Title: Project 2025: Dismantling Healthcare (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the multi-pronged assault on healthcare access and affordability embedded within Project 2025 and Agenda 47. These documents, driven by a conservative ideology that distrusts government programs and champions free markets, outline a plan to undermine the Affordable Care Act (ACA), reduce the role of government in healthcare, and shift towards a more market-based system that prioritizes individual choice and responsibility over collective support. This agenda threatens to reverse decades of progress in expanding healthcare coverage, leaving millions of Americans without access to affordable care and exacerbating existing inequalities in health outcomes.


  • Undermining the Affordable Care Act (ACA): Project 2025 and Agenda 47 express a deep hostility towards the ACA, commonly known as Obamacare, viewing it as an example of government overreach and a threat to individual liberty. They advocate for weakening, dismantling, or repealing the law, potentially stripping millions of Americans of their health insurance coverage.
  • Market-Based Solutions: The project champions market-based solutions to healthcare, arguing that the free market is more efficient and effective than government programs in providing affordable and high-quality care. This ideology ignores the market failures inherent in healthcare, such as information asymmetry and the high cost of care, and could lead to higher costs and reduced access for those who need it most.
  • Individual Responsibility: Project 2025 emphasizes individual responsibility for healthcare, arguing that individuals should be primarily responsible for their own health and healthcare costs, rather than relying on government assistance. This individualistic approach ignores the systemic factors that contribute to health disparities and could exacerbate inequality in health outcomes.
  • State Control: The project advocates for shifting responsibility for healthcare from the federal government to states, arguing that this will increase local control and flexibility. However, this could also lead to a patchwork of inconsistent policies and a race to the bottom, as states compete to cut costs and attract businesses, potentially leaving residents with fewer protections and less access to care.
  • Religious Exemptions: Project 2025 seeks to expand religious exemptions to healthcare laws, allowing healthcare providers and institutions to refuse to provide care that conflicts with their religious beliefs, even if it harms patients. This could deny LGBTQ+ individuals, women seeking reproductive healthcare, and others access to essential medical services.


3.1 Undermining the Affordable Care Act (ACA): A Target for Dismantling

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 explicitly target the ACA for dismantling, viewing it as a symbol of government overreach and a threat to their free-market ideology:

  • Repeal or Weaken the ACA: The project calls for repealing or significantly weakening the ACA, potentially eliminating its key provisions, such as the individual mandate, the expansion of Medicaid, and the protections for people with pre-existing conditions. (Chapter 14)
  • Block Granting Medicaid: They propose block granting Medicaid to states, giving them more flexibility in how they spend federal funds but also potentially leading to cuts in services and eligibility, leaving millions of low-income Americans without healthcare coverage. (Chapter 14)
  • Expanding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): They advocate for expanding HSAs, which allow individuals to use pre-tax dollars to pay for healthcare expenses. While HSAs can benefit some individuals, they primarily benefit wealthier Americans who can afford to contribute to them and do little to address the underlying costs of healthcare. (Chapter 14)
  • Increasing Price Transparency: They call for increased price transparency in healthcare, requiring providers to disclose their prices upfront. While transparency is important, it does not address the underlying drivers of high healthcare costs and could lead to price gouging by providers. (Chapter 14)

3.2 Promoting Market-Based Solutions: A False Promise of Affordability

Project 2025 champions market-based solutions to healthcare, arguing that competition and consumer choice will drive down costs and improve quality. However, this ideology ignores the unique challenges of the healthcare market:

  • Information Asymmetry: Patients often lack the information and expertise to make informed decisions about their healthcare, making them vulnerable to exploitation by providers and insurance companies.
  • High Costs and Lack of Price Competition: Healthcare costs in the U.S. are significantly higher than in other developed countries, and there is little price competition among providers, making it difficult for consumers to shop around for affordable care.
  • Moral Hazard: The existence of health insurance creates a “moral hazard,” where individuals may overuse healthcare services because they are not directly bearing the costs. However, this is a complex issue that cannot be solved simply by shifting costs to consumers.

3.3 Individual Responsibility: Shifting the Burden to the Sick and Vulnerable

Project 2025 emphasizes individual responsibility for healthcare, arguing that individuals should be primarily responsible for their own health and healthcare costs:

  • High-Deductible Health Plans: They promote high-deductible health plans, which require individuals to pay more out-of-pocket before their insurance coverage kicks in. This shifts costs onto consumers and can discourage people from seeking preventive care or treatment for chronic conditions.
  • Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): As mentioned earlier, they advocate for expanding HSAs, which primarily benefit wealthier Americans who can afford to contribute to them.
  • Wellness Programs: They encourage employers to implement wellness programs that reward employees for healthy behaviors, potentially penalizing those with pre-existing conditions or who are unable to meet certain health standards.

3.4 State Control: A Patchwork of Inequality

Project 2025 advocates for shifting responsibility for healthcare from the federal government to states, arguing that this will increase local control and flexibility:

  • Block Granting Medicaid: As mentioned earlier, they propose block granting Medicaid to states, potentially leading to cuts in services and eligibility.
  • Weakening Federal Regulations: They call for weakening federal regulations on health insurance and healthcare providers, giving states more leeway to set their own standards. This could lead to a race to the bottom, as states compete to attract businesses by lowering standards and reducing consumer protections.

3.5 Religious Exemptions: Denying Care Based on Belief

Project 2025 seeks to expand religious exemptions to healthcare laws, allowing providers and institutions to refuse to provide care that conflicts with their religious beliefs:

  • Conscience Rights: They advocate for broadening “conscience rights” for healthcare providers, allowing them to refuse to provide care that they object to on religious or moral grounds, even if it harms patients.
  • Discrimination Against LGBTQ+ Individuals: This could allow providers to refuse to treat LGBTQ+ individuals, denying them access to essential healthcare services.
  • Restrictions on Reproductive Healthcare: This could also allow providers to refuse to provide abortion care, contraception, or other reproductive healthcare services, even if they are legal and medically necessary.


  • Repeal or Weaken the ACA: Repeal or significantly weaken the Affordable Care Act. (Chapter 14)
  • Block Grant Medicaid: Block grant Medicaid to states. (Chapter 14)
  • Expand Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): Expand the use of HSAs. (Chapter 14)
  • Increase Price Transparency: Require healthcare providers to disclose their prices upfront. (Chapter 14)
  • Deregulate the Healthcare Market: Reduce government regulations on health insurance and healthcare providers. (Chapter 14)
  • Promote High-Deductible Health Plans: Encourage the use of high-deductible health plans. (Chapter 14)
  • Expand Wellness Programs: Encourage employers to implement wellness programs. (Chapter 14)
  • Expand Religious Exemptions: Broaden “conscience rights” for healthcare providers and institutions. (Chapter 14)


  • Dismantle the ACA: Eliminate or significantly weaken the Affordable Care Act, reversing its expansion of healthcare coverage and its protections for consumers.
  • Reduce the Role of Government in Healthcare: Shrink the government’s role in providing and regulating healthcare, shifting towards a more market-based system.
  • Promote Individual Responsibility: Shift the burden of healthcare costs onto individuals, emphasizing personal responsibility and reducing reliance on government assistance.
  • Empower the Private Sector: Increase the role of private insurance companies and healthcare providers in the healthcare system.
  • Advance a Conservative Social Agenda: Use healthcare policy to promote conservative social values, including opposition to abortion and support for traditional family structures.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “repeal and replace Obamacare,” “reduce the cost of healthcare,” and “protect religious liberty” align with Project 2025’s agenda to dismantle the ACA and promote a conservative approach to healthcare.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 3, 18, and 22: These chapters contain proposals that support the project’s healthcare agenda, including weakening civil service protections (potentially leading to the firing of healthcare workers who support the ACA), weakening labor unions (potentially reducing the bargaining power of healthcare workers), and cutting taxes (potentially reducing government revenue available for healthcare programs).


  • Millions Losing Healthcare Coverage: Millions of Americans could lose their health insurance coverage if the ACA is repealed or weakened, particularly those who gained coverage through the Medicaid expansion or who have pre-existing conditions.
  • Higher Healthcare Costs: A more market-based approach to healthcare, with less government regulation and a greater emphasis on individual responsibility, could lead to higher healthcare costs for consumers, as insurance premiums rise and out-of-pocket expenses increase.
  • Reduced Access to Care: Millions of Americans could face reduced access to care, as they struggle to afford healthcare or as providers refuse to treat them based on religious or moral objections.
  • Exacerbation of Health Disparities: The project’s agenda could exacerbate existing health disparities, as low-income Americans, minorities, and LGBTQ+ individuals face greater barriers to accessing affordable and quality care.
  • Erosion of Public Health: Weakening public health agencies and promoting anti-vaccine views could undermine efforts to prevent and control disease outbreaks, potentially leading to a resurgence of preventable diseases and a decline in public health.


  • Harm to Vulnerable Populations: Critics argue that Project 2025’s healthcare agenda would disproportionately harm vulnerable populations, including low-income Americans, seniors, people with disabilities, and those with pre-existing conditions, who rely more heavily on government healthcare programs and are more vulnerable to rising healthcare costs.
  • Market Failures in Healthcare: Opponents argue that the project’s faith in market-based solutions ignores the market failures inherent in healthcare, such as information asymmetry, high costs, and the moral hazard problem, leading to a less efficient and less equitable healthcare system.
  • Erosion of the Social Safety Net: Critics argue that the project’s agenda undermines the social safety net and the government’s responsibility to provide for the well-being of its citizens, particularly in the area of healthcare, which is considered a fundamental human right by many.
  • Discrimination and Denial of Care: Opponents argue that expanding religious exemptions would allow healthcare providers and institutions to discriminate against patients based on their religious beliefs, potentially denying them access to essential medical services.


  • “The Affordable Care Act has been a disaster. It has led to higher healthcare costs, fewer choices, and worse care for millions of Americans.” (Project 2025, Chapter 14, p. 476) This quote reflects the project’s hostility towards the ACA and its desire to dismantle it.
  • “We must empower patients to make their own healthcare decisions and to choose the healthcare providers and plans that best meet their needs.” (Project 2025, Chapter 14, p. 480) This quote emphasizes the project’s support for patient choice and market-based solutions, but it ignores the challenges of information asymmetry and the high cost of healthcare.
  • “We must protect the conscience rights of healthcare providers. They should not be forced to provide care that violates their religious beliefs.” (Project 2025, Chapter 14, p. 477) This quote reflects the project’s support for religious exemptions, which could be used to justify discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals and women seeking reproductive healthcare.
  • “We need to block grant Medicaid to states and give them more flexibility in how they administer the program.” (Project 2025, Chapter 14, p. 496) This quote reflects the project’s desire to shift responsibility for healthcare to states, potentially leading to a patchwork of inconsistent policies and a race to the bottom.


Project 2025 and Agenda 47’s healthcare agenda represents a significant threat to the affordability and accessibility of healthcare in America. Their proposals, if implemented, could lead to millions of Americans losing their health insurance coverage, facing higher healthcare costs, and experiencing reduced access to care. This agenda is driven by a conservative ideology that prioritizes free markets, individual responsibility, and a reduced role for government in healthcare, even if it means leaving millions of Americans without access to affordable and quality care.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to defend the Affordable Care Act, to oppose efforts to privatize and dismantle healthcare programs, and to advocate for policies that prioritize the health and well-being of all Americans. The future of healthcare in America depends on our collective action to resist this dangerous agenda and to fight for a more just and equitable healthcare system.