Title: Project 2025’s War on Public Education (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the multi-pronged assault on public education embedded within Project 2025 and Agenda 47. These documents, driven by a conservative ideology that distrusts public institutions and prioritizes private interests, outline a plan to defund public schools, expand privatization, censor curricula, and impose a narrow ideological agenda on America’s children. This agenda threatens to exacerbate inequality, undermine the quality of education for millions of students, and erode the foundation of our democracy.


  • Dismantling Public Education: The core objective is to dismantle public education as we know it, weakening its foundation and paving the way for a more privatized and less equitable system.
  • Privatization and School Choice: Project 2025 champions privatization and school choice, advocating for vouchers, charter schools, and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) as alternatives to traditional public schools. This approach prioritizes market-based solutions and individual choice, but it often exacerbates inequality and segregation.
  • Parental Rights as a Weapon: The project weaponizes the concept of “parental rights,” arguing that parents should have absolute control over their children’s education, even if it means censoring curricula, undermining professional educators, and imposing a narrow ideological agenda on schools.
  • Conservative Social Indoctrination: Project 2025 seeks to inject a conservative social agenda into education, banning critical race theory and “gender ideology,” promoting “patriotic” education, and empowering religious schools. This aims to shape the worldview of future generations and to stifle critical thinking and dissent.
  • Defunding and Deregulation: The project advocates for defunding public schools, reducing federal oversight, and weakening teacher unions, leaving public education vulnerable and under-resourced.


3.1 Defunding Public Schools: A Death by a Thousand Cuts

Project 2025 outlines a systematic plan to starve public schools of funding, making it harder for them to provide quality education to all students:

  • Eliminating the Department of Education: The project calls for eliminating the Department of Education, arguing that it’s unnecessary, bureaucratic, and interferes with local control. This would shift responsibility for education to states, many of which lack the resources or the will to adequately fund public schools. (Chapter 11)
  • Expanding School Choice: Project 2025 aggressively promotes school choice, including vouchers, charter schools, and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), which divert public funds away from traditional public schools and create a two-tiered system that benefits wealthier families. (Chapters 11 and 18)
  • Block Granting Federal Funds: They advocate for block granting federal education funds to states, giving them more flexibility but also potentially leading to cuts in funding for schools in low-income communities. (Chapter 11)
  • Tax Credits for Private Schools: Agenda 47 proposes tax credits for donations to private schools, further incentivizing the shift away from public education and towards private and religious schools. (Agenda 47, Education)

3.2 Privatization: Profiting from Education

Project 2025 sees privatization as the solution to America’s education woes, but this approach prioritizes profits over the public good and could lead to a less equitable and less accountable education system:

  • Vouchers and Charter Schools: They view vouchers and charter schools as the ideal model for education, arguing that competition will improve quality. However, this ignores the fact that private and religious schools can discriminate against students and teachers, and that charter schools often lack accountability and transparency.
  • For-Profit Education: The project’s emphasis on free markets could lead to an expansion of for-profit education companies, which prioritize profits over student outcomes and often target vulnerable populations, leading to predatory practices and low-quality education.
  • Online Education: They promote online education as a cost-effective alternative to traditional schools, but this ignores the challenges of ensuring quality and equity in online learning, particularly for low-income students and students with disabilities, who may lack access to technology or adequate support.

3.3 Censorship and Indoctrination: Controlling What Children Learn

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 seek to control what children learn in schools, pushing a narrow ideological agenda and censoring perspectives that challenge their worldview:

  • Banning Critical Race Theory and “Gender Ideology”: They advocate for banning critical race theory and “gender ideology” from schools, claiming that these concepts are divisive and harmful. This is a thinly veiled attempt to censor discussions about race, gender, and sexuality and to whitewash American history. (Chapters 11 and 25)
  • Promoting “Patriotic” Education: They call for a return to “patriotic” education, which often means promoting a sanitized version of American history that ignores the country’s flaws and celebrates its triumphs. This could lead to a less nuanced and less critical understanding of history and current events. (Chapter 11)
  • Mandating a Christian Nationalist Curriculum: The Lincoln Project transcript suggests that Trump could go even further, mandating a nationwide Christian nationalist curriculum for all schools receiving federal aid. This would impose a narrow religious worldview on public education and violate the separation of church and state.
  • Restricting Access to Information: They seek to limit students’ access to information that challenges their ideology, including books, websites, and guest speakers. This could create a chilling effect on academic freedom and limit students’ exposure to diverse perspectives. (Agenda 47, Education)

3.4 Weakening Teacher Unions: Silencing Educators’ Voices

Project 2025 sees teacher unions as an obstacle to their agenda and advocates for weakening their power:

  • Promoting “Right to Work” Laws: They support “right to work” laws, which weaken unions by allowing workers to opt out of paying union dues, even if they benefit from union-negotiated contracts. This would starve unions of resources and make it harder for them to advocate for teachers’ rights and working conditions. (Chapter 18)
  • Restricting Collective Bargaining: They seek to limit the scope of collective bargaining, making it more difficult for teachers to negotiate for better pay, benefits, and working conditions. (Chapter 18)
  • Making it Easier to Fire Teachers: Project 2025 advocates for weakening teacher tenure and making it easier to fire teachers, potentially making them more vulnerable to political pressure and less likely to speak out against harmful policies. (Chapter 3)


  • Eliminate the Department of Education: Abolish the federal Department of Education and shift responsibility for education to states. (Chapter 11)
  • Expand School Choice: Aggressively promote school choice through vouchers, charter schools, and ESAs. (Chapters 11 and 18)
  • Block Grant Federal Funds: Block grant federal education funds to states, giving them more flexibility but potentially leading to cuts in funding for schools in low-income communities. (Chapter 11)
  • Provide Tax Credits for Private Schools: Offer tax credits for donations to private schools. (Agenda 47, Education)
  • Ban Critical Race Theory and “Gender Ideology”: Prohibit the teaching of critical race theory and “gender ideology” in schools. (Chapters 11 and 25)
  • Promote “Patriotic” Education: Encourage schools to adopt a more “patriotic” curriculum. (Chapter 11)
  • Mandate a Christian Nationalist Curriculum: Potentially mandate a nationwide Christian nationalist curriculum for all schools receiving federal aid. (The Lincoln Project transcript)
  • Restrict Access to Information: Limit students’ access to information that challenges conservative ideology. (Agenda 47, Education)
  • Weaken Teacher Unions: Support “right to work” laws, restrict collective bargaining, and make it easier to fire teachers. (Chapters 3 and 18)


  • Dismantle Public Education: Weaken and ultimately dismantle public education as we know it, paving the way for a more privatized and less equitable system.
  • Promote Privatization: Shift funding and resources away from public schools and towards private and religious schools, creating a two-tiered education system.
  • Control the Curriculum: Control what children learn in schools, censoring information that challenges conservative ideology and promoting a narrow, partisan worldview.
  • Silence Dissent: Weaken teacher unions and make it easier to fire teachers who do not align with a conservative agenda, silencing dissenting voices within the education system.
  • Shape Future Generations: Indoctrinate children with conservative values and ideology, ensuring a future generation of voters who support a conservative agenda.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “restore the family,” “protect children,” and “reclaim” education from the “radical Left” align with Project 2025’s education agenda.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 3, 14, and 18: These chapters contain proposals that support the project’s education agenda, including weakening civil service protections, restricting abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, and weakening labor unions.


  • A Two-Tiered Education System: Project 2025’s education agenda would likely create a two-tiered education system, with wealthy families able to afford better educational options while low-income students are left behind in underfunded and under-resourced public schools.
  • Increased Inequality and Segregation: School choice policies often exacerbate segregation and inequality, as students are sorted into schools based on race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.
  • A Less Informed and Less Engaged Citizenry: Censorship and indoctrination in schools would produce a less informed and less engaged citizenry, ill-equipped to participate in a democratic society.
  • Erosion of Critical Thinking: Restricting access to diverse perspectives and critical thinking skills would leave students unprepared to navigate a complex and changing world.
  • Weakening of Public Education: The defunding and deregulation of public schools would weaken the institution of public education, potentially leading to a decline in quality and a loss of public trust.


  • Harm to Public Education: Critics argue that Project 2025’s education agenda would undermine public education, exacerbating inequality and harming millions of students, particularly those from low-income families and marginalized communities.
  • Separation of Church and State: Opponents argue that expanding school choice would blur the lines between church and state, as public funds are used to support religious schools, potentially leading to religious discrimination and a violation of the First Amendment.
  • Erosion of Civil Rights: Critics argue that the proposals to ban critical race theory and “gender ideology” and to weaken teacher unions would undermine civil rights, stifle academic freedom, and create a hostile environment for students and teachers from marginalized groups.
  • Lack of Accountability: Opponents argue that school choice programs lack accountability and transparency, potentially leading to fraud, abuse, and a decline in educational quality.


  • “The federal government’s involvement in education has been a costly failure. It has not improved student outcomes, and it has created a massive bureaucracy that is accountable to no one.” (Project 2025, Chapter 11, p. 346) This quote reflects the project’s disdain for public education and its desire to dismantle the Department of Education.
  • “The best way to improve education is to empower families and to give them more control over their children’s education.” (Project 2025, Chapter 11, p. 353) This quote highlights the project’s emphasis on parental rights and school choice.
  • “Education Savings Accounts are the most promising school choice policy available today.” (Project 2025, Chapter 11, p. 353) This quote reveals the project’s support for ESAs, which would divert public funds to private and religious schools.
  • “We must protect children from the radical left’s gender ideology.” (Agenda 47, Education) This quote reflects the project’s use of fearmongering and misinformation to justify censoring discussions of gender identity and transgender issues in schools.
  • “We need to restore patriotism and traditional values to American education.” (Project 2025, Chapter 11, p. 356) This quote highlights the project’s desire to promote a conservative social agenda in education.


Project 2025’s education agenda represents a radical departure from the traditional American commitment to public education. It seeks to dismantle the public school system, expand privatization, censor curricula, and impose a narrow ideological agenda on America’s children. This agenda, if implemented, would have devastating consequences for educational equity, social mobility, and the future of our democracy.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to defend public education and to resist the dangerous proposals outlined in Project 2025 and Agenda 47. The future of our children and the health of our democracy depend on it.