Title: Project 2025: Betraying Those Who Served (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the insidious agenda hidden within Project 2025 and Agenda 47 to dismantle the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and privatize veterans’ healthcare. Despite their rhetoric of supporting veterans, these documents reveal a plan to shrink the VA, restrict benefits, and shift care to the private sector, potentially leaving millions of veterans with diminished access to quality, affordable healthcare and a betrayal of the nation’s promise to care for those who served.


  • “Veteran-Centric” Rhetoric Masks Privatization Agenda: Project 2025 uses the language of “choice” and “efficiency” to promote privatization, arguing that veterans should have the option to seek care outside the VA system. However, this rhetoric masks a deeper agenda to shrink the VA and shift responsibility for veterans’ healthcare to the private sector.
  • Undermining the VA Healthcare System: The project seeks to weaken the VA healthcare system by reducing its budget, staffing, and infrastructure, making it less able to provide timely and comprehensive care. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, where the perceived failures of the VA are then used to justify further privatization.
  • Restricting Disability Benefits: Project 2025 proposes to limit the number of health conditions that qualify for disability benefits, tighten eligibility requirements, and accelerate reviews of the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD). These measures would make it harder for veterans to receive the benefits they deserve and could lead to increased poverty and hardship among disabled veterans.
  • Embracing the Profit Motive in Healthcare: The project’s embrace of privatization reflects a broader conservative ideology that favors market-based solutions over government programs. This approach prioritizes profits over people and could lead to higher costs, lower quality care, and reduced access for veterans, particularly those with complex or chronic conditions.
  • Ignoring the Mental Health Crisis: Project 2025 fails to adequately address the mental health crisis among veterans, particularly the high rates of suicide, PTSD, and traumatic brain injury. Its focus on privatization and efficiency could further exacerbate this crisis by limiting access to specialized mental healthcare within the VA system.


3.1 Shrinking the VA: A Death by a Thousand Cuts

Project 2025 advocates for a smaller, less active VA, potentially leading to cuts in funding and services that would harm veterans:

  • Budget Cuts: The project calls for reducing the VA’s budget, potentially leading to staff shortages, facility closures, and longer wait times for care. (Chapter 20)
  • Undermining VA Hospitals and Clinics: The push for “community care,” while framed as giving veterans more choice, could be a Trojan horse for privatization. By diverting funding to private providers, Project 2025 could undermine VA hospitals and clinics, leading to closures and reduced access to specialized care. (Chapter 20)
  • Gutting the VBA: The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), responsible for processing disability claims and other benefits, is a prime target for Project 2025’s efficiency crusade. Their proposals to increase automation and outsource claims processing could lead to delays, errors, and a less responsive system for veterans seeking the benefits they deserve. (Chapter 20)

3.2 Restricting Disability Benefits: Turning Their Backs on the Wounded

Project 2025’s attack on the VA extends to its core mission: providing disability benefits to veterans who were injured or became ill as a result of their service. Their proposals would make it harder for veterans to receive the support they need:

  • Limiting Qualifying Conditions: Project 2025 suggests reducing the number of health conditions that qualify for disability benefits, potentially leaving many veterans with service-connected disabilities without the financial and medical support they need. (Chapter 20)
  • Tightening Eligibility Requirements: The project advocates for stricter eligibility requirements and increased scrutiny of disability claims, potentially creating more bureaucratic hurdles for veterans and delaying access to benefits. (Chapter 20)
  • Accelerating Reviews of the VASRD: Project 2025 calls for accelerating reviews of the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD), which could lead to lower disability ratings and reduced benefits for veterans. (Chapter 20)

3.3 Embracing Privatization: Profiting from Veterans’ Needs

Project 2025’s embrace of privatization poses a significant threat to the VA. By shifting services to private providers, they aim to reduce the government’s role in veterans’ lives, but this could come at a steep cost:

  • Expanding Community Care: The project aggressively promotes expanding access to community care, allowing veterans to receive healthcare from private providers outside the VA system. This could lead to a defunding of VA hospitals and clinics, making it harder for veterans to access specialized care and services that are only available within the VA system. (Chapter 20)
  • Higher Costs and Lower Quality: Private healthcare providers often charge higher prices than the VA and may not have the same expertise in treating veterans’ unique health needs. This could lead to higher costs and lower quality care for veterans, particularly those with complex or chronic conditions.
  • Reduced Accountability: Privatization could reduce accountability and transparency, making it more difficult to ensure that veterans are receiving quality care and that taxpayer dollars are being used effectively.
  • Profiting from Veterans’ Suffering: Privatization could create a system where private companies profit from veterans’ needs, potentially putting profits before people and leading to a decline in the quality of care.

3.4 Ignoring the Mental Health Crisis: A Silent Epidemic

Project 2025 pays lip service to the mental health crisis among veterans, but its proposals do little to address this urgent issue:

  • Inadequate Funding: The project’s calls for budget cuts and privatization could leave the VA with fewer resources to provide mental health care to veterans, exacerbating the existing shortage of mental health professionals within the VA system.
  • Lack of Focus: Project 2025 lacks a comprehensive plan to address the root causes of the mental health crisis, such as PTSD, traumatic brain injury, and military sexual trauma. Its focus on efficiency and privatization could divert attention and resources away from these critical needs.
  • Stigma and Barriers to Care: The project’s emphasis on individual responsibility and its conservative social agenda could perpetuate stigma and create barriers to care for veterans struggling with mental health issues, discouraging them from seeking help and leading to tragic consequences.


  • Shrink the VA: Reduce the VA’s budget, staffing, and infrastructure, making it a smaller and less active agency. (Chapter 20)
  • Expand Community Care: Increase veterans’ access to private healthcare providers through the community care program. (Chapter 20)
  • Restrict Disability Benefits: Limit the number of health conditions that qualify for disability benefits, tighten eligibility requirements, and accelerate reviews of the VASRD. (Chapter 20)
  • Promote Privatization: Encourage the privatization of VA services, including healthcare, benefits processing, and cemetery administration. (Chapter 20)


  • Reduce the Role of Government in Veterans’ Lives: Shrink the size and scope of the VA and reduce its role in directly providing healthcare and benefits to veterans.
  • Empower the Private Sector: Increase reliance on the private sector to deliver healthcare and benefits to veterans, promoting a market-based approach to veteran care.
  • Reduce Government Spending: Cut government spending on veterans’ programs, aligning with the broader conservative goal of fiscal austerity.
  • Promote Individual Responsibility: Emphasize individual responsibility and self-reliance, potentially reducing the perceived need for government assistance for veterans.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s rhetoric about supporting veterans while simultaneously calling for smaller government and reduced spending aligns with Project 2025’s agenda to dismantle the VA.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 3: This chapter, focusing on central personnel agencies, complements Chapter 20 by advocating for weakening civil service protections, making it easier to fire VA employees who are not aligned with the President’s agenda.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 14: This chapter, focusing on the Department of Health and Human Services, supports Chapter 20 by advocating for a more market-based approach to healthcare and for reducing the role of government in healthcare, which aligns with the push for privatization of VA services.


  • Diminished Quality of Care: Privatization and budget cuts could lead to a decline in the quality of care for veterans, as private providers may not have the same expertise or commitment to serving veterans’ unique needs.
  • Increased Costs for Veterans: Veterans could face higher out-of-pocket costs for healthcare if they are forced to rely on private providers, who often charge higher prices than the VA.
  • Longer Wait Times: Budget cuts and staff shortages could lead to longer wait times for appointments and treatments, further delaying access to care for veterans.
  • Reduced Access to Specialized Care: Veterans may lose access to specialized care and services that are only available within the VA system, such as mental health care, prosthetics, and rehabilitation services.
  • Erosion of Trust in the VA: The weakening of the VA system could erode trust among veterans, making them less likely to seek the care and support they need.


  • Betrayal of Veterans: Critics argue that Project 2025’s agenda represents a betrayal of America’s commitment to caring for its veterans, prioritizing ideology and cost-cutting over the needs of those who served our country.
  • Privatization Harms Veterans: Opponents argue that privatization would lead to higher costs, lower quality care, and reduced access for veterans, particularly those with complex or chronic conditions.
  • Undermining a Vital System: Critics argue that the VA healthcare system, despite its challenges, provides essential care to millions of veterans and should be strengthened, not dismantled.
  • Ignoring the Mental Health Crisis: Opponents argue that Project 2025 fails to adequately address the mental health crisis among veterans and that its proposals could exacerbate this crisis by limiting access to care and perpetuating stigma.


  • “The Department of Veterans Affairs is at a crossroads. It can either continue down the path of bureaucracy and inefficiency, or it can embrace a new era of accountability, efficiency, and Veteran-centric care.” (Chapter 20, p. 672) This quote reflects the project’s framing of the VA as a broken system in need of radical reform, setting the stage for their privatization agenda.
  • “We must expand community care to give veterans more choice and control over their healthcare.” (Chapter 20, p. 678) This quote highlights the project’s emphasis on privatization, using the language of “choice” to mask their goal of shrinking the VA.
  • “We must streamline the VA’s processes and reduce bureaucracy.” (Chapter 20, p. 680) This quote reflects the project’s focus on efficiency and its belief that the private sector is more efficient than the government.
  • “We must hold VA employees accountable for their performance and increase oversight of the agency.” (Chapter 20, p. 680) This quote emphasizes the project’s desire to increase accountability, but it could also be used to justify cuts to VA programs and staff.


Project 2025’s agenda for the VA represents a clear and present danger to the health and well-being of America’s veterans. Its proposals, if implemented, would likely lead to a smaller, less effective VA, with greater reliance on private healthcare providers and fewer resources to meet the needs of veterans. This agenda reflects a broader conservative ideology that prioritizes privatization, deregulation, and individual responsibility over government programs and collective support.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to defend the VA and to resist the dangerous proposals outlined in Project 2025 and Agenda 47. America’s veterans deserve a strong and effective VA that is committed to providing them with the high-quality, affordable healthcare and benefits they earned through their service to our country.