Title: Project 2025: Scorched Earth (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis exposes the profound threat to the environment posed by Project 2025 and Agenda 47. These documents, driven by a disregard for climate science, a prioritization of corporate profits over environmental protection, and a deep distrust of government regulation, outline a plan to dismantle environmental safeguards, unleash polluters, and accelerate the climate crisis. This agenda, if implemented, could have devastating consequences for our planet, our health, and the well-being of future generations.


  • Climate Change Denial: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 downplay or outright deny the scientific consensus on climate change, dismissing it as a hoax or a liberal conspiracy. This denialism allows them to justify policies that would exacerbate the climate crisis.
  • Deregulation as a Panacea: The project views environmental regulations as burdensome obstacles to economic growth and advocates for a wholesale rollback of regulations, regardless of their impact on public health or the environment.
  • “Sound Science” as a Weapon: They use the rhetoric of “sound science” to challenge legitimate scientific research, particularly on climate change, often citing industry-funded studies or fringe theories to support their agenda.
  • State Control Over Environmental Protection: Project 2025 advocates for shifting responsibility for environmental protection from the federal government to states, arguing that this will increase local control and reduce bureaucracy. However, this could lead to a patchwork of inconsistent regulations and a race to the bottom, as states compete to attract businesses by weakening environmental standards.
  • Prioritizing Corporate Profits: The project consistently prioritizes the interests of corporations, particularly those in the fossil fuel industry, over the protection of the environment and public health. This reflects a belief that economic growth should take precedence over environmental concerns.


3.1 Unleashing the Fossil Fuel Industry: A Climate Catastrophe in the Making

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 aim to unleash the fossil fuel industry, promoting increased production and consumption of oil, gas, and coal, despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that these activities are driving climate change:

  • Expanding Drilling and Mining: The project calls for opening up more public lands and waters to oil and gas drilling, mining, and logging, prioritizing resource extraction over conservation and recreation. (Chapters 12 and 16)
  • Gutting Environmental Regulations: They advocate for rolling back regulations that limit greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, and other environmental harms, arguing that these regulations are “job-killing” and stifle economic growth. (Chapters 12 and 13)
  • Eliminating Clean Energy Incentives: They propose eliminating subsidies and tax breaks for renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, making it harder for these clean energy sources to compete with fossil fuels. (Chapter 12)
  • Promoting “Clean Coal”: They promote the myth of “clean coal,” a technology that does not exist, as a way to justify continued reliance on coal, a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. (Chapter 12)

3.2 Weakening the EPA: Silencing the Watchdog

Project 2025 targets the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the agency responsible for protecting human health and the environment, seeking to weaken its authority, reduce its budget, and limit its ability to enforce environmental laws:

  • Reducing the EPA’s Budget and Staff: They propose cutting the EPA’s budget and staffing levels, making it more difficult for the agency to carry out its mission and to enforce regulations. (Chapter 13)
  • Limiting the EPA’s Authority: They advocate for limiting the EPA’s authority to regulate air and water quality, hazardous waste, and other environmental issues, giving polluters more freedom to operate without oversight. (Chapter 13)
  • Challenging the EPA’s “Endangerment Finding”: They seek to overturn the EPA’s “Endangerment Finding,” which recognizes that greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare, potentially undermining the legal basis for regulating greenhouse gas emissions. (Chapter 13)
  • Appointing Industry-Friendly Officials: They recommend appointing individuals with ties to the fossil fuel industry or who are skeptical of climate change to leadership positions within the EPA, ensuring that the agency is captured by the very industries it is supposed to regulate.

3.3 Ignoring the Climate Crisis: A Reckless Gamble with Our Future

Project 2025 downplays the urgency of addressing climate change, ignoring the overwhelming scientific consensus and the growing evidence of its devastating impacts:

  • Dismissing Climate Science: They dismiss climate science as “junk science” or a “hoax,” often citing discredited studies or cherry-picking data to support their claims.
  • Focusing on Short-Term Economic Gains: They prioritize short-term economic gains from fossil fuel production over the long-term costs of climate change, ignoring the potential for economic disruption, displacement, and disaster.
  • Rejecting International Cooperation: They oppose international agreements like the Paris Agreement, arguing that they harm American sovereignty and economic competitiveness, undermining global efforts to address a global crisis.

3.4 State Control: A Race to the Bottom

Project 2025 advocates for shifting responsibility for environmental protection from the federal government to states, arguing that this will increase local control and reduce bureaucracy:

  • Block Granting Environmental Programs: They propose block granting federal funds for environmental programs to states, giving them more flexibility but also potentially leading to a weakening of environmental standards.
  • Weakening National Standards: Shifting responsibility to states could lead to a patchwork of inconsistent regulations, as states compete to attract businesses by weakening environmental protections, creating a “race to the bottom” that harms the environment and public health.


  • Expand Fossil Fuel Production: Open up more public lands and waters to oil and gas drilling, mining, and logging. (Chapters 12 and 16)
  • Rollback Environmental Regulations: Weaken or eliminate regulations on air and water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and other environmental harms. (Chapters 12 and 13)
  • Eliminate Clean Energy Incentives: End subsidies and tax breaks for renewable energy sources. (Chapter 12)
  • Promote “Clean Coal”: Support the development and deployment of “clean coal” technologies, despite their lack of viability. (Chapter 12)
  • Weaken the EPA: Reduce the EPA’s budget and staffing, limit its authority, and appoint industry-friendly officials. (Chapter 13)
  • Challenge the EPA’s “Endangerment Finding”: Overturn the EPA’s finding that greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare. (Chapter 13)
  • Withdraw from the Paris Agreement: Withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change. (Agenda 47)
  • Block Grant Environmental Programs: Shift funding for environmental programs to states through block grants. (Chapter 13)


  • Unleash the Fossil Fuel Industry: Promote the expansion of the fossil fuel industry, regardless of the environmental consequences.
  • Dismantle Environmental Protections: Weaken or eliminate environmental regulations, viewing them as obstacles to economic growth.
  • Silence Climate Science: Discredit climate science and promote skepticism about climate change.
  • Shift Responsibility to States: Shift responsibility for environmental protection to states, potentially leading to a weakening of standards.
  • Prioritize Corporate Profits: Put the interests of corporations, particularly those in the fossil fuel industry, ahead of environmental protection and public health.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “unleash American energy” and to “put America first” align with Project 2025’s agenda to promote fossil fuels and to weaken environmental protections.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, and 16: These chapters contain proposals that support the project’s environmental agenda, including increasing executive power, weakening civil service protections, promoting “American energy dominance,” weakening the EPA, and expanding energy development on public lands.


  • Accelerated Climate Change: The project’s policies would lead to a dramatic increase in greenhouse gas emissions, accelerating climate change and its devastating consequences, including more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, wildfires, and disruptions to agriculture and ecosystems.
  • Increased Air and Water Pollution: Weakening environmental regulations would lead to increased air and water pollution, harming public health, particularly in low-income communities and communities of color that are disproportionately exposed to environmental hazards. This could lead to higher rates of respiratory illnesses, cancer, and other health problems.
  • Loss of Biodiversity: Weakening the Endangered Species Act and promoting habitat destruction would lead to a loss of biodiversity, jeopardizing the delicate balance of ecosystems and threatening the survival of countless species. This could have cascading effects on food chains, water quality, and other essential ecological services.
  • Economic Costs: The long-term economic costs of environmental degradation, including healthcare expenses, property damage from extreme weather events, lost productivity due to heat waves and droughts, and disruptions to agriculture and tourism, would far outweigh any short-term gains from deregulation.
  • Damage to Public Lands: Expanding drilling, mining, and logging on public lands would damage these treasured spaces, reducing recreational opportunities, harming wildlife habitat, and polluting water sources.


  • Climate Change Denial: Critics argue that Project 2025’s disregard for climate science is irresponsible and dangerous, ignoring the overwhelming scientific consensus on the issue and the urgent need to address it.
  • Prioritizing Profits Over People: Opponents argue that the project’s focus on deregulation and corporate profits would put the health and well-being of communities and the environment at risk, benefiting a select few at the expense of the many.
  • Undermining Environmental Justice: Critics argue that the project’s policies would disproportionately harm low-income communities and communities of color, which are often located near polluting industries and are more vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
  • Short-Sighted Economic Policies: Opponents argue that the project’s focus on short-term economic gains from fossil fuels ignores the long-term economic benefits of investing in clean energy and a sustainable economy.


  • “The Biden Administration’s energy policies are a disaster for the American people. They are based on ideology, not science, and they are harming our economy and our national security.” (Project 2025, Chapter 12, p. 382) This quote reflects the project’s rejection of climate science and its prioritization of fossil fuels.
  • “The EPA has become a rogue agency that is more interested in advancing a radical environmental agenda than in protecting public health and the environment.” (Project 2025, Chapter 13, p. 418) This quote reflects the project’s distrust of the EPA and its desire to weaken the agency’s authority.
  • “We must unleash American energy and restore our energy independence.” (Project 2025, Chapter 16, p. 553) This quote highlights the project’s emphasis on fossil fuel production and its rejection of renewable energy.
  • “Climate change is a hoax.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects the project’s denial of climate science and its willingness to spread misinformation.


Project 2025’s environmental agenda represents a grave threat to the health of our planet and the well-being of future generations. Its proposals, if implemented, would accelerate climate change, increase pollution, weaken environmental protections, and prioritize corporate profits over the public good. This agenda is driven by a disregard for science, a blind faith in free markets, and a dangerous ideology that places short-term economic gains ahead of the long-term sustainability of our planet.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to resist this destructive agenda and to advocate for policies that protect our environment, address climate change, and ensure a healthy and sustainable future for all. We must hold our elected officials accountable, support organizations fighting for environmental protection, and educate ourselves and others about the importance of environmental stewardship. The future of our planet depends on it.