Title: Project 2025: Deporting the American Dream (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the cruel and economically disastrous mass deportation agenda embedded within Project 2025 and Agenda 47. These documents, fueled by xenophobia and a distorted view of immigration, outline a plan to transform the United States into an enforcement state, tearing apart families, devastating communities, and crippling the economy. This agenda, if implemented, would betray America’s core values of inclusivity and opportunity, leaving a legacy of suffering and division.


  • Immigrants as Scapegoats: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 scapegoat immigrants for a range of social and economic problems, falsely portraying them as criminals, burdens on society, and threats to national security. This dehumanizing rhetoric fuels fear and resentment, justifying draconian policies.
  • “Enforcement First” Ideology: The project embraces an “enforcement first” ideology, prioritizing the deportation of undocumented immigrants over any consideration of their contributions to society, their family ties, or their human rights. This approach views immigration solely through a lens of law enforcement, ignoring its complexity and its positive impacts.
  • Militarization of the Border: Project 2025 calls for a massive expansion of border security, including a wall, more agents, and advanced technology, creating a militarized zone that further divides the U.S. and Mexico and undermines cross-border cooperation.
  • Dismantling Legal Pathways to Immigration: The project seeks to restrict legal immigration, making it harder for families to reunite, for skilled workers to contribute to the economy, and for asylum seekers to find safety. This undermines America’s history as a nation of immigrants and its commitment to welcoming those seeking a better life.
  • Ignoring the Economic Benefits of Immigration: Project 2025 ignores the significant economic contributions of immigrants, who play a vital role in many industries, create jobs, and boost economic growth. Their focus on deportation would have devastating consequences for the U.S. economy.


3.1 Building a Deportation Machine: Turning America into an Enforcement State

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 lay out a plan to transform the U.S. into an enforcement state, prioritizing the deportation of undocumented immigrants above all else:

  • Dismantling DHS and Creating a New Immigration Agency: Project 2025 calls for dismantling the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and creating a new, more powerful border and immigration agency focused solely on enforcement. This would consolidate power, streamline deportations, and prioritize a punitive approach to immigration. (Chapter 5)
  • Expanding Detention and Deportation: The project advocates for expanding the capacity of immigration detention centers, streamlining the deportation process, and increasing the number of immigration enforcement agents. This would create a system designed to detain and deport as many immigrants as possible, regardless of their individual circumstances or contributions to society. (Chapter 5)
  • Empowering State and Local Law Enforcement: Project 2025 encourages state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration enforcement, even if those jurisdictions have chosen not to do so. This would blur the lines between local police and immigration agents, creating a climate of fear within immigrant communities and undermining trust in law enforcement. (Chapter 5)
  • Targeting “Sanctuary Cities”: The project calls for cracking down on “sanctuary cities,” jurisdictions that limit their cooperation with federal immigration enforcement, potentially withholding federal funding and using other coercive measures to force compliance. This would punish communities that are trying to protect their immigrant residents and would further erode trust between local governments and the federal government. (Chapter 5)

3.2 Closing the Door on Legal Immigration: Undermining the American Dream

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 seek to restrict legal immigration, making it harder for families to reunite, for skilled workers to contribute to the economy, and for asylum seekers to find safety:

  • Ending Birthright Citizenship: Agenda 47 proposes ending birthright citizenship, a constitutional right that grants citizenship to anyone born in the United States. This would create a class of undocumented Americans, potentially stripping millions of people of their citizenship rights and creating a legal and humanitarian crisis. (Agenda 47, Immigration Reforms)
  • Restricting Family-Based Immigration: The project advocates for limiting family-based immigration, making it more difficult for U.S. citizens and legal residents to sponsor their family members for visas. This would keep families separated and undermine America’s history as a nation built on family reunification. (Chapter 5)
  • Reducing Refugee Admissions: Project 2025 calls for reducing the number of refugees admitted to the U.S., turning our backs on those fleeing persecution and violence and abandoning America’s role as a beacon of hope for the world’s most vulnerable. (Chapter 5)
  • Making Asylum More Difficult: The project proposes making it more difficult for asylum seekers to enter and remain in the U.S., potentially sending them back to dangerous situations and violating international law. (Chapter 5)

3.3 Ignoring the Economic Benefits of Immigration: A Recipe for Recession

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 ignore the significant economic contributions of immigrants, focusing solely on the perceived costs of immigration while ignoring its benefits:

  • Labor Shortages and Economic Decline: Deporting millions of workers would create massive labor shortages in industries that rely heavily on immigrant labor, such as agriculture, construction, hospitality, and healthcare. This would lead to higher prices, reduced economic output, and a decline in overall economic growth. (See articles on the impact of DeSantis’s immigration law in Florida)
  • Reduced Tax Revenue: Undocumented immigrants contribute billions of dollars in taxes each year, both directly through payroll taxes and indirectly through sales taxes and property taxes. Deporting them would reduce government revenue, making it harder to fund essential services.
  • Harm to Small Businesses: Small businesses, which often rely on immigrant labor and entrepreneurship, would be disproportionately harmed by mass deportations, leading to business closures and job losses.
  • Loss of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Immigrants are more likely than native-born Americans to start businesses and to create new jobs. Restricting immigration would stifle innovation and entrepreneurship, harming the long-term economic growth of the U.S.

3.4 The Human Cost: Families Torn Apart, Communities Shattered

Project 2025 and Agenda 47’s mass deportation agenda would have a devastating human cost, tearing apart families, traumatizing children, and creating a climate of fear and uncertainty within immigrant communities:

  • Family Separation: Millions of families would be separated, as parents are deported and children are left behind. This would cause immense emotional trauma, disrupt children’s lives, and create long-term psychological harm.
  • Community Disruption: Mass deportations would disrupt communities, particularly those with large immigrant populations, leading to a loss of social cohesion, economic instability, and a decline in the quality of life.
  • Fear and Mistrust: The constant threat of deportation would create a climate of fear and mistrust within immigrant communities, making people afraid to interact with law enforcement, to seek medical care, or to participate in civic life.


  • Dismantle DHS and Create a New Immigration Agency: Create a new agency focused solely on enforcement, consolidating power and streamlining deportations. (Project 2025, Chapter 5)
  • Expand Detention and Deportation: Increase the capacity of detention centers, expedite deportations, and empower state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration enforcement. (Project 2025, Chapter 5)
  • End Birthright Citizenship: Amend the Constitution to end birthright citizenship, stripping millions of American-born children of their citizenship rights. (Agenda 47, Immigration Reforms)
  • Restrict Legal Immigration: Limit family-based immigration, reduce refugee admissions, and make it more difficult for asylum seekers to enter and remain in the U.S. (Project 2025, Chapter 5)
  • Build a Border Wall: Construct a massive wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, further militarizing the border and symbolizing a rejection of immigrants. (Agenda 47, Immigration Reforms)


  • Reduce Immigration: Significantly reduce both legal and illegal immigration, creating a more homogeneous and less diverse America.
  • Prioritize American Citizens: Put the interests of American citizens above the rights and well-being of immigrants, even those who are legally present in the U.S.
  • Appeal to Nativist Sentiments: Tap into nativist sentiments and fears about immigration, using divisive rhetoric to mobilize the conservative base.
  • Create a Climate of Fear: Instill fear and uncertainty within immigrant communities, making them less likely to speak out or to assert their rights.
  • Shift the Narrative: Control the narrative around immigration, framing it as a threat to national security, the economy, and American culture.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “build the wall,” “end catch and release,” and “put America first” align with Project 2025’s mass deportation agenda.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 5, 14, 17, and 18: These chapters contain proposals that support the project’s immigration agenda, including dismantling DHS, restricting access to healthcare and education, empowering the DOJ to target immigrants, and weakening labor protections for immigrant workers.


  • Economic Devastation: Mass deportations would cripple the U.S. economy, leading to labor shortages, business closures, reduced economic output, and a decline in tax revenue.
  • Social Upheaval: Deporting millions of people would tear apart families and communities, creating widespread social upheaval, trauma, and a loss of social cohesion.
  • Humanitarian Crisis: The deportation of millions of people, many of whom have U.S.-born children, would create a humanitarian crisis, overwhelming social services and straining resources.
  • Erosion of American Values: Mass deportations would betray America’s core values of inclusivity, opportunity, and compassion, sending a message to the world that the U.S. is no longer a welcoming place for immigrants.
  • Increased Racial Profiling and Discrimination: The focus on immigration enforcement could lead to increased racial profiling and discrimination against Latinos, Muslims, and other groups perceived as “foreign.”


  • Immoral and Inhumane: Critics argue that mass deportations are immoral and inhumane, tearing apart families, punishing people for seeking a better life, and violating human rights.
  • Economically Destructive: Opponents argue that mass deportations would be economically disastrous, crippling industries that rely on immigrant labor, reducing consumer spending, and undermining economic growth.
  • Counterproductive to Border Security: Critics argue that focusing solely on enforcement is counterproductive to border security, as it fails to address the root causes of migration, such as poverty, violence, and climate change.
  • Undermining American Values: Opponents argue that mass deportations betray America’s history as a nation of immigrants and undermine its values of inclusivity, diversity, and opportunity.


  • “We will build a big, beautiful wall and make Mexico pay for it.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects Trump’s simplistic and xenophobic approach to immigration, focusing on a physical barrier rather than addressing the complex factors driving migration.
  • “We will end catch and release. If you come to this country illegally, you will be detained and deported.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects the “enforcement first” ideology that underpins Project 2025’s immigration agenda.
  • “We will put America first. Our immigration policies will prioritize the needs of American citizens.” (Agenda 47, Immigration Reforms) This quote emphasizes the nationalist and exclusionary nature of the project’s immigration agenda.
  • “Illegal immigration is a threat to our national security and our economy.” (Project 2025, Chapter 5, p. 164) This quote uses fearmongering to justify a crackdown on immigration, linking it to national security threats without providing evidence.


Project 2025 and Agenda 47’s mass deportation agenda represents a radical and dangerous departure from America’s history as a nation of immigrants. Their proposals, if implemented, would transform the U.S. into an enforcement state, tearing apart families, devastating communities, and crippling the economy. This agenda is fueled by xenophobia, a disregard for human rights, and a distorted view of immigration that ignores its economic and social benefits.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to resist this dangerous agenda and to advocate for a more humane, compassionate, and evidence-based approach to immigration. We must demand that our elected officials reject the politics of fear and division and instead embrace policies that uphold our values, strengthen our economy, and welcome those seeking a better life in America.