Title: Department of Energy and Related Commissions (TL;DR Version)

Author: Bernard L. McNamee, Former Member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

Chapter 12 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” focuses on the Department of Energy (DOE) and related commissions, including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Authored by Bernard L. McNamee, a former FERC member appointed by President Trump, the chapter argues that the Biden Administration’s “extreme ‘green’ policies” have created an “artificial energy scarcity” and driven up energy prices. McNamee outlines a conservative vision for American energy policy that emphasizes “energy dominance,” an “all of the above” approach that prioritizes fossil fuels, and a reduced role for government in energy markets.

The chapter’s significance lies in its stark rejection of renewable energy and climate action, advocating instead for a doubling down on fossil fuels and deregulation. McNamee’s recommendations could lead to a rollback of environmental protections, a slowdown in the development of renewable energy sources, and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, raising serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for exacerbating climate change and harming public health.


  • “American Energy Dominance”: McNamee calls for a return to “American energy dominance,” arguing that the U.S. should prioritize the production of fossil fuels to ensure abundant, affordable, and reliable energy. This reflects a broader conservative belief in energy independence and a rejection of global efforts to address climate change.
  • “All of the Above” Energy Policy: While advocating for an “all of the above” energy policy, McNamee’s emphasis is clearly on fossil fuels, suggesting a preference for traditional energy sources over renewable energy.
  • Deregulation and Free Markets: The chapter advocates for deregulation and a reduced role for government in energy markets, arguing that the free market is the best mechanism for ensuring energy abundance and affordability.
  • Skepticism Towards Climate Change: McNamee downplays the urgency of addressing climate change and criticizes the Biden Administration’s “green” policies as being harmful to the economy.
  • National Security and Energy Independence: The chapter emphasizes the national security implications of energy policy, arguing that energy independence is essential for protecting American interests and reducing reliance on foreign sources.


3.1 Introduction: A “War on American Energy” (382)

  • McNamee argues that the Biden Administration is waging a “war on American energy” through its “extreme ‘green’ policies.”
  • He claims that these policies have led to higher energy prices, job losses, and a weakening of national security.
  • Quote: “The Biden Administration’s energy policies are a disaster for the American people. They are based on ideology, not science, and they are harming our economy and our national security.”

3.2 The Solution: “American Energy Dominance” (384)

  • McNamee calls for a return to “American energy dominance,” arguing that the U.S. should become the world’s leading producer and exporter of energy.
  • He advocates for an “all of the above” energy policy that prioritizes fossil fuels, including oil, natural gas, and coal.
  • Quote: “The United States has the resources to be the world’s energy superpower. We must unleash American energy and reclaim our energy independence.”

3.3 Deregulation and Free Markets (385)

  • McNamee argues that the government should “get out of the way” of the energy industry and allow the free market to determine energy production and prices.
  • He calls for repealing regulations that he believes are “burdensome” and “unnecessary,” including those related to climate change, air and water quality, and endangered species.
  • Quote: “The best way to ensure affordable and reliable energy is to unleash the power of the free market.”

3.4 Specific Policy Recommendations (396)

  • Repeal “Green” Subsidies: Repeal subsidies for renewable energy and electric vehicles. (398)
  • Approve Energy Projects: Expedite the approval of oil and gas pipelines, drilling permits, and other energy infrastructure projects. (399)
  • Promote Nuclear Power: Streamline the licensing process for new nuclear power plants. (402)
  • Reform FERC: Refocus FERC on ensuring “affordable and reliable electricity” and reduce its focus on climate change. (402)
  • Reform NRC: Streamline the NRC’s nuclear regulatory requirements to promote the development of new nuclear power plants. (402)

3.5 Conclusion: A Call for Energy Independence (404)

  • McNamee concludes by arguing that his recommendations are necessary to achieve energy independence, to lower energy prices, and to strengthen national security.
  • He claims that a free market approach to energy policy will lead to a more prosperous and secure America.


  • Repeal “Green” Subsidies: Repeal subsidies for renewable energy and electric vehicles. (398)
  • Approve Energy Projects: Expedite the approval of oil and gas pipelines, drilling permits, and other energy infrastructure projects. (399)
  • Promote Nuclear Power: Streamline the licensing process for new nuclear power plants. (402)
  • Reform FERC: Refocus FERC on ensuring “affordable and reliable electricity” and reduce its focus on climate change. (402)
  • Reform NRC: Streamline the NRC’s nuclear regulatory requirements to promote the development of new nuclear power plants. (402)


  • Promote Fossil Fuels: Increase the production and consumption of fossil fuels, particularly oil, natural gas, and coal.
  • Reduce Government Intervention: Minimize the role of the federal government in energy markets, allowing the free market to determine energy production and prices.
  • Achieve Energy Independence: Reduce U.S. reliance on foreign sources of energy and become a net energy exporter.
  • Downplay Climate Change: Minimize the perceived urgency of addressing climate change and promote a skeptical view of climate science.
  • Strengthen National Security: Enhance national security by achieving energy independence and reducing reliance on foreign adversaries for energy.


  • Agenda 47: The chapter’s emphasis on “American energy dominance,” deregulation, and skepticism towards climate change aligns with the broader goals outlined in Trump’s Agenda 47.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 4: This chapter, focusing on the Department of Defense, complements Chapter 12 by highlighting the national security implications of energy independence.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 13: This chapter, focusing on the Environmental Protection Agency, supports Chapter 12 by advocating for a rollback of environmental regulations that McNamee believes are hindering energy production.


  • Exacerbating Climate Change: The emphasis on fossil fuel production and the rollback of renewable energy subsidies could lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change and its associated risks.
  • Weakening Environmental Protections: The call for deregulation and a reduced role for government in energy markets could lead to a weakening of environmental protections, potentially increasing pollution and harming public health.
  • Higher Energy Prices: The elimination of renewable energy subsidies and the focus on fossil fuels could lead to higher energy prices for consumers and businesses in the long run.
  • Slower Innovation: The rollback of government support for clean energy technologies could slow down innovation and the development of new renewable energy sources, hindering the transition to a more sustainable energy future.
  • Ignoring Climate Risks: The chapter’s narrow focus on traditional energy sources ignores the growing risks to energy infrastructure and national security posed by climate change-related extreme weather events.


  • Climate Change Denial: Critics might argue that the chapter’s skepticism towards climate change is irresponsible and ignores the overwhelming scientific consensus on the issue.
  • Prioritizing Profits Over People: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s focus on deregulation and free markets would prioritize the profits of energy companies over the health and well-being of communities and the environment.
  • Short-Sighted Energy Policy: Critics might argue that the chapter’s emphasis on fossil fuels is short-sighted and ignores the long-term benefits of investing in renewable energy sources.
  • Undermining U.S. Competitiveness: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s rejection of clean energy technologies would undermine U.S. competitiveness in the global clean energy market.


  • “The Biden Administration’s energy policies are a disaster for the American people. They are based on ideology, not science, and they are harming our economy and our national security.” (382) This quote reflects McNamee’s strong opposition to the Biden Administration’s energy policies.
  • “The United States has the resources to be the world’s energy superpower. We must unleash American energy and reclaim our energy independence.” (384) This quote highlights the chapter’s focus on “American energy dominance.”
  • “The best way to ensure affordable and reliable energy is to unleash the power of the free market.” (385) This quote encapsulates the chapter’s faith in deregulation and free markets.
  • “We must repeal subsidies for renewable energy and electric vehicles. These subsidies are nothing more than corporate welfare.” (398) This quote reveals the chapter’s opposition to government support for clean energy.
  • “We must expedite the approval of oil and gas pipelines, drilling permits, and other energy infrastructure projects. These projects are essential for our economic growth and national security.” (399) This quote highlights the chapter’s prioritization of fossil fuel production.


Chapter 12 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” outlines a conservative vision for American energy policy that prioritizes fossil fuel production, deregulation, and a reduced role for government in energy markets. The chapter’s recommendations could lead to a rollback of environmental protections, a slowdown in the development of renewable energy sources, and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, raising serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for exacerbating climate change and harming public health.

This chapter, like the previous chapters, highlights the stark differences between conservatives and liberals on issues of energy and environmental policy. The proposals outlined in this chapter could have a profound impact on the future of America’s energy system and its contribution to climate change, raising serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a more polluting and less sustainable energy future under a future conservative administration.