Title: Project 2025: The Handmaid’s Surveillance (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” statements by Donald Trump, and related sources.

This analysis explores the chilling possibility of the government tracking women’s periods to identify and potentially punish those seeking abortions, a dystopian scenario that aligns with the broader agenda of Project 2025 and Agenda 47 to restrict reproductive freedom and control women’s bodies. While not explicitly outlined in the documents, this idea is consistent with their ideology and could be implemented through a combination of data collection, surveillance, and the weaponization of law enforcement.


  • Surveillance and Control: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 advocate for expanding government surveillance powers and reducing privacy protections, creating a framework that could be used to monitor women’s reproductive health and to target those seeking abortions.
  • Data Collection and Sharing: The project emphasizes the importance of data collection and sharing between government agencies, potentially allowing for the creation of a centralized database of personal information, including menstrual cycle data, that could be accessed and misused.
  • Weaponizing the Law: Project 2025 calls for a more aggressive and politicized Department of Justice (DOJ), which could be used to investigate and prosecute women suspected of seeking abortions, even in states where it is legal.
  • Emboldening Anti-Abortion Extremists: The project’s anti-abortion agenda and its empowerment of conservative and religious groups could embolden anti-abortion extremists to use surveillance and intimidation tactics to target women and abortion providers.
  • Creating a Climate of Fear: The very possibility of government surveillance of women’s periods would create a climate of fear and distrust, discouraging women from seeking reproductive healthcare and chilling their exercise of reproductive rights.


3.1 The Seeds of Surveillance: Data Collection and Erosion of Privacy

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 lay the groundwork for government surveillance of women’s reproductive health by:

  • Expanding Data Collection: The project advocates for increased data collection by government agencies, including healthcare providers, insurance companies, and schools. This data could include information about menstrual cycles, pregnancies, and abortion care. (Chapters 7 and 14)
  • Weakening Privacy Protections: They seek to weaken privacy protections, such as HIPAA, making it easier for the government to access and share personal health information without consent or oversight. (Chapter 14)
  • Creating a Centralized Database: The project’s emphasis on data sharing between agencies could lead to the creation of a centralized database of personal information, including reproductive health data, that could be accessed and misused by various government agencies.

3.2 Weaponizing the Law: From Protection to Persecution

Project 2025’s vision for a more politicized and aggressive DOJ could be used to target women suspected of seeking abortions:

  • Investigating and Prosecuting Women: A DOJ led by Trump loyalists could investigate and prosecute women who travel across state lines to obtain abortions, even if abortion is legal in the state where they seek care. They could use data on menstrual cycles and travel patterns to build cases against women.
  • Targeting Healthcare Providers: The DOJ could also target healthcare providers who perform abortions, using surveillance and intimidation tactics to discourage them from providing this essential care.
  • Creating a Chilling Effect: The threat of prosecution would create a chilling effect on women’s access to reproductive healthcare, even in states where abortion is legal. Women may be afraid to seek care, even for miscarriages or other complications, for fear of being investigated.

3.3 Emboldening Anti-Abortion Extremists: Vigilante Justice

Project 2025’s anti-abortion agenda and its empowerment of conservative and religious groups could embolden anti-abortion extremists to engage in vigilante justice:

  • Harassment and Intimidation: Anti-abortion groups could use data on women’s menstrual cycles to target them with harassment and intimidation tactics, such as protests outside their homes, online harassment, and threats of violence.
  • “Bounty Hunter” Laws: Some states have already enacted “bounty hunter” laws that allow private citizens to sue anyone who helps a woman obtain an abortion. These laws could be used in conjunction with period tracking data to target individuals and organizations that support reproductive rights.

3.4 A Climate of Fear: Eroding Trust and Autonomy

The very possibility of government surveillance of women’s periods would create a climate of fear and distrust, undermining women’s trust in the healthcare system and their ability to make their own reproductive choices:

  • Self-Censorship: Women may be afraid to discuss their reproductive health with their doctors or to seek care for fear of their information being shared with the government.
  • Distrust of Technology: Women may be hesitant to use period tracking apps or other technologies that collect data on their menstrual cycles, fearing that this information could be used against them.
  • Erosion of Bodily Autonomy: The idea that the government could monitor women’s bodies and use this information to control their reproductive choices is a fundamental violation of bodily autonomy and a chilling reminder of the potential for government overreach in a society where reproductive rights are under attack.


While Project 2025 does not explicitly call for tracking women’s periods, its broader agenda and specific proposals create a framework that could enable this dystopian scenario:

  • Expand Data Collection: Encourage the collection of data on women’s reproductive health by healthcare providers, insurance companies, and other entities.
  • Weaken Privacy Protections: Reduce or eliminate privacy protections for reproductive health information, making it easier for the government to access and share this data.
  • Empower the DOJ: Appoint a loyalist Attorney General who is willing to use the DOJ to investigate and prosecute women suspected of seeking abortions, even in states where it is legal.
  • Empower Anti-Abortion Groups: Provide funding and support to anti-abortion organizations that may engage in surveillance and intimidation tactics.


  • Control Women’s Bodies: Use surveillance and data collection to monitor women’s reproductive health and to control their reproductive choices.
  • Restrict Abortion Access: Make it more difficult and dangerous for women to obtain abortions, even in states where it is legal.
  • Punish Women and Providers: Use the law to punish women who seek abortions and healthcare providers who perform them.
  • Create a Climate of Fear: Deter women from seeking reproductive healthcare and from exercising their reproductive rights.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “protect the unborn” and to “restore law and order” align with the goal of using surveillance to restrict abortion access and to punish those who violate anti-abortion laws.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 5, 7, 14, and 17: These chapters contain proposals that could facilitate the tracking of women’s periods and the targeting of those seeking abortions, including expanding surveillance powers, weakening privacy protections, promoting a more aggressive DOJ, and empowering anti-abortion groups.


  • Erosion of Privacy: Women’s privacy would be violated as the government collects and analyzes their reproductive health data, potentially leading to discrimination, harassment, and a chilling effect on their healthcare decisions.
  • Increased Fear and Mistrust: The possibility of government surveillance would create a climate of fear and distrust, discouraging women from seeking reproductive healthcare and undermining their relationship with their healthcare providers.
  • Criminalization of Reproductive Choices: Women could be investigated and prosecuted for seeking abortions, even in states where it is legal, based on their menstrual cycle data and other personal information.
  • Emboldening of Anti-Abortion Extremists: Anti-abortion groups could use surveillance data to target women and providers with harassment, intimidation, and violence.
  • Undermining Reproductive Rights: The surveillance of women’s bodies would be a major setback for reproductive rights, reinforcing the idea that women’s bodies are not their own and that the government has the right to control their reproductive choices.


  • Violation of Privacy: Critics argue that tracking women’s periods is a gross violation of privacy and that the government has no right to collect or use this sensitive information.
  • Discriminatory and Unjust: Opponents argue that this policy would disproportionately target women, particularly low-income women and women of color, who are already facing significant barriers to reproductive healthcare.
  • Chilling Effect on Healthcare: Critics argue that the fear of surveillance would discourage women from seeking necessary healthcare, potentially leading to negative health outcomes.
  • Undermining Trust in Government: Opponents argue that this policy would erode public trust in government and in the healthcare system.


  • “We need to do everything we can to protect the unborn.” (Agenda 47, Social Issues) This quote, while not explicitly mentioning surveillance, reflects the project’s extreme anti-abortion stance and its willingness to use the power of the government to restrict reproductive rights.
  • “We must restore law and order and hold criminals accountable.” (Agenda 47, Law Enforcement) This quote could be used to justify using the DOJ to target women who seek abortions, even in states where it is legal.
  • “We need to empower states to protect life.” (Chapter 14, p. 477) This quote suggests that the project supports state-level efforts to restrict abortion access, potentially creating a patchwork of laws that make it difficult for women to access care.


The potential for government surveillance of women’s periods to restrict abortion access is a chilling reminder of the dangers posed by Project 2025 and Agenda 47. While not explicitly stated in the documents, this idea aligns with their broader agenda of controlling women’s bodies, eroding privacy, and weaponizing the law to enforce a conservative social agenda.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to defend reproductive rights, protect privacy, and resist the expansion of government surveillance. The future of women’s autonomy and the health of our democracy depend on our vigilance and our willingness to fight back against these dangerous proposals.