Title: Project 2025: The Handmaid’s Agenda (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the comprehensive assault on reproductive rights embedded within Project 2025 and Agenda 47. These documents, driven by a radical anti-abortion ideology, outline a plan to ban abortion nationwide, restrict access to contraception and IVF, and ultimately control women’s bodies and reproductive choices. This agenda threatens to overturn decades of progress, turning back the clock on women’s rights and jeopardizing the health and autonomy of millions of Americans.


  • “Life Begins at Conception”: The project’s agenda is rooted in the belief that “life begins at conception,” granting fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses the same rights as born individuals. This framework underpins their efforts to ban abortion and restrict other reproductive healthcare services.
  • Abortion as Murder: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 consistently frame abortion as murder, using inflammatory rhetoric and moral absolutism to demonize abortion providers and to shame and stigmatize women who seek abortion care.
  • Government Control Over Women’s Bodies: The project seeks to give the government unprecedented control over women’s bodies and reproductive decisions, removing individual autonomy and replacing it with state-mandated morality.
  • Religious Extremism: The agenda is heavily influenced by religious extremism, particularly from the Christian right, which seeks to impose its narrow religious beliefs on all Americans, regardless of their faith or personal convictions.
  • Disregard for Women’s Health and Well-being: The project’s focus on controlling reproduction ignores the health and well-being of women, potentially leading to increased maternal mortality, unsafe abortions, and a range of negative health consequences.


3.1 A Nationwide Abortion Ban: The Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal of Project 2025 and Agenda 47 is clear: a nationwide abortion ban. They are not content with leaving it to the states; they want to impose their extreme ideology on the entire country, criminalizing abortion and punishing those who provide or seek it.

  • Weaponizing the FDA: Project 2025 calls for reversing the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, the safe and effective medication used for medication abortion. They are using junk science and scare tactics to demonize this essential healthcare option. (Chapter 14)
  • Resurrecting the Comstock Act: They want to dust off the archaic Comstock Act, a 19th-century law that was designed to suppress information about contraception and abortion. They’re hoping to use it to criminalize the mailing of abortion pills, even though legal experts agree it doesn’t apply to legal abortion care. (Chapter 14)
  • Enlisting the EPA: In a truly Orwellian move, Project 2025 suggests using the EPA to classify the chemicals in mifepristone as “forever chemicals,” subjecting them to stricter regulations and potentially making them impossible to manufacture or distribute. (Chapter 13)
  • Executive Overreach: Agenda 47 explicitly states that Trump would declare a national abortion ban by executive order, completely bypassing Congress and ignoring the will of the American people.
  • Packing the Courts: Project 2025 emphasizes the importance of appointing conservative judges to the Supreme Court and lower courts, ensuring a judiciary that would uphold abortion bans and other restrictions on reproductive rights. (Chapter 17)

3.2 A State-by-State Assault: Eroding Access Piece by Piece

While a nationwide ban is their ultimate goal, the attacks on reproductive freedom are already happening at the state level. Project 2025 and Agenda 47 embolden state legislatures to enact increasingly extreme restrictions, creating a patchwork of oppression across the country.

  • Total Abortion Bans: Fourteen states have already banned abortion outright, with no exceptions for rape or incest. These bans force women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term, putting their health and lives at risk. (ABC News article)
  • Six-Week Bans: Seven states have enacted six-week bans, effectively outlawing abortion before many women even know they’re pregnant. These bans are cruel and unconstitutional, denying women the right to make decisions about their own bodies.
  • “Personhood” Laws: States like Alabama are pushing “personhood” laws that grant legal rights to fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses. These laws threaten not only abortion access but also IVF, contraception, and other reproductive health care.
  • Parental Consent and Notification Laws: States are increasingly requiring parental consent or notification for minors seeking abortion care, even in cases of rape or incest. These laws create barriers to care and can put young people at risk of abuse or homelessness.
  • TRAP Laws (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers): States are enacting TRAP laws, which impose burdensome and medically unnecessary regulations on abortion clinics, forcing many to close and making it more difficult for women to access care.

3.3 Beyond Abortion: A War on All Reproductive Freedom

The attack on reproductive rights extends beyond abortion. Project 2025 and Agenda 47 target access to contraception, IVF, and other reproductive healthcare services, seeking to control women’s bodies and impose a narrow religious worldview on all Americans:

  • Restricting Contraception Access: They aim to weaken the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate, which requires most health insurance plans to cover contraception without co-pays. They also promote abstinence-only education, which has been proven ineffective in preventing unintended pregnancies and STIs. (Project 2025, Chapters 11 and 14)
  • Undermining IVF: They support “personhood” laws that could make IVF illegal or more difficult to access, potentially impacting millions of couples struggling with infertility. (Agenda 47, Social Issues)
  • Defunding Planned Parenthood: They advocate for defunding Planned Parenthood, a vital provider of reproductive healthcare services, including cancer screenings, STI testing, and contraception. This would disproportionately harm low-income women and women of color who rely on Planned Parenthood for affordable care. (Project 2025, Chapter 14)
  • Promoting Crisis Pregnancy Centers: They support funneling taxpayer dollars to anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers, which often provide misleading information, pressure women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term, and do not offer comprehensive reproductive healthcare services. (Project 2025, Chapter 14)

3.4 Surveillance and Control: Monitoring Women’s Bodies

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 propose chilling measures to monitor and control women’s bodies:

  • Removing Abortion Records from HIPAA: Agenda 47 suggests removing abortion records from HIPAA privacy protections, potentially allowing the government to access and use this sensitive information to target women seeking abortion care. (Agenda 47, Healthcare and Social Security)
  • Monitoring Women’s Periods: Trump has suggested creating a federal data-sharing program to monitor women’s periods, potentially using this information to track pregnancies and to identify women who may be seeking abortions. (Agenda 47, Healthcare and Social Security)

These proposals raise serious concerns about government overreach, privacy violations, and the potential for a dystopian future where women’s bodies are subject to constant surveillance and control.


  • Ban Abortion Nationwide: Declare a national abortion ban by executive order, appoint pro-life judges, and support legislation to ban abortion at the federal level.
  • Restrict Access to Contraception: Weaken the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate, promote abstinence-only education, and defund Planned Parenthood.
  • Undermine IVF: Support “personhood” laws that could make IVF illegal or more difficult to access.
  • Promote Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Fund anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers.
  • Remove Abortion Records from HIPAA: Eliminate privacy protections for abortion records.
  • Monitor Women’s Periods: Create a federal program to track women’s menstrual cycles.


  • Control Women’s Bodies: Give the government unprecedented control over women’s bodies and reproductive decisions, removing individual autonomy and replacing it with state-mandated morality.
  • Impose a Religious Agenda: Use the power of the government to advance a radical anti-abortion agenda, based on a narrow religious worldview that ignores the diversity of beliefs and values in American society.
  • Punish Women and Providers: Criminalize abortion and punish those who provide or seek it, creating a climate of fear and deterring women from exercising their reproductive rights.
  • Roll Back Women’s Rights: Turn back the clock on decades of progress in women’s rights, undermining their autonomy, equality, and access to healthcare.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “restore the family,” “protect children,” and “make America great again, again” are used to justify attacks on reproductive rights.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 3, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, and 29: These chapters contain specific proposals that would harm reproductive rights, including weakening civil service protections, expanding faith-based initiatives, restricting access to healthcare and education, using the EPA to regulate abortion pills, politicizing the DOJ, and maintaining the FEC’s current structure.


  • Increased Maternal Mortality: Restricting abortion access would likely lead to an increase in unsafe abortions and maternal mortality, particularly among low-income women and women of color who already face significant barriers to healthcare.
  • Economic Hardship: Forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term can have devastating economic consequences, trapping families in poverty, limiting women’s educational and career opportunities, and increasing reliance on government assistance.
  • Mental Health Crisis: Denying women access to abortion care can lead to anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health problems, as women are forced to make difficult decisions under duress and to cope with the trauma of unwanted pregnancies.
  • Erosion of Trust in Healthcare: These attacks erode trust in the healthcare system and make it more difficult for women to access the care they need, potentially discouraging them from seeking preventive care, prenatal care, and other essential services.
  • Loss of Bodily Autonomy: The project’s agenda undermines women’s bodily autonomy, their right to make decisions about their own bodies and reproductive health without government interference. This fundamental right is essential for women’s equality and freedom.


  • Violation of Reproductive Rights: Critics argue that Project 2025 and Agenda 47’s proposals violate women’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including the right to access safe and legal abortion care.
  • Disregard for Women’s Health and Well-being: Opponents argue that these proposals prioritize a narrow ideological agenda over the health and well-being of women, potentially leading to increased maternal mortality, unsafe abortions, and a range of negative health consequences.
  • Imposition of Religious Beliefs: Critics argue that the project’s agenda seeks to impose a narrow religious view of morality on all Americans, violating the separation of church and state and the right to religious freedom.
  • Undermining Gender Equality: Opponents argue that restricting women’s access to reproductive healthcare undermines their equality and autonomy, reinforcing traditional gender roles and limiting their opportunities.


  • “Abortion is murder.” (Frequently used by anti-abortion activists associated with Project 2025 and Agenda 47) This quote reflects the project’s extreme anti-abortion stance and its use of inflammatory rhetoric to demonize abortion.
  • “We must protect the rights of the unborn.” (Project 2025, Chapter 14 (477)) This quote reflects the project’s belief that “life begins at conception” and that fetuses have the same rights as born individuals.
  • “We must promote a culture of life.” (Project 2025, Chapter 14 (477)) This quote reflects the project’s broader goal of imposing a conservative social agenda that prioritizes traditional values and restricts reproductive freedom.
  • “Planned Parenthood is a corrupt organization that profits from abortion.” (Agenda 47, Healthcare and Social Security) This quote reflects the project’s demonization of Planned Parenthood and its attempt to undermine access to reproductive healthcare.
  • “We need to make it harder for women to get abortions.” (Various statements by Trump and his allies) This quote reveals the project’s ultimate goal of making abortion illegal and inaccessible.


Project 2025 and Agenda 47 represent a comprehensive and dangerous assault on reproductive rights in America. Their proposals, if implemented, would drastically restrict access to abortion, contraception, and other reproductive healthcare services, potentially leading to a public health crisis, increased inequality, and a rollback of women’s rights. This agenda is driven by a radical anti-abortion ideology, fueled by religious extremism and a disregard for women’s health and well-being.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to defend reproductive freedom and to resist the dangerous proposals outlined in Project 2025 and Agenda 47. The future of women’s rights and the health of our democracy depend on our collective action to protect access to safe and legal abortion care, contraception, and comprehensive reproductive healthcare services.