Title: Project 2025: Silencing Worker Voices (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the systematic assault on unions embedded within Project 2025 and Agenda 47. These documents, driven by a conservative ideology that prioritizes corporate interests over worker rights, outline a plan to weaken unions, undermine collective bargaining, and silence the voices of organized labor. This agenda threatens to erode decades of progress in worker protections, leading to lower wages, diminished benefits, and a less equitable society.


  • Anti-Union Ideology: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 are rooted in a deep-seated anti-union ideology, viewing unions as obstacles to economic growth, impediments to “free markets,” and bastions of liberal political power. This ideological stance drives their proposals to weaken unions and limit their influence.
  • “Right to Work” Expansion: The project champions “right to work” laws, which weaken unions by allowing workers to opt out of paying union dues, even if they benefit from union-negotiated contracts. This strategy aims to starve unions of resources and make it harder for them to organize and represent workers.
  • Targeting Public Sector Unions: Project 2025 specifically targets public sector unions, arguing that they are incompatible with efficient government and that they wield undue political influence. This reflects a broader conservative goal of shrinking the government and reducing the power of public employees.
  • Weakening the NLRB: The project seeks to weaken the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the agency responsible for enforcing labor laws and protecting workers’ right to organize. This would make it more difficult for workers to form unions and to challenge unfair labor practices.
  • Undermining Collective Bargaining: Project 2025 aims to undermine collective bargaining by restricting the scope of negotiations, limiting the issues that can be bargained over, and making it harder for unions to strike. This would shift power away from workers and towards employers.


3.1 “Right to Work” Expansion: Starving Unions of Resources

Project 2025 advocates for expanding “right to work” laws, a long-standing goal of the conservative movement and a proven strategy for weakening unions:

  • How “Right to Work” Laws Work: These laws allow workers to opt out of paying union dues, even if they benefit from union-negotiated contracts. This creates a “free rider” problem, where workers can enjoy the benefits of union representation without contributing to the union’s costs.
  • Impact on Union Finances: “Right to work” laws have been shown to significantly reduce union membership and revenue, making it harder for unions to organize, bargain effectively, and provide services to their members.
  • Project 2025’s Support: The project explicitly calls for expanding “right to work” laws, arguing that they promote “worker freedom” and “economic growth.” (Chapter 18)

3.2 Targeting Public Sector Unions: Shrinking Government and Silencing Dissent

Project 2025 reserves special animosity for public sector unions, viewing them as a threat to their agenda of shrinking government and as a source of opposition to conservative policies:

  • “Incompatible with Good Government”: The project argues that public sector unions are “incompatible with good government management,” claiming that they prioritize their own interests over the interests of taxpayers and that they make it difficult to fire incompetent or unmotivated employees. (Chapter 3)
  • “Undue Political Influence”: They accuse public sector unions of wielding “undue political influence,” arguing that they use their resources to support Democratic candidates and to oppose conservative policies.
  • Proposals to Weaken Public Sector Unions: Project 2025 proposes a range of measures to weaken public sector unions, including:
    • Limiting Collective Bargaining Rights: Restricting the scope of collective bargaining, making it more difficult for unions to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. (Chapter 3)
    • Increasing Financial Transparency: Imposing stricter financial reporting requirements on unions, potentially making it easier to target them with investigations and audits. (Chapter 3)
    • Eliminating Unions Altogether: Some proponents of Project 2025 even suggest eliminating public sector unions altogether, arguing that they are unnecessary and harmful to government efficiency. (Chapter 3)

3.3 Weakening the NLRB: Tilting the Playing Field Towards Employers

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is responsible for enforcing labor laws and protecting workers’ right to organize. Project 2025 seeks to weaken the NLRB, making it more difficult for workers to form unions and to challenge unfair labor practices:

  • Appointing Anti-Union Members: The project recommends appointing anti-union individuals to the NLRB, potentially shifting the balance of power on the board towards employers. (Chapter 18)
  • Reducing the NLRB’s Budget: They propose cutting the NLRB’s budget, limiting its resources and its ability to investigate and prosecute unfair labor practices. (Chapter 18)
  • Limiting the NLRB’s Authority: They advocate for limiting the NLRB’s authority, making it more difficult for the agency to enforce labor laws and to protect workers’ rights. (Chapter 18)

3.4 Undermining Collective Bargaining: Shifting Power to Employers

Project 2025 aims to undermine collective bargaining, the process by which unions negotiate with employers on behalf of their members:

  • Restricting the Scope of Negotiations: They propose limiting the issues that can be bargained over, potentially excluding issues such as wages, benefits, and working conditions from collective bargaining agreements. (Chapter 18)
  • Limiting the Right to Strike: They advocate for making it more difficult for unions to strike, potentially by imposing stricter requirements for strike authorization or by banning certain types of strikes. (Chapter 18)
  • Promoting “Employee Involvement Organizations”: They support the creation of non-union “employee involvement organizations” (EIOs), which they claim would give workers a voice without the need for unions. However, these EIOs would likely be dominated by management and would lack the power and independence of unions. (Chapter 18)


  • Expand “Right to Work” Laws: Pass legislation to expand “right to work” laws to more states, weakening unions by allowing workers to opt out of paying union dues. (Chapter 18)
  • Restrict Public Sector Unions: Limit the collective bargaining rights of public sector unions, increase their financial transparency, and potentially eliminate them altogether. (Chapter 3)
  • Weaken the NLRB: Appoint anti-union members to the NLRB, reduce its budget, and limit its authority. (Chapter 18)
  • Undermine Collective Bargaining: Restrict the scope of negotiations, limit the right to strike, and promote non-union “employee involvement organizations.” (Chapter 18)


  • Weaken Unions: Reduce the power and influence of unions, making it more difficult for them to organize, bargain effectively, and represent workers.
  • Shift Power to Employers: Shift the balance of power in the workplace towards employers, giving them greater control over wages, benefits, and working conditions.
  • Reduce Government Regulation: Limit the role of government in regulating labor markets, arguing that free markets are the best way to ensure economic growth and job creation.
  • Promote a Conservative Social Agenda: Use labor policy to advance a conservative social agenda, including by weakening unions, which are often seen as allies of the Democratic Party.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s emphasis on deregulation, limited government, and “restoring the family” aligns with Project 2025’s anti-union agenda.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 2, 3, and 11: These chapters contain proposals that support the project’s anti-union agenda, including increasing executive power, weakening civil service protections, and promoting school choice (which could weaken teachers’ unions).


  • Lower Wages and Benefits: Weakening unions would likely lead to lower wages and benefits for millions of American workers, as employers would have more leverage in negotiations.
  • Worse Working Conditions: Without strong unions to advocate for their rights, workers would be more vulnerable to unsafe working conditions, unfair scheduling practices, and other forms of exploitation.
  • Increased Inequality: The decline of unions would likely exacerbate income inequality, as the gap between the wealthy and the working class widens.
  • Weakened Worker Voice: Workers would have less power to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and working conditions, leading to a decline in worker morale and potentially lower productivity.


  • Harm to Workers: Critics argue that Project 2025’s anti-union agenda would harm workers by weakening their bargaining power, reducing their wages and benefits, and making them more vulnerable to exploitation.
  • Increased Inequality: Opponents argue that weakening unions would exacerbate income inequality and undermine the middle class.
  • Undermining Democracy: Critics argue that weakening unions would undermine democracy by reducing the power of workers to have a voice in the political process and to hold corporations accountable.
  • Harm to the Economy: Some economists argue that weakening unions could actually harm the economy by reducing consumer spending and slowing economic growth.


  • “Unions have become too powerful and too political. We must reform labor law to protect the rights of workers and to ensure that unions are accountable to their members.” (Project 2025, Chapter 18, p. 614) This quote reflects the project’s view of unions as a threat to be controlled.
  • “Right to work laws promote worker freedom and economic growth.” (Project 2025, Chapter 18, p. 614) This quote highlights the project’s support for “right to work” laws, which weaken unions.
  • “Public sector unions are incompatible with good government management.” (Project 2025, Chapter 3, p. 114) This quote reflects the project’s hostility towards public sector unions.
  • “We must empower workers to choose the type of work arrangement that best suits their needs, including independent contractor status.” (Project 2025, Chapter 18, p. 605) This quote suggests that the project supports expanding independent contractor status, which can weaken worker protections.


Project 2025’s anti-union agenda represents a significant threat to worker rights and the balance of power in the workplace. Its proposals, if implemented, could lead to a decline in wages and benefits, a weakening of workplace safety standards, and increased inequality. This agenda reflects a broader conservative effort to dismantle the institutions that protect workers and to shift power towards corporations and the wealthy.

This analysis highlights the importance of understanding and resisting Project 2025’s attack on unions. It is crucial for workers, labor advocates, and all Americans who believe in a fair and just society to mobilize and fight back against this dangerous agenda.