Title: Project 2025: Dismantling the Safety Net (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the systematic assault on America’s social safety net embedded within Project 2025 and Agenda 47. These documents, driven by a conservative ideology that distrusts government programs and champions free markets, outline a plan to shrink, privatize, and ultimately dismantle the programs that millions of Americans rely on for healthcare, retirement security, and basic needs. This agenda threatens to exacerbate poverty, increase inequality, and leave vulnerable populations without a lifeline.


  • “Fiscal Responsibility” as a Pretext for Cuts: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 use the rhetoric of “fiscal responsibility” and “balanced budgets” to justify deep cuts to social programs. This framing masks their true goal: shrinking the government and reducing its role in providing for the well-being of its citizens.
  • Privatization as the Solution: The project champions privatization as the solution to the perceived failures of government programs, arguing that the private sector is more efficient and effective in delivering services. This ideology ignores the potential for market failures in healthcare and social welfare and prioritizes profits over people.
  • Individual Responsibility Over Collective Support: Project 2025 emphasizes individual responsibility and self-reliance, arguing that government programs create dependency and discourage work. This individualistic worldview ignores the systemic factors that contribute to poverty and inequality and places an unfair burden on those who are already struggling.
  • Targeting the “Undeserving”: The project often frames recipients of social programs as “undeserving” or “lazy,” using stereotypes and misinformation to justify cuts and restrictions. This rhetoric dehumanizes those who rely on these programs and undermines public support for the safety net.
  • Shifting Responsibility to States: Project 2025 advocates for shifting responsibility for social programs from the federal government to states, arguing that this will increase local control and accountability. However, this could also lead to a patchwork of inconsistent policies and a race to the bottom, as states compete to cut benefits and attract businesses.


3.1 Starving the Safety Net: Budget Cuts and Austerity

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 propose a range of measures to starve the social safety net of funding, making it harder for these programs to function effectively and to serve those in need:

  • Across-the-Board Spending Cuts: The project advocates for deep cuts to discretionary spending, which would inevitably target social programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. (Chapters 2, 14, and 22)
  • “Impoundment” as a Weapon: Agenda 47 proposes restoring “impoundment,” a controversial tactic that would allow the President to unilaterally withhold funds from programs, even those approved by Congress. This could be used to starve the safety net of funding and to bypass legislative oversight. (Agenda 47, Expansion of Presidential Powers)
  • Tax Cuts for the Wealthy: Project 2025’s obsession with tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals would further reduce government revenue, making it even harder to fund social programs. This prioritizes the interests of the wealthy over the needs of the most vulnerable. (Chapter 22)

3.2 Privatization: Profiting from Poverty

Project 2025 sees privatization as the solution to the perceived failures of government programs, arguing that the private sector can deliver services more efficiently and effectively. However, this approach prioritizes profits over people and could lead to higher costs, reduced quality of care, and less access for those who need it most:

  • Medicare Advantage Expansion: The project pushes for expanding Medicare Advantage, a privatized version of Medicare that often provides less comprehensive coverage and can be more expensive for seniors. This would shift more public funds to private insurance companies and could undermine the traditional Medicare program. (Chapter 14)
  • Turning Medicaid into Block Grants: They recommend block granting Medicaid to states, giving them more flexibility but also potentially leading to cuts in services and eligibility. This could create a race to the bottom, as states compete to cut costs and attract businesses, leaving low-income Americans without access to healthcare. (Chapter 14)
  • Undermining Social Security: While they claim to protect Social Security, Project 2025 suggests raising the retirement age, reducing benefits, and potentially privatizing parts of the program. This would make it harder for Americans to retire securely and could lead to increased poverty among seniors. (Chapter 22)

3.3 Targeting the “Undeserving”: Restricting Eligibility and Benefits

Project 2025 doesn’t just want to shrink the safety net; they want to make it harder for people to qualify for and receive benefits, often targeting those they deem “undeserving”:

  • Means-Testing Medicare and Medicaid: They advocate for means-testing, which would limit eligibility based on income and assets, potentially excluding millions of low-income Americans from these programs. This would create a more complex and bureaucratic system and could discourage people from working or saving. (Chapter 14)
  • Benefit Reductions: They propose reducing benefits for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, making it harder for people to afford healthcare, long-term care, and basic necessities. This would disproportionately impact those who rely most heavily on these programs. (Chapters 10, 14, and 22)
  • Work Requirements: They want to reimpose work requirements for SNAP (food stamps) and potentially other programs, making it more difficult for people who are unemployed, have disabilities, or are caring for young children to access assistance. This ignores the realities of the labor market and the challenges faced by many low-income families. (Chapter 10)

3.4 Shifting Responsibility to States: A Race to the Bottom

Project 2025 advocates for shifting responsibility for social programs from the federal government to states, arguing that this will increase local control and accountability. However, this could also lead to a patchwork of inconsistent policies and a race to the bottom, as states compete to cut benefits and attract businesses:

  • Block Granting: They propose block granting federal funds for programs like Medicaid, giving states more flexibility but also potentially leading to cuts in services and eligibility. (Chapter 14)
  • Erosion of National Standards: Shifting responsibility to states could erode national standards for social programs, creating a system where benefits and eligibility vary widely depending on where you live.
  • Increased Inequality: States with fewer resources may be forced to make deeper cuts to social programs, exacerbating inequality and harming vulnerable populations in those states.


  • Cut Spending on Social Programs: Reduce funding for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, and other social programs. (Chapters 2, 10, 14, and 22)
  • Restore “Impoundment”: Give the President the power to unilaterally withhold funds from Congress-approved programs. (Agenda 47, Expansion of Presidential Powers)
  • Expand Privatization: Promote privatization of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. (Chapters 14, 20, and 22)
  • Raise the Retirement Age: Increase the retirement age for Social Security. (Chapter 22)
  • Means-Test Benefits: Limit eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid based on income and assets. (Chapter 14)
  • Reduce Benefits: Cut benefits for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. (Chapters 10, 14, and 22)
  • Reimpose Work Requirements: Require recipients of SNAP and other programs to work or participate in work-related activities. (Chapter 10)
  • Block Grant Federal Funds: Shift funding for social programs to states through block grants. (Chapter 14)


  • Shrink the Government: Reduce the size and scope of the federal government, particularly its role in providing social welfare programs.
  • Promote Individual Responsibility: Shift responsibility for social welfare from the government to individuals, emphasizing self-reliance and reducing “dependency.”
  • Empower the Private Sector: Promote the role of the private sector in providing social services, through privatization and market-based solutions.
  • Reduce Taxes: Cut taxes, particularly for corporations and wealthy individuals, arguing that this will stimulate economic growth and reduce the need for government assistance.
  • Advance a Conservative Social Agenda: Use social policy to promote conservative values, such as work ethic, personal responsibility, and traditional family structures.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “restore the family,” “make America great again, again,” and “drain the swamp” align with Project 2025’s agenda to dismantle the safety net.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 2, 3, 10, 14, 18, 20, 22, and 25: These chapters contain specific proposals that would weaken the social safety net, including increasing executive power, weakening civil service protections, cutting agricultural subsidies, reforming healthcare, promoting privatization, and shrinking the SBA.


  • Increased Poverty and Inequality: The project’s proposals would likely lead to an increase in poverty and inequality, as millions of Americans lose access to essential services and benefits.
  • Erosion of the Middle Class: The weakening of the social safety net could erode the middle class, as more Americans struggle to afford healthcare, education, and retirement.
  • Increased Social Unrest: The project’s agenda could lead to increased social unrest, as people become more desperate and frustrated with the lack of government support.
  • Damage to the Economy: Cutting social programs could harm the economy by reducing consumer spending and increasing poverty.
  • A Less Just and Less Compassionate Society: The project’s vision for America is one where the government abdicates its responsibility to provide for the well-being of its citizens, leaving the most vulnerable to fend for themselves.


  • Harm to Vulnerable Populations: Critics argue that Project 2025’s proposals would disproportionately harm vulnerable populations, including seniors, people with disabilities, low-income families, and minorities.
  • Market Failures in Healthcare and Social Welfare: Opponents argue that the project’s faith in privatization ignores the potential for market failures in healthcare and social welfare, where profit motives can lead to higher costs, reduced quality, and limited access for those who need it most.
  • False Dichotomy Between Individual Responsibility and Government Support: Critics argue that the project’s emphasis on individual responsibility creates a false dichotomy between individual effort and government support, ignoring the systemic factors that contribute to poverty and inequality.
  • Undermining the Social Contract: Opponents argue that the project’s agenda undermines the social contract, the implicit agreement between citizens and their government that the government will provide for the basic needs of its people.


  • “The welfare state has failed. It has created a culture of dependency and has trapped millions of Americans in poverty.” (Project 2025, Chapter 10, p. 303) This quote reflects the project’s disdain for social welfare programs and its belief that they are ineffective and harmful.
  • “We must empower individuals to take responsibility for their own lives and to achieve the American Dream.” (Project 2025, Chapter 15, p. 510) This quote emphasizes the project’s focus on individual responsibility and its skepticism towards government assistance.
  • “The private sector is more efficient and effective than the government in providing services. We must expand privatization and market-based solutions.” (Project 2025, Chapter 14, p. 480) This quote reflects the project’s faith in free markets and its desire to reduce the role of government.
  • “We must balance the budget and reduce the national debt. This will require making tough choices, but it is essential for the long-term health of our economy.” (Project 2025, Chapter 22, p. 729) This quote uses the rhetoric of fiscal responsibility to justify cuts to social programs.
  • “We must restore the American Dream for all Americans, regardless of their background or circumstances.” (Project 2025, Chapter 18, p. 616) This quote, while seemingly inclusive, masks the project’s agenda to dismantle the safety net and to shift responsibility for social welfare to individuals.


Project 2025’s agenda to dismantle the social safety net represents a fundamental threat to the well-being of millions of Americans. Its proposals, if implemented, would likely lead to increased poverty, inequality, and suffering, particularly among the most vulnerable members of our society. This agenda reflects a radical conservative ideology that prioritizes free markets and individual responsibility over government support and collective action.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to defend the social safety net and to resist the dangerous proposals outlined in Project 2025 and Agenda 47. The future of our country and the well-being of our people depend on it.