Title: “Hidden Meanings: The Monsters in the Attic”

Runtime: 49:33

Speaker: Katie Sullivan and Bethany Kozma

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Left-Wing Code Words and Language (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, takes a sharp turn towards ideological indoctrination, aiming to instill a deep distrust of progressive language and concepts within aspiring conservative appointees. Katie Sullivan, a former Acting Assistant Attorney General in the Trump administration, and Bethany Kozma, former Deputy Chief of Staff at USAID under Trump, present a collection of what they deem “left-wing code words” and “biased language,” framing them as dangerous tools used to manipulate public opinion and advance a liberal agenda.

The video’s significance lies in its attempt to demonize common progressive terminology and to create a sense of paranoia and suspicion towards any language that challenges conservative orthodoxy. This approach, rooted in a culture war mentality, aims to equip conservative appointees with a weaponized vocabulary to identify and dismantle what they perceive as “liberal bias” within the government.


  • “Woke” Language as a Threat: The video portrays progressive language as a dangerous weapon used to advance a “woke” agenda, framing it as a threat to traditional values, American exceptionalism, and conservative policy goals.
  • Decoding “Hidden Meanings”: Sullivan and Kozma present themselves as decoders of “hidden meanings,” claiming to expose the true intentions behind seemingly innocuous progressive terms and phrases. This approach fosters a sense of suspicion and encourages appointees to see hidden agendas everywhere.
  • Fighting the “Culture War”: The video explicitly frames the struggle over language as part of a broader “culture war,” positioning conservatives as defenders of traditional values against a liberal assault on American culture and identity.
  • Creating a “Conservative Lexicon”: The speakers implicitly encourage the use of a “conservative lexicon,” providing alternative terms and phrases that align with a conservative worldview and that can be used to counter progressive language.
  • Undermining Trust in Expertise: The video undermines trust in experts, academics, and institutions that use progressive language, suggesting that they are biased, untrustworthy, and part of a liberal agenda.


3.1 Introduction: “The Monsters in the Attic”

Sullivan and Kozma begin by framing the discussion as an exploration of “the monsters in the attic,” suggesting that progressive language is a hidden danger lurking within the government, waiting to be exposed and defeated. They use this metaphor to create a sense of urgency and to justify their mission of “decoding” and “dismantling” this perceived threat.

Quote: “We’re going to talk about the monsters in the attic, the things that are lurking in the shadows, the things that are not always obvious but that are very dangerous.”

3.2 “Left-Wing Code Words”: A Weaponized Vocabulary

The speakers present a collection of what they deem “left-wing code words,” arguing that these terms are used to manipulate public opinion, to advance a liberal agenda, and to undermine conservative values. They offer their own interpretations of these terms, often twisting their meanings to fit a conservative narrative.


  • “Equity”: They argue that “equity” is not about equality of opportunity but about “equality of outcome,” suggesting that it is a socialist concept that aims to redistribute wealth and power.
  • “Social Justice”: They claim that “social justice” is a Marxist ideology that seeks to divide society into oppressor and oppressed groups and to undermine traditional values.
  • “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)”: They portray DEI initiatives as a form of “reverse discrimination” that favors minorities over white people and that undermines meritocracy.
  • “Climate Change”: They express skepticism about climate change, suggesting that it is a hoax or a natural phenomenon that is not caused by human activity.
  • “Reproductive Rights”: They argue that “reproductive rights” is a euphemism for abortion and that it is being used to promote a culture of death.

Quote: “These are not just words; they are weapons. They are being used to advance a radical agenda that is harmful to America.”

3.3 “Biased Language”: Identifying and Countering Liberal Bias

Sullivan and Kozma discuss what they perceive as “biased language” used by liberals and progressives, arguing that it is designed to frame issues in a way that favors their agenda. They encourage appointees to be aware of this bias and to use “neutral” or “conservative” language to counter it.


  • “Affordable Care Act” vs. “Obamacare”: They suggest that the term “Affordable Care Act” is biased in favor of the law, while “Obamacare” is a more neutral term.
  • “Undocumented Immigrants” vs. “Illegal Aliens”: They argue that “undocumented immigrants” is a euphemism that minimizes the seriousness of illegal immigration, while “illegal aliens” is a more accurate and less biased term.
  • “Climate Change” vs. “Global Warming”: They suggest that “climate change” is a more neutral term than “global warming,” which they claim is alarmist and designed to scare people.

Quote: “You need to be aware of the language that is being used to manipulate you. Don’t be afraid to use the right language to push back against liberal bias.”

3.4 The “Culture War”: Defending Traditional Values

The speakers explicitly frame the struggle over language as part of a broader “culture war,” positioning conservatives as defenders of traditional values against a liberal assault on American culture and identity. They argue that language is a key battleground in this war and that conservatives must be vigilant in defending their values and their language.

Quote: “We are in a culture war, and language is one of the most important battlegrounds. We need to be aware of the enemy’s tactics and to be prepared to fight back.”

3.5 Conclusion: “Be Prepared to Fight”

Sullivan and Kozma conclude by urging potential appointees to be “prepared to fight” the “culture war” and to use their positions in government to advance a conservative agenda. They encourage them to be bold, to challenge the status quo, and to be unafraid to use the “right language” to promote their values.

Quote: “You are going to be on the front lines of this battle. Be prepared to fight. Be bold, be courageous, and don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.”


The video does not outline specific policy recommendations but rather focuses on providing ideological guidance and rhetorical strategies to potential political appointees.


  • Instill Distrust of Progressive Language: Create a sense of suspicion and paranoia towards progressive language and concepts, framing them as dangerous and manipulative.
  • Promote a Conservative Lexicon: Encourage the use of a “conservative lexicon” to counter progressive language and to frame issues in a way that favors a conservative agenda.
  • Mobilize Conservatives for the “Culture War”: Energize and mobilize conservatives to fight the “culture war” and to defend traditional values against what they perceive as a liberal assault.
  • Undermine Trust in Experts and Institutions: Erode trust in experts, academics, and institutions that use progressive language, portraying them as biased and untrustworthy.


The speakers implicitly reference the broader conservative backlash against what they perceive as a “liberal takeover” of American culture and institutions, dating back to the 1960s and the rise of the New Left. They also draw on the culture wars of the 1980s and 1990s, which focused on issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and multiculturalism.


  • Increased Polarization and Division: The video’s divisive rhetoric and its demonization of progressive language could further polarize American society, making it more difficult to find common ground and to engage in constructive dialogue.
  • Erosion of Civil Discourse: The emphasis on “decoding” hidden meanings and on using language as a weapon could undermine civil discourse, leading to a more hostile and less productive public sphere.
  • Chilling Effect on Free Speech: The fear of being labeled as “woke” or “liberal” could create a chilling effect on free speech, discouraging individuals from expressing their views or from engaging in open and honest debate.


  • Promoting Paranoia and Conspiracy Theories: Critics might argue that the video’s focus on “hidden meanings” and “code words” promotes paranoia and conspiracy theories, encouraging viewers to see hidden agendas and malicious intent behind every word and action.
  • Distorting the Meaning of Language: Opponents might argue that the speakers are deliberately distorting the meaning of progressive language to fit a conservative narrative, rather than engaging in good faith interpretation.
  • Undermining Trust in Expertise: Critics might argue that the video’s attack on experts and institutions that use progressive language undermines trust in knowledge and expertise, potentially leading to a less informed and less rational public discourse.


  • “We’re going to talk about the monsters in the attic, the things that are lurking in the shadows, the things that are not always obvious but that are very dangerous.” This quote sets the tone for the video, framing progressive language as a hidden threat that must be exposed.
  • “These are not just words; they are weapons. They are being used to advance a radical agenda that is harmful to America.” This quote demonizes progressive language, portraying it as a tool for manipulation and destruction.
  • “You need to be aware of the language that is being used to manipulate you. Don’t be afraid to use the right language to push back against liberal bias.” This quote encourages appointees to be suspicious of progressive language and to use a “conservative lexicon” to counter it.
  • “We are in a culture war, and language is one of the most important battlegrounds. We need to be aware of the enemy’s tactics and to be prepared to fight back.” This quote explicitly frames the struggle over language as part of a broader “culture war.”
  • “You are going to be on the front lines of this battle. Be prepared to fight. Be bold, be courageous, and don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.” This quote calls on appointees to be warriors in the “culture war” and to use their positions in government to advance a conservative agenda.


The video employs a combination of fear-mongering, us-vs.-them rhetoric, and appeals to authority to persuade its audience. The speakers use vivid imagery, such as “monsters in the attic” and “weapons,” to create a sense of danger and urgency. They also present themselves as experts who have insider knowledge of the “liberal agenda” and who can equip appointees with the tools to fight back.


The “Hidden Meanings: The Monsters in the Attic” video is a prime example of Project 2025’s attempt to instill a conservative worldview and to prepare appointees for a culture war within the government. It demonizes progressive language, promotes a conservative lexicon, and encourages appointees to be suspicious of anyone who uses language that challenges their ideology.

This video raises serious concerns about the potential for a future conservative administration to further polarize American society, to undermine trust in expertise and institutions, and to create a less inclusive and less tolerant government. It highlights the importance of being aware of the power of language and the ways in which it can be used to manipulate, divide, and control.