Title: Onward! (TL;DR Version)

Author: Edwin J. Feulner, Founder and Former President of The Heritage Foundation

The concluding section of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” titled “Onward!,” serves as a rousing call to action for conservatives, urging them to embrace the project as a guide for achieving a conservative revolution in government. Authored by Edwin J. Feulner, founder and former president of The Heritage Foundation, the section celebrates the successes of the Reagan and Trump Administrations in implementing conservative policies and suggests that the next conservative President can achieve similar transformative results by following the recommendations outlined in “Mandate for Leadership.”

The significance of “Onward!” lies in its explicit call for a radical reshaping of the federal government and American society according to conservative principles. Feulner’s vision of a smaller, less intrusive government that prioritizes free markets, individual responsibility, and traditional values over government intervention, social welfare, and environmental protection is likely to be deeply concerning to Democrats and many Americans who value the role of government in addressing social and economic problems and promoting equality and opportunity for all.


  • Mandate as a Blueprint for Conservative Revolution: Feulner presents “Mandate for Leadership” as a blueprint for a conservative revolution, arguing that it provides a comprehensive plan to dismantle the administrative state, reduce the size and scope of government, and advance conservative policies across all areas of government.
  • “People are Policy”: Feulner emphasizes the importance of personnel in implementing a conservative agenda, arguing that the next President must appoint individuals who are “principled” and “aligned with the President’s conservative vision.” This suggests a desire to politicize the federal workforce and to prioritize loyalty over expertise and experience.
  • “Watch the Watchers”: Feulner argues that presidential appointees must serve as “watchdogs” to “rein in” federal agencies and prevent them from overreaching their authority. He specifically mentions the EPA, IRS, and OSHA as agencies that need to be reined in, reflecting a deep distrust of the federal bureaucracy.
  • Conservative Solutions vs. Liberal Failures: Feulner repeatedly contrasts “conservative solutions” with “liberal policies,” arguing that conservative policies are more effective in promoting economic growth, individual freedom, and national security. This rhetoric oversimplifies complex policy issues and ignores the successes of liberal policies in areas such as social welfare, education, and healthcare.
  • Historical Continuity and the Reagan Revolution: Feulner draws a direct line from the Reagan Revolution to Project 2025, arguing that the project is a continuation of the conservative movement’s long-term effort to transform America. He celebrates the successes of the Reagan and Trump administrations in implementing conservative policies and suggests that the next conservative President can achieve similar results.


3.1 The Legacy of “Mandate for Leadership” (916)

  • Feulner recounts the history of the “Mandate for Leadership” project, highlighting its origins in the Reagan era and its impact on the Trump administration.
  • He argues that “Mandate” has been a “vital tool” for conservative Presidents, providing them with a roadmap for implementing their agenda.
  • Quote: “Mandate for Leadership has been a vital tool for conservative Presidents, providing them with a roadmap for implementing their agenda and for making America great again.”

3.2 The “People are Policy” Imperative (919)

  • Feulner emphasizes the importance of personnel in implementing a conservative agenda, arguing that the next President must appoint individuals who are “principled” and “aligned with the President’s conservative vision.”
  • He criticizes the “deep state” and argues that presidential appointees must be willing to “challenge the status quo” and to “fight for the President’s agenda.”
  • Quote: “Personnel is policy. The next conservative President must appoint individuals who share his vision and who are committed to implementing his agenda.”

3.3 “Watch the Watchers” (919)

  • Feulner argues that presidential appointees must serve as “watchdogs” to “rein in” federal agencies and prevent them from overreaching their authority.
  • He specifically mentions the EPA, IRS, and OSHA as agencies that need to be reined in, reflecting a deep distrust of the federal bureaucracy.
  • Quote: “Presidential appointees must be watchdogs, not lapdogs. They must be willing to challenge the bureaucracy and to fight for the President’s agenda.”

3.4 Conservative Solutions vs. Liberal Failures (919)

  • Feulner repeatedly contrasts “conservative solutions” with “liberal policies,” arguing that conservative policies are more effective in promoting economic growth, individual freedom, and national security.
  • He claims that liberal policies have led to “economic stagnation, social decay, and a weakening of America’s standing in the world.”
  • Quote: “Conservative solutions work. Liberal policies fail. The next conservative President must be bold and courageous in implementing a conservative agenda.”

3.5 A Call to Action (921)

  • Feulner concludes by urging conservatives to embrace Project 2025 and to work tirelessly to elect a conservative President who will implement its recommendations.
  • He calls for a “new era of conservative leadership” that will “restore America’s greatness.”
  • Quote: “The future of America is at stake. We must elect a conservative President who will implement the Mandate for Leadership and restore America’s greatness.”


  • The “Onward!” section does not outline specific policy recommendations but rather serves as a call to action for conservatives to embrace Project 2025 and to work to elect a conservative President who will implement its agenda.


  • Mobilize Conservatives: Energize and mobilize the conservative base by appealing to their values, fears, and aspirations.
  • Legitimize Project 2025: Reinforce the legitimacy and credibility of Project 2025 as a comprehensive plan for governing.
  • Celebrate Conservative Successes: Highlight the perceived successes of past conservative administrations, particularly those of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.
  • Demonize Liberal Policies: Portray liberal policies as failures that have harmed America and its people.
  • Inspire Action: Motivate conservatives to take action, to get involved in politics, and to work to elect a conservative President.


  • Project 2025, Chapters 1-30: The “Onward!” section summarizes the key themes and recommendations of the entire book, serving as a concluding statement of the project’s vision.
  • Agenda 47: The section’s emphasis on conservative values, limited government, and a strong national defense aligns with the broader goals outlined in Trump’s Agenda 47.


  • Increased Political Polarization: The section’s divisive rhetoric and its celebration of past conservative administrations could further polarize American politics, making it more difficult to find common ground and to address shared challenges.
  • Erosion of Trust in Government: The section’s distrust of the “deep state” and its call for “watchdogs” to “rein in” federal agencies could erode public trust in government institutions and undermine the legitimacy of the civil service.
  • Emboldening of the Far Right: The section’s rhetoric could embolden far-right groups and individuals who share its vision of a conservative revolution, potentially leading to increased political violence and instability.


  • Oversimplification of Complex Issues: Critics might argue that the section oversimplifies complex policy issues and presents a simplistic and misleading view of the challenges facing America.
  • Historical Revisionism: Opponents might argue that the section engages in historical revisionism by celebrating the successes of past conservative administrations while ignoring their failures and negative consequences.
  • Promoting a Divisive Agenda: Critics might argue that the section’s rhetoric promotes a divisive agenda that pits conservatives against liberals and undermines efforts to find common ground.


  • “Mandate for Leadership has been a vital tool for conservative Presidents, providing them with a roadmap for implementing their agenda and for making America great again.” (916) This quote highlights the importance of Project 2025 in the conservative movement’s strategy for achieving its goals.
  • “Personnel is policy. The next conservative President must appoint individuals who share his vision and are committed to implementing his agenda.” (919) This quote emphasizes the importance of personnel decisions in implementing a conservative agenda.
  • “Presidential appointees must be watchdogs, not lapdogs. They must be willing to challenge the bureaucracy and to fight for the President’s agenda.” (919) This quote reflects the deep distrust of the federal bureaucracy that pervades Project 2025.
  • “Conservative solutions work. Liberal policies fail. The next conservative President must be bold and courageous in implementing a conservative agenda.” (919) This quote encapsulates the section’s simplistic and divisive rhetoric.
  • “The future of America is at stake. We must elect a conservative President who will implement the Mandate for Leadership and restore America’s greatness.” (921) This quote serves as a rallying cry for conservatives, urging them to action.


“Onward!” serves as a rousing call to action for conservatives, urging them to embrace Project 2025 as a guide for achieving a conservative revolution in government. The section celebrates the successes of the Reagan and Trump Administrations in implementing conservative policies and suggests that the next conservative President can achieve similar transformative results by following the recommendations outlined in “Mandate for Leadership.”

This concluding section leaves no doubt about the conservative movement’s ambition to reshape the federal government and American society in its image. The vision articulated in this section is one of a smaller, less intrusive government that prioritizes free markets, individual responsibility, and traditional values over government intervention, social welfare, and environmental protection. This vision is fundamentally at odds with the Democratic Party’s platform and priorities, raising serious concerns about the potential for a less just and less equitable society under a future conservative administration.