Title: Project 2025: The Anti-Science Agenda (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the dangerous anti-vaccine ideology embedded within Project 2025 and Agenda 47. These documents, fueled by a distrust of science, public health experts, and government authority, promote vaccine skepticism and misinformation, advocate for weakening vaccine mandates, and seek to undermine the institutions responsible for protecting public health. This agenda, if implemented, could lead to a resurgence of preventable diseases, increased hospitalizations and deaths, and a devastating erosion of public trust in science.


  • Distrust of Science and Experts: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 promote a deep distrust of science, public health experts, and government agencies, particularly the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This distrust is rooted in a broader conservative ideology that views these institutions as part of a liberal “deep state” that is hostile to individual liberty and traditional values.
  • Vaccine Skepticism and Misinformation: The project echoes common anti-vaccine talking points, questioning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and spreading misinformation about their potential risks. This rhetoric, often based on debunked studies and conspiracy theories, fuels vaccine hesitancy and undermines public confidence in vaccination.
  • “Medical Freedom” and Parental Rights: The project frames opposition to vaccine mandates as a matter of “medical freedom” and parental rights, arguing that individuals should have the right to make their own decisions about vaccination, even if those decisions put others at risk. This individualistic approach ignores the collective responsibility to protect public health and the fact that vaccines are not just a personal choice but a public good.
  • Weakening Public Health Infrastructure: Project 2025 advocates for cutting funding for public health agencies, weakening their ability to promote vaccination, track disease outbreaks, and respond to public health emergencies. This could leave the nation vulnerable to future pandemics and other health crises.
  • Empowering Anti-Vaccine Groups: The project’s emphasis on empowering conservative and faith-based organizations could give greater influence to anti-vaccine groups, who often spread misinformation and discourage vaccination. This could further erode public trust in vaccines and undermine efforts to achieve herd immunity.


3.1 Promoting Vaccine Skepticism and Misinformation

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 sow doubt about vaccines, using misleading information and inflammatory rhetoric to fuel vaccine hesitancy:

  • Questioning Vaccine Safety: They raise concerns about the safety of vaccines, often citing debunked studies or anecdotal evidence, despite the overwhelming scientific consensus that vaccines are safe and effective.
    • Examples:
      • Suggesting a link between vaccines and autism, a claim that has been repeatedly debunked by scientific studies.
      • Raising concerns about the long-term effects of vaccines, despite the lack of evidence to support these claims.
      • Amplifying anecdotal stories of adverse reactions to vaccines, ignoring the fact that these reactions are rare and that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks.
  • Casting Doubt on Vaccine Efficacy: They question the effectiveness of vaccines, suggesting that they don’t work or that natural immunity is superior.
    • Examples:
      • Claiming that vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission, despite evidence to the contrary.
      • Promoting the idea that natural immunity is better than vaccine-induced immunity, ignoring the risks of contracting a disease to achieve natural immunity.
  • Distrusting Public Health Experts: They portray public health experts, such as those at the CDC, as being corrupt, incompetent, or part of a conspiracy to promote vaccines for profit or to control the population.
    • Examples:
      • Accusing the CDC of manipulating data or hiding information about vaccine safety.
      • Suggesting that public health officials are beholden to pharmaceutical companies and are pushing vaccines for financial gain.
  • Using Inflammatory Rhetoric: They use inflammatory language to describe vaccines, such as “experimental,” “dangerous,” and “toxic,” creating fear and anxiety among parents.

3.2 Weakening Vaccine Mandates: Prioritizing “Freedom” Over Public Health

Project 2025 advocates for weakening or eliminating vaccine mandates, arguing that they infringe on individual liberty and parental rights:

  • “Medical Freedom” as a Justification: They frame opposition to vaccine mandates as a matter of “medical freedom,” arguing that individuals should have the right to make their own healthcare decisions, even if those decisions put others at risk.
  • Parental Rights as a Shield: They invoke parental rights, arguing that parents should have the ultimate authority to decide whether or not to vaccinate their children, even if it means putting their children and others at risk of preventable diseases.
  • Targeting School Vaccination Requirements: They specifically target school vaccination requirements, arguing that parents should have the right to opt their children out of these requirements, even if it undermines herd immunity and puts other children at risk.
  • Opposing Workplace Mandates: They oppose vaccine mandates for healthcare workers and other essential workers, arguing that they violate individual rights and could lead to staffing shortages.

3.3 Defunding Public Health Agencies: Crippling Our Defenses

Project 2025 proposes cutting funding for public health agencies, weakening their ability to promote vaccination, track disease outbreaks, and respond to public health emergencies:

  • Targeting the CDC: The CDC is a primary target, with the project advocating for reducing its budget, limiting its authority, and potentially even dismantling it. (Chapter 14)
  • Undermining Public Health Infrastructure: Cuts to public health funding would weaken the infrastructure needed to track and respond to disease outbreaks, leaving the nation vulnerable to future pandemics and other health crises.
  • Reducing Vaccine Outreach and Education: Funding cuts would limit the ability of public health agencies to conduct vaccine outreach and education campaigns, potentially leading to a decline in vaccination rates.

3.4 Empowering Anti-Vaccine Groups: Amplifying Misinformation

Project 2025’s emphasis on empowering conservative and faith-based organizations could give greater influence to anti-vaccine groups:

  • Platform for Misinformation: These groups often spread misinformation about vaccines and discourage vaccination, potentially using their increased influence to undermine public health efforts.
  • Lobbying and Political Pressure: They could lobby for policies that weaken vaccine mandates and restrict public health funding, further advancing the anti-vaccine agenda.


  • Spread Vaccine Skepticism: Promote skepticism and misinformation about vaccines, questioning their safety and efficacy.
  • Weaken Vaccine Mandates: Eliminate or weaken vaccine mandates for schools, healthcare workers, and other groups.
  • Defund Public Health Agencies: Cut funding for the CDC and other public health agencies.
  • Empower Anti-Vaccine Groups: Increase the influence of conservative and faith-based organizations that promote anti-vaccine views.


  • Undermine Trust in Science and Public Health: Erode public trust in science, public health experts, and government agencies, particularly the CDC.
  • Promote “Medical Freedom” and Parental Rights: Frame opposition to vaccine mandates as a matter of individual liberty and parental choice, even if it jeopardizes public health.
  • Reduce the Role of Government in Healthcare: Shrink the government’s role in healthcare, including its role in promoting vaccination and protecting public health.
  • Advance a Conservative Social Agenda: Use the issue of vaccination to advance a broader conservative social agenda, including promoting distrust of government and empowering conservative groups.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “drain the swamp,” “restore individual liberty,” and “protect children” align with Project 2025’s anti-vaccine agenda.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 3, 11, and 14: These chapters contain proposals that support the project’s anti-vaccine agenda, including weakening civil service protections (potentially leading to the firing of pro-vaccine government employees), promoting parental rights in education (potentially allowing parents to opt their children out of school vaccination requirements), and restricting access to reproductive healthcare (which is often provided by the same clinics that offer vaccinations).


  • Resurgence of Preventable Diseases: Weakening vaccine mandates and promoting vaccine skepticism could lead to a resurgence of preventable diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, and polio, putting children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals at risk.
  • Increased Hospitalizations and Deaths: A decline in vaccination rates could lead to an increase in hospitalizations and deaths from preventable diseases, straining the healthcare system and costing lives.
  • Erosion of Public Trust in Science: The spread of vaccine misinformation undermines public trust in science and public health experts, making it more difficult to address future health crises and to promote evidence-based policies.
  • Economic Costs: Outbreaks of preventable diseases can have significant economic costs, including lost productivity, healthcare expenses, and disruptions to businesses and schools.


  • Public Health Crisis: Critics argue that Project 2025’s anti-vaccine agenda would create a public health crisis, putting millions of Americans at risk of preventable diseases and undermining decades of progress in public health.
  • Disregard for Scientific Evidence: Opponents argue that the project’s promotion of vaccine skepticism and misinformation is irresponsible and dangerous, ignoring the overwhelming scientific consensus on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
  • Prioritizing Ideology Over Public Health: Critics argue that the project prioritizes a narrow ideological agenda over the health and well-being of the American people, putting individual “freedom” above the collective good.
  • Undermining Trust in Institutions: Opponents argue that the project’s attacks on public health agencies and its promotion of conspiracy theories erode public trust in institutions and make it more difficult to address public health challenges.


  • “We must protect medical freedom and parental rights. Individuals should have the right to make their own decisions about vaccination.” (Project 2025, Chapter 14 (480)) This quote reflects the project’s emphasis on individual liberty and its rejection of vaccine mandates.
  • “The CDC has become a politicized agency that is more interested in pushing a vaccine agenda than in protecting public health.” (Project 2025, Chapter 14 (486)) This quote reflects the project’s distrust of the CDC and its promotion of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories.
  • “We need to empower parents to make the best decisions for their children, including decisions about vaccination.” (Agenda 47, Education) This quote uses the rhetoric of parental rights to justify opposition to vaccine mandates.
  • “Vaccines are a personal choice, and the government should not force people to get vaccinated.” (Various statements by Trump and his allies) This quote reflects the project’s libertarian approach to vaccination, ignoring the collective responsibility to protect public health.


Project 2025 and Agenda 47’s anti-vaccine agenda represents a dangerous threat to public health in America. Their proposals, if implemented, could lead to a resurgence of preventable diseases, increased hospitalizations and deaths, and a devastating erosion of public trust in science and public health institutions. This agenda is driven by a distrust of science, a prioritization of individual liberty over collective well-being, and a willingness to spread misinformation and empower anti-vaccine groups.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to combat vaccine skepticism, to defend the role of public health agencies, and to promote evidence-based policies that protect the health and safety of all Americans. We must resist the dangerous agenda of Project 2025 and Agenda 47 and work to ensure that vaccination remains a cornerstone of public health policy.