Title: Project 2025: Abandoning Ukraine (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” Donald Trump’s statements, and related sources.

This analysis examines the potential consequences of Project 2025 and Agenda 47 for U.S. support for Ukraine, revealing a dangerous agenda that threatens to abandon a democratic ally in its fight against Russian aggression. Driven by a combination of “America First” isolationism, admiration for authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin, and a desire to reduce U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts, this agenda could lead to a Russian victory, a weakening of NATO, and a emboldening of authoritarian regimes around the world.


  • “America First” Isolationism: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 embrace an “America First” foreign policy that prioritizes narrow U.S. interests over international commitments and alliances, suggesting a reluctance to engage in costly interventions abroad, even in defense of democracy and freedom.
  • Admiration for Authoritarian Leaders: Trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for Vladimir Putin and other authoritarian leaders, questioning the value of supporting democracies and suggesting a preference for strongmen who rule with an iron fist.
  • Skepticism Towards NATO: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 express skepticism towards NATO, arguing that European allies should bear more of the burden for their own defense and that the U.S. should reduce its commitments to the alliance. This weakens the collective security of the West and emboldens Russia.
  • Focus on Domestic Issues: The project prioritizes domestic issues over foreign policy, arguing that the U.S. should focus on its own problems rather than getting involved in conflicts abroad. This inward-looking perspective ignores the interconnectedness of global security and the importance of supporting democratic allies.
  • Transactional Foreign Policy: Trump’s foreign policy is often transactional, focused on short-term gains and personal relationships rather than on long-term strategic interests or values-based alliances. This approach makes U.S. foreign policy unpredictable and unreliable, undermining trust among allies.


3.1 Trump’s History of Appeasement Towards Putin

Trump’s past statements and actions reveal a pattern of appeasement towards Putin and a willingness to undermine U.S. support for Ukraine:

  • Praise for Putin: Trump has repeatedly praised Putin as a “strong leader” and a “smart guy,” even as Putin has invaded Ukraine, interfered in U.S. elections, and committed human rights abuses.
  • Questioning NATO: Trump has questioned the value of NATO, calling it “obsolete” and suggesting that the U.S. should withdraw from the alliance. This weakens the collective security of the West and emboldens Russia to act aggressively.
  • Withholding Aid to Ukraine: During his presidency, Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine in an attempt to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden. This abuse of power demonstrated Trump’s willingness to sacrifice U.S. national security interests for personal gain.
  • Downplaying Russian Interference: Trump has consistently downplayed Russian interference in the 2016 election, accepting Putin’s denials and undermining the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Russia interfered to help Trump win.

3.2 Project 2025’s Blueprint for Retreat

Project 2025’s recommendations on foreign policy and defense suggest a retreat from U.S. global leadership and a reduced commitment to supporting democratic allies like Ukraine:

  • “America First” Foreign Policy: The project emphasizes an “America First” foreign policy that prioritizes narrow U.S. interests over international commitments and alliances. This suggests a reluctance to engage in costly interventions abroad, even in defense of democracy and freedom. (Chapter 6)
  • Reducing U.S. Involvement in NATO: Chapter 4, focusing on the Department of Defense, calls for increasing allied burden-sharing in NATO and suggests that European allies should take more responsibility for countering Russia. This implies a reduced role for the U.S. in European security.
  • Focusing on Domestic Issues: Project 2025 prioritizes domestic issues over foreign policy, arguing that the U.S. should focus on its own problems rather than getting involved in conflicts abroad. This inward-looking perspective ignores the interconnectedness of global security and the importance of supporting democratic allies. (Foreword)

3.3 Agenda 47’s Isolationist Rhetoric

Agenda 47 reinforces the isolationist themes of Project 2025, using populist rhetoric to appeal to those who are tired of U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts:

  • “America First” Slogans: Trump’s “America First” slogans resonate with those who believe that the U.S. has been taken advantage of by other countries and that it should focus on its own interests.
  • Blaming “Globalists”: Agenda 47 blames “globalists” for America’s problems, suggesting that they are more interested in promoting a global agenda than in protecting American interests. This rhetoric appeals to nationalist sentiments and reinforces the idea that the U.S. should withdraw from international commitments.
  • Promising to “End Endless Wars”: Trump promises to “end endless wars” and to bring American troops home, appealing to those who are weary of U.S. military interventions abroad.

3.4 The Lincoln Project’s Chilling Prediction

The Lincoln Project, a group of anti-Trump Republicans, released a video outlining a potential second Trump term, which includes a chilling prediction about the fate of Ukraine:

  • Abandonment and Russian Victory: The video states that Trump would “end Pentagon cooperation with Ukraine,” leading to a Russian victory and the death of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. This scenario, while hypothetical, is consistent with Trump’s past statements and actions and with the broader agenda outlined in Project 2025 and Agenda 47.


  • Reduce or Eliminate Aid to Ukraine: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 do not explicitly call for ending aid to Ukraine, but their broader agenda suggests that a second Trump administration would likely reduce or eliminate military and financial assistance to the country.
  • Pressure Ukraine to Negotiate with Russia: Trump could pressure Ukraine to negotiate a peace settlement with Russia, even if it means making concessions that are unfavorable to Ukraine.
  • Withdraw from NATO: Trump could attempt to withdraw the U.S. from NATO, weakening the alliance and emboldening Russia.
  • Recognize Russian Annexation of Crimea: Trump could recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea, legitimizing Putin’s aggression and undermining international law.


  • Reduce U.S. Involvement in Foreign Conflicts: Limit U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts, particularly those that are seen as costly or not directly related to U.S. national security interests.
  • Appease Russia: Appease Russia and avoid confrontation with Putin, potentially in the hope of securing favorable trade deals or other concessions.
  • Shift Focus to Domestic Issues: Prioritize domestic issues over foreign policy, arguing that the U.S. should focus on its own problems rather than getting involved in conflicts abroad.
  • Promote an “America First” Agenda: Advance an “America First” foreign policy that prioritizes narrow U.S. interests over international commitments and alliances.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “put America first,” “end endless wars,” and “make America great again, again” align with Project 2025’s agenda to reduce U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts and to appease Russia.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 4, 6, and 7: These chapters contain proposals that support the project’s agenda on Ukraine, including increasing military spending (but potentially reducing U.S. commitments to NATO), promoting a more confrontational foreign policy, and refocusing intelligence resources on countering China and Russia (potentially at the expense of other threats).


  • Russian Victory in Ukraine: A reduction or elimination of U.S. aid would likely lead to a Russian victory in Ukraine, resulting in the loss of Ukrainian territory, the displacement of millions of people, and a humanitarian crisis.
  • Weakening of NATO: Trump’s skepticism towards NATO and his potential withdrawal from the alliance would weaken the collective security of the West and embolden Russia to act more aggressively in Eastern Europe and elsewhere.
  • Emboldening of Authoritarian Regimes: A U.S. retreat from supporting Ukraine would send a signal to other authoritarian regimes that the U.S. is an unreliable ally and that they can act with impunity.
  • Damage to U.S. Credibility and Leadership: Abandoning Ukraine would damage U.S. credibility and leadership on the world stage, undermining its ability to promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.


  • Abandoning a Democratic Ally: Critics argue that reducing or eliminating aid to Ukraine would be a betrayal of a democratic ally that is fighting for its survival against an authoritarian aggressor.
  • Emboldening Putin: Opponents argue that appeasing Putin would only encourage him to act more aggressively in the future, potentially leading to a wider conflict in Europe.
  • Undermining U.S. National Security: Critics argue that a Russian victory in Ukraine would harm U.S. national security interests by strengthening Russia’s position in Europe and undermining the credibility of U.S. security guarantees.
  • Short-Sighted and Self-Defeating: Opponents argue that withdrawing from NATO or reducing U.S. involvement in global affairs would be short-sighted and self-defeating, ultimately making the U.S. less safe and less prosperous.


  • “Putin is a very smart cookie.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects Trump’s admiration for Putin and his willingness to overlook Putin’s authoritarianism and aggression.
  • “NATO is obsolete.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects Trump’s skepticism towards NATO and his desire to reduce U.S. involvement in the alliance.
  • “We need to focus on our own problems here at home.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects the “America First” isolationism that underpins Project 2025 and Agenda 47.
  • “We need to make a deal with Russia.” (Donald Trump) This quote suggests that Trump would be willing to appease Putin, even if it means making concessions that harm U.S. interests or those of its allies.


Project 2025 and Agenda 47, combined with Trump’s past statements and actions, paint a bleak picture for the future of U.S. support for Ukraine. The evidence strongly suggests that a second Trump administration would likely abandon Ukraine, appease Russia, and potentially even withdraw from NATO. This would be a major foreign policy shift with devastating consequences for Ukraine, U.S. global leadership, and the future of democracy.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to elect leaders who are committed to supporting Ukraine, strengthening NATO, and standing up to authoritarian aggression. The fate of Ukraine, the security of Europe, and the credibility of the United States are all at stake.