Title: Project 2025: A War on Transgender Americans (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 don’t just target specific policies; they aim to erase transgender people from public life. This isn’t just about rolling back rights; it’s about denying their very existence and creating a hostile environment where they are constantly under attack. This analysis reveals the multi-pronged assault on transgender Americans, highlighting the devastating consequences for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


  • Transgender Erasure: The core theme is the erasure of transgender identities, seeking to define “sex” solely based on biological sex assigned at birth and to deny the validity of gender identity.
  • Weaponizing Healthcare: The project aims to weaponize healthcare, denying transgender individuals access to gender-affirming care and using the medical system to enforce a binary view of gender.
  • Censoring Education: They seek to censor any discussion of gender identity or transgender issues in schools, erasing transgender people from the curriculum and perpetuating ignorance and stigma.
  • Enabling Discrimination: Project 2025 advocates for policies that would enable discrimination against transgender people in employment, housing, public accommodations, and other areas of life.
  • Fueling Fear and Hatred: The rhetoric surrounding these proposals is designed to fuel fear and hatred towards transgender people, creating a climate of hostility and violence.


3.1 Healthcare: A Weapon of Denial and Control

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 aim to weaponize healthcare, using it to deny transgender people access to essential care and to enforce a narrow, binary view of gender:

  • Banning Gender-Affirming Care: Both documents explicitly call for banning gender-affirming care for transgender individuals, including hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and gender-affirming surgeries. (Agenda 47, Transgender and LGBT Rights section; Project 2025, Chapters 14 and 18)
    • Denying Federal Funding: They would terminate all federal programs that promote or fund gender-affirming care, cutting off access to essential healthcare for transgender individuals, particularly those who rely on Medicaid or Medicare.
    • Weaponizing Medicare and Medicaid: They would deny Medicare and Medicaid funding to providers who offer gender-affirming care, forcing many clinics to close and leaving transgender patients without options.
    • Legal Intimidation: They would direct the DOJ to investigate and potentially sue physicians who provide gender-affirming care, creating a climate of fear and chilling the practice of medicine. This could deter healthcare providers from offering essential care to transgender patients, even in states where it remains legal.
  • Promoting Misinformation and Fear: They spread misinformation about gender-affirming care, falsely claiming that it is harmful, experimental, or being pushed on children. This rhetoric is designed to scare parents and to undermine public support for transgender healthcare.
  • Targeting Transgender Youth: They specifically target transgender youth, seeking to prevent them from accessing puberty blockers and hormone therapy, even with parental consent. This is based on the false premise that transgender youth are confused or being manipulated and that they will “grow out of it.” However, denying access to gender-affirming care can have devastating consequences for transgender youth, leading to increased depression, anxiety, and suicide risk.

3.2 Education: Erasing Transgender Identities from Schools

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 aim to erase transgender identities from schools, censoring information, promoting a binary view of gender, and creating a hostile environment for transgender students:

  • Title IX Rollback: Project 2025 explicitly calls for reversing the Biden administration’s expansion of Title IX protections for transgender students, leaving them vulnerable to discrimination and harassment in schools. (Chapter 11)
  • Promoting a Binary View of Gender: The project emphasizes that “sex” should be defined solely as biological sex assigned at birth, ignoring the reality of gender identity and creating a hostile environment for transgender students. This could lead to policies that force transgender students to use bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams that do not align with their gender identity, putting them at risk of harassment and violence.
  • Censoring Information: Agenda 47 proposes banning any discussion of gender identity or transgender issues in schools, effectively erasing transgender people from the curriculum and perpetuating ignorance and stigma. (Agenda 47, Education section) This would prevent transgender students from learning about their own identities and from feeling seen and affirmed in their schools. It would also send a message to all students that transgender people are not welcome or valued.
  • Restricting Access to Support Services: Project 2025 suggests cutting funding for school counselors and other support services that are critical for LGBTQIA+ youth, who face higher rates of bullying, harassment, and mental health challenges. This would leave transgender students without the support they need to navigate the challenges of coming out, transitioning, and dealing with discrimination. (Chapter 11)

3.3 Employment: Enabling Discrimination in the Workplace

Project 2025 seeks to weaken legal protections for transgender workers and to empower employers to discriminate against them:

  • Restricting Bostock: Project 2025 seeks to limit the scope of the Supreme Court’s Bostock v. Clayton County decision, which affirmed that discrimination against LGBTQ+ people is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by federal law. (Chapter 18) This would create loopholes that allow employers to discriminate against transgender workers based on their gender identity.
  • Expanding Religious Exemptions: The project advocates for expanding religious exemptions to anti-discrimination laws, allowing employers to discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals based on their religious beliefs. (Chapter 18) This could allow businesses to refuse to hire, promote, or serve transgender people, or to fire them for being transgender.
  • Attacking DEI Initiatives: Project 2025 criticizes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, arguing that they are discriminatory and harmful to businesses. This could undermine efforts to create more inclusive and welcoming workplaces for transgender individuals. (Chapters 3, 18, and 27)

3.4 Legal Recognition: Erasing Transgender Identities from the Law

Agenda 47 proposes a radical step: to erase transgender identities from the law itself:

  • Defining Gender at Birth: Agenda 47 proposes passing a federal law that recognizes only two genders assigned at birth, effectively erasing the legal recognition of transgender identities and opening the door to widespread discrimination. (Agenda 47, Transgender and LGBT Rights section) This would make it impossible for transgender people to legally change their gender markers on official documents, such as driver’s licenses, birth certificates, and passports. It could also be used to justify discrimination in healthcare, housing, employment, and other areas of life.

3.5 Fueling Fear and Hatred: The Rhetoric of Dehumanization

The rhetoric surrounding these proposals is as dangerous as the policies themselves. Project 2025 and Agenda 47 use dehumanizing language and scare tactics to portray transgender people as a threat to children, traditional values, and the very fabric of society:

  • “Gender Ideology” as a Threat: They use the term “gender ideology” to dismiss the validity of transgender identities and to suggest that transgender people are pushing a radical agenda.
  • “Protecting Children” as a Pretext: They often frame their attacks on transgender rights as being about “protecting children,” falsely claiming that transgender people are a danger to children or that they are trying to “groom” them.
  • Appealing to Fear and Prejudice: They appeal to fear and prejudice, suggesting that transgender people are mentally ill, confused, or a threat to traditional values.

This rhetoric creates a climate of hostility and violence, making transgender people more vulnerable to discrimination, harassment, and even physical attacks.


  • Ban Gender-Affirming Care: Ban all forms of gender-affirming care for transgender individuals, including hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and gender-affirming surgeries.
  • Reverse Title IX Protections: Reverse the Biden administration’s expansion of Title IX protections for transgender students.
  • Promote a Binary View of Gender: Define “sex” solely based on biological sex assigned at birth, ignoring the reality of gender identity.
  • Censor Information About Transgender Issues: Ban any discussion of gender identity or transgender issues in schools.
  • Restrict Bostock: Limit the scope of the Supreme Court’s Bostock v. Clayton County decision.
  • Expand Religious Exemptions: Expand religious exemptions to anti-discrimination laws, allowing discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Define Gender at Birth: Pass a federal law that recognizes only two genders assigned at birth.


  • Erase Transgender Identities: Deny the validity of transgender identities and seek to define gender solely based on biological sex assigned at birth.
  • Control Bodies and Lives: Control the bodies and lives of transgender people, particularly transgender youth, by restricting access to healthcare and education.
  • Enable Discrimination: Create a legal and social environment where discrimination against transgender people is permissible and even encouraged.
  • Mobilize the Conservative Base: Use fearmongering and divisive rhetoric to mobilize the conservative base and to turn public opinion against transgender people.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “restore the family” and to “protect children” are used to justify attacks on transgender rights.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 3, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, and 29: These chapters contain specific proposals that would harm transgender people, including weakening civil service protections, rolling back Title IX protections, restricting access to healthcare, enabling discrimination in employment and housing, and using the DOJ to target political opponents.


  • Increased Discrimination and Violence: Transgender people would face increased discrimination, harassment, and violence in all areas of life, including healthcare, education, employment, and housing.
  • Health Crisis: Denying access to gender-affirming care would have devastating consequences for the physical and mental health of transgender individuals, leading to increased depression, anxiety, and suicide risk.
  • Educational Harm: Censoring information about transgender issues and creating a hostile environment in schools would harm transgender students, denying them the opportunity to learn about their own identities and to feel safe and supported.
  • Economic Insecurity: Discrimination in employment and housing could lead to economic insecurity and homelessness for transgender people.
  • Erosion of Democracy: The attack on transgender rights is part of a broader assault on democratic values, including equality, freedom, and the rule of law.


  • Violation of Human Rights: Critics argue that the proposals in Project 2025 and Agenda 47 violate the human rights of transgender people, including their right to health, education, employment, and freedom from discrimination.
  • Based on Misinformation and Prejudice: Opponents argue that these proposals are based on misinformation and prejudice about transgender people and that they are not supported by scientific evidence or medical consensus.
  • Harmful to Children: Critics argue that denying transgender youth access to gender-affirming care is harmful to their physical and mental health and could lead to increased suicide risk.
  • Undermining Democracy: Opponents argue that these proposals undermine democracy by promoting discrimination, silencing dissent, and eroding the rule of law.


  • “We must protect children from the radical left’s gender ideology.” (Agenda 47, Education) This quote reflects the use of fearmongering and misinformation to justify attacks on transgender rights.
  • “On its first day in office, the next Administration should signal its intent to enter the rulemaking process to restore the Trump Administration’s Title IX regulation, with the additional insistence that ‘sex’ is properly understood as a fixed biological fact.” (Project 2025, Chapter 11, p. 333-334) This quote reveals the intention to roll back protections for transgender students in education.
  • “We must protect the rights of unborn children and support mothers who choose life.” (Project 2025, Chapter 18, p. 600) This quote, while seemingly about abortion, is often used by anti-LGBTQ+ groups to suggest that transgender identities are a threat to traditional families and values.
  • “Religious freedom is a fundamental right, and we must protect the ability of religious employers to operate according to their beliefs.” (Project 2025, Chapter 18, p. 601) This quote is often used to justify discrimination against LGBTQ+ people, including transgender individuals, in employment and other areas.


Project 2025 and Agenda 47 represent a clear and present danger to the rights, safety, and well-being of transgender Americans. Their proposals, if implemented, would create a hostile environment where transgender people are denied access to healthcare, education, employment, and legal recognition. This agenda is fueled by misinformation, prejudice, and a desire to erase transgender identities from public life.

The fight for transgender rights is a fight for the soul of America. We must resist this dangerous agenda and defend the fundamental values of equality, freedom, and justice for all.