Secretary of Defense, Miller oversaw the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. Now he’s back, calling for increased military spending, a more aggressive posture towards China, and a purge of “woke” ideology from the military. (Chapter 4)
  • Russ Vought (OMB): Vought, Trump’s budget director, is a key figure in Project 2025. He wants to use the OMB to control the bureaucracy, slash spending, and impose a conservative agenda on every agency. (Chapter 2)
  • Mike Pompeo (State Department): Pompeo, Trump’s loyal Secretary of State, is now a prominent voice in the conservative movement. While he didn’t author a chapter in “Mandate for Leadership,” his hawkish foreign policy views and his close ties to Trump suggest he would play a key role in a second Trump administration.
  • Alex Azar (HHS): Azar, Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary, oversaw the administration’s efforts to undermine the Affordable Care Act and to restrict access to reproductive healthcare. He’s now back, advocating for a more conservative approach to healthcare that prioritizes individual responsibility and religious freedom. (Chapter 14)

Trump’s Inner Circle: Pulling the Strings

  • Rick Dearborn (Deputy Chief of Staff): Dearborn was a key figure in the Trump White House, responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the administration. He’s now outlining a plan to transform the White House Office into a highly centralized and politically controlled entity, prioritizing loyalty to the President above all else. (Chapter 1)
  • Gene Hamilton (Counselor to the Attorney General): Hamilton was a key legal advisor to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, helping to implement Trump’s most controversial policies, including the Muslim travel ban and the family separation policy. He’s now calling for a more aggressive and politicized DOJ, targeting political opponents and advancing a conservative agenda. (Chapter 17)
  • John McEntee (Project 2025 Senior Advisor): McEntee, a close Trump confidant who served as his White House personnel director, is a key figure in Project 2025. He’s the one who said the project and the Trump campaign plan to “integrate a lot of our work,” making it clear that this is a blueprint for a second Trump term.

Trump Campaign Strategists: Gearing Up for 2024

  • Stephen Moore (Economic Advisor): Moore, a controversial economist who has been a vocal supporter of Trump’s economic policies, is a co-author of the chapter on the Treasury Department. He’s advocating for massive tax cuts, deregulation, and a confrontational approach to China. (Chapter 22)
  • William L. Walton (Transition Team Leader): Walton served as the Agency Action Leader for economic agencies on Trump’s transition team, helping to staff the government with loyalists. He’s now back, co-authoring the chapter on the Treasury Department and pushing for a radical conservative economic agenda. (Chapter 22)

The Heritage Foundation: Trump’s Policy Shop

The Heritage Foundation, a powerful conservative think tank, is the driving force behind Project 2025. It’s no coincidence that many of the project’s authors and contributors are current or former Heritage employees. They’ve been shaping conservative policy for decades, and they’re now using their influence to advance Trump’s agenda.

  • Key Figures: Paul Winfree, Lindsey Burke, David Burton, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, and many other Heritage scholars and fellows are involved in Project 2025. They’re writing the chapters, developing the policy recommendations, and training the next generation of conservative leaders.

Dark Money: The Hidden Hand

Project 2025 is being funded by a network of dark money groups, often linked to conservative mega-donor Leonard Leo, who played a key role in shaping Trump’s judicial appointments. This lack of transparency raises serious concerns about undue influence and the potential for corruption.

4. THE AGENDA: A Continuation of Trumpism

Project 2025’s recommendations are not just conservative; they’re distinctly Trumpian. They reflect his priorities, his rhetoric, and his style of governing. Here are some key examples:

  • Dismantling the “Deep State”: Trump’s obsession with the “deep state” is reflected throughout Project 2025. The project calls for weakening civil service protections, increasing political control over agencies, and purging disloyal employees. This is about consolidating power and ensuring that the bureaucracy is subservient to the President’s will.
  • Immigration Crackdown: Project 2025 echoes Trump’s hardline immigration policies, calling for a border wall, mass deportations, and restrictions on legal immigration. This is about appealing to nativist sentiments and creating a more homogeneous and less diverse America.
  • “America First” Foreign Policy: Project 2025 promotes a confrontational and isolationist foreign policy, prioritizing American interests over global cooperation and taking a hard line against China and other perceived adversaries. This reflects Trump’s “America First” worldview and his disdain for multilateralism.
  • Conservative Social Agenda: Project 2025 advances a conservative social agenda, restricting abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, promoting “patriotic” education, and empowering religious institutions. This reflects the influence of the religious right on Trump and his base.

5. THE IMPLICATIONS: A Threat to Democracy

Project 2025 is a dangerous and alarming blueprint for a second Trump term. It’s a plan to consolidate power, implement a radical agenda, and reshape America in his image, regardless of the will of the people or the consequences for our nation.

Here’s why this matters:

  • Erosion of Democratic Norms: Project 2025’s emphasis on executive power, its disregard for checks and balances, and its attacks on the media and the judiciary could lead to an erosion of democratic norms and a slide towards authoritarianism.
  • Increased Inequality and Division: The project’s economic and social policies would likely exacerbate inequality, benefitting the wealthy at the expense of working families, and further dividing American society along racial, religious, and ideological lines.
  • Weakening of America’s Global Standing: Project 2025’s “America First” foreign policy could alienate allies, embolden adversaries, and undermine America’s global leadership, making the world a more dangerous and less stable place.


Project 2025 is a wake-up call. It’s a reminder that the fight for American democracy is far from over. We must:

  • Expose the Agenda: Share this information with everyone you know. Educate your friends, family, and community about the dangers of Project 2025.
  • Hold Elected Officials Accountable: Demand that your elected officials reject this agenda and fight for policies that protect our democracy, our environment, and our rights.
  • Support Organizations Fighting Back: Donate to and volunteer with organizations that are working to defend our democracy, such as the ACLU, Common Cause, and the Brennan Center for Justice.
  • Get Involved in the 2024 Election: Vote, volunteer, and make your voice heard. The future of our country is at stake.

We cannot afford to be complacent. Project 2025 is a clear and present danger to our democracy. We must fight back to protect our values and our future.