Title: Project 2025: Rigging the System (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the insidious agenda embedded within Project 2025 and Agenda 47 to undermine voting rights and subvert democratic elections in America. These documents, driven by a conservative ideology that seeks to maintain power by limiting participation and sowing distrust in the electoral process, outline a plan to suppress voters, manipulate election administration, and potentially overturn unfavorable results. This agenda poses a grave threat to the integrity of American democracy and the fundamental right to vote.


  • The “Big Lie” and Election Denialism: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 perpetuate the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was stolen, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This dangerous rhetoric undermines trust in elections and creates a pretext for future attempts to overturn results.
  • Voter Suppression as a Strategy: The project advocates for a range of voter suppression tactics, including stricter voter ID laws, reduced early voting and absentee voting, aggressive voter roll purges, and obstacles to voter registration. These measures disproportionately disenfranchise minority voters, young people, and low-income communities, groups that tend to vote for Democrats.
  • Politicizing Election Administration: Project 2025 calls for appointing partisan election officials who are loyal to Trump and his agenda, potentially giving them the power to manipulate election rules, influence vote counting, and challenge results.
  • Weaponizing the DOJ: The project suggests using the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute alleged voter fraud, even in cases where there is no evidence of wrongdoing, potentially intimidating voters and discouraging participation, particularly in communities of color.
  • Undermining Confidence in the System: By spreading misinformation about voter fraud and casting doubt on the integrity of elections, Project 2025 aims to undermine public confidence in the democratic process, making it easier to justify voter suppression measures and to challenge election results.


3.1 Perpetuating the “Big Lie” and Sowing Distrust

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 continue to promote the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was stolen, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This dangerous rhetoric lays the groundwork for future attempts to subvert elections:

  • Amplifying False Claims: Trump and his allies continue to amplify false claims of widespread voter fraud, using social media, rallies, and conservative media outlets to spread misinformation and sow doubt about the legitimacy of the 2020 election. (Agenda 47, various sections)
  • Ignoring Court Rulings and Investigations: They dismiss court rulings and investigations that have debunked claims of widespread voter fraud, claiming that these institutions are part of the “deep state” and are biased against Trump. (Project 2025, Chapter 17)
  • Creating a Pretext for Future Action: By perpetuating the “Big Lie,” they create a pretext for future attempts to overturn election results, arguing that any election they lose must be fraudulent.

3.2 Voter Suppression: Targeting Democratic-Leaning Voters

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 advocate for a range of voter suppression tactics that disproportionately disenfranchise minority voters, young people, and low-income communities:

  • Stricter Voter ID Laws: They support stricter voter ID laws, requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls. These laws disproportionately disenfranchise minority voters, students, and low-income individuals who are less likely to have government-issued IDs. (Agenda 47, Law Enforcement)
  • Reduced Early Voting and Absentee Voting: They advocate for reducing the number of days and hours for early voting and making it harder to vote by mail, disproportionately impacting working people, seniors, and those with disabilities. (Project 2025, Chapter 29)
  • Aggressive Voter Roll Purges: They support aggressive voter roll purges, often based on flawed data or discriminatory criteria, potentially removing eligible voters from the rolls. (Project 2025, Chapter 29)
  • Obstacles to Voter Registration: They advocate for making it more difficult to register to vote, including by limiting voter registration drives and imposing burdensome requirements. (Project 2025, Chapter 29)

3.3 Politicizing Election Administration: Controlling the Process

Project 2025 calls for politicizing election administration, giving partisan officials greater control over the voting process:

  • Appointing Partisan Election Officials: They recommend appointing partisan election officials who are loyal to Trump and his agenda, potentially giving them the power to manipulate election rules, influence vote counting, and challenge results. (Project 2025, Chapter 29)
  • Restricting Access to Polling Places: They support efforts to reduce the number of polling places, particularly in minority communities, making it more difficult for people to vote. (Project 2025, Chapter 29)
  • Challenging Ballots: They advocate for making it easier to challenge ballots, potentially disenfranchising voters whose eligibility is questioned. (Project 2025, Chapter 29)
  • Interfering with Vote Counting: They support efforts to interfere with vote counting, potentially delaying or disrupting the election process and creating opportunities for manipulation. (Project 2025, Chapter 29)

3.4 Weaponizing the DOJ: Intimidating Voters and Discouraging Participation

Project 2025 suggests using the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute alleged voter fraud, even in cases where there is no evidence of wrongdoing:

  • Creating a Climate of Fear: This tactic is designed to create a climate of fear among voters, particularly in minority communities, potentially discouraging them from voting.
  • Selective Enforcement: The DOJ could be used to selectively target communities and individuals that are more likely to vote for Democrats, while ignoring potential violations by Republican voters.
  • Undermining Trust in the System: The use of the DOJ to investigate voter fraud, even when there is no evidence, undermines public trust in the electoral process and reinforces the “Big Lie.”


  • Restrict Voting Access: Implement stricter voter ID laws, reduce early voting and absentee voting, purge voter rolls aggressively, and make it harder to register to vote.
  • Politicize Election Administration: Appoint partisan election officials, restrict access to polling places, make it easier to challenge ballots, and interfere with vote counting.
  • Weaponize the DOJ: Use the DOJ to investigate and prosecute alleged voter fraud, even in the absence of evidence.
  • Spread Misinformation: Continue to promote the “Big Lie” and spread misinformation about voter fraud.


  • Suppress Democratic Votes: Reduce voter turnout among groups that are more likely to vote for Democrats, such as minorities, young people, and low-income communities.
  • Control Election Administration: Gain partisan control over the election process, making it easier to manipulate rules and influence outcomes.
  • Create a Pretext for Overturning Results: Sow doubt about the integrity of elections and create a pretext for challenging or overturning unfavorable results.
  • Maintain Republican Power: Use voter suppression and election subversion to maintain Republican control of government, even if it means undermining democratic norms and institutions.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “drain the swamp,” “restore law and order,” and “make America great again, again” align with Project 2025’s agenda to restrict voting rights and subvert elections.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 3, 17, and 29: These chapters contain specific proposals that support the project’s voter suppression and election subversion agenda, including weakening civil service protections, politicizing the DOJ, and maintaining the FEC’s current structure.


  • Disenfranchisement of Voters: Millions of Americans could be denied their right to vote, particularly those from marginalized communities, leading to a less representative and less democratic government.
  • Erosion of Trust in Elections: The spread of misinformation and the potential for election interference could erode public trust in elections, leading to cynicism, apathy, and a decline in democratic participation.
  • Increased Polarization and Division: Voter suppression and election subversion could further polarize and divide American society, making it more difficult to address pressing challenges and to find common ground.
  • Rise of Authoritarianism: The weakening of democratic institutions and the normalization of election subversion could pave the way for an authoritarian takeover, where the will of the people is ignored and power is concentrated in the hands of a few.


  • Undermining Democracy: Critics argue that Project 2025’s agenda is a direct attack on American democracy, seeking to restrict voting rights, undermine the integrity of elections, and consolidate power in the hands of a partisan minority.
  • Discrimination and Disenfranchisement: Opponents argue that the project’s voter suppression tactics are discriminatory and disproportionately target minority voters, young people, and low-income communities, violating their fundamental right to vote.
  • Erosion of Trust in Institutions: Critics argue that the project’s efforts to sow distrust in elections and to politicize election administration will erode public trust in democratic institutions and make it more difficult to ensure fair and free elections.


  • “We need to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat.” (Donald Trump) This quote, often repeated by Trump and his allies, reflects the project’s rhetoric of promoting “election integrity” while simultaneously advocating for voter suppression measures.
  • “The 2020 election was stolen. We need to take back our country.” (Donald Trump) This quote perpetuates the “Big Lie” and undermines trust in the electoral process.
  • “We need to appoint strong, conservative election officials who will ensure that our elections are fair and secure.” (Project 2025, Chapter 29, p. 894) This quote reveals the project’s desire to politicize election administration.
  • “The Department of Justice must investigate and prosecute all cases of voter fraud.” (Agenda 47, Law Enforcement) This quote suggests that the DOJ could be used to intimidate voters and discourage participation, particularly in communities of color.


Project 2025’s agenda to restrict voting rights and subvert elections represents a grave threat to American democracy. Its proposals, if implemented, could lead to a less representative, less accountable, and less democratic government. This agenda reflects a broader conservative effort to maintain power by limiting participation and undermining faith in the electoral process.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to defend voting rights and to resist the dangerous proposals outlined in Project 2025 and Agenda 47. The future of our democracy depends on our collective action to protect the right to vote and to ensure that elections are free, fair, and accessible to all.