Title: “How to Work With the Media”

Runtime: 40:30

Speaker: Alexei Woltornist

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Working with the Media (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, focuses on how conservative political appointees should navigate the modern media environment. Alexei Woltornist, a former Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under President Trump, delivers the presentation, offering a highly partisan perspective that encourages appointees to bypass mainstream media outlets and to focus on cultivating relationships with conservative media, which he claims are the only sources trusted by conservative voters.

The video’s significance lies in its explicit rejection of traditional journalistic norms and its embrace of a partisan media strategy. Woltornist’s recommendations could lead to a further erosion of trust in mainstream media, an increase in the spread of misinformation, and a more polarized and divided information landscape. The video reflects a broader conservative distrust of the media and a belief that it is inherently biased against conservative viewpoints.


  • Distrust of Mainstream Media: Woltornist portrays mainstream media as inherently biased against conservatives, arguing that they are driven by a liberal agenda and cannot be trusted to report fairly on a conservative administration.
  • Embrace of Conservative Media: He encourages appointees to focus on building relationships with conservative media outlets, such as Fox News, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, arguing that these outlets are more likely to be sympathetic to a conservative agenda and to reach a conservative audience.
  • Control the Narrative: The video emphasizes the importance of controlling the narrative and shaping the message, suggesting that appointees should be proactive in getting their message out and in countering negative coverage.
  • Social Media as a Tool: Woltornist highlights the importance of social media as a tool for communicating directly with the public and bypassing the traditional media gatekeepers. He encourages appointees to use social media to promote their accomplishments and to push back against negative narratives.
  • “Us vs. Them” Mentality: The video reinforces a divisive “us vs. them” mentality, pitting conservatives against the media and suggesting that the media is an enemy that must be defeated.


3.1 The “Hostile” Media Environment

Woltornist begins by describing the current media environment as “hostile” to conservatives, arguing that mainstream media outlets are biased against conservative viewpoints and are more interested in attacking conservatives than in reporting the news fairly. He cites examples of what he perceives as biased coverage of the Trump administration to support his claim.

Quote: “The media is not your friend. They are the enemy. They are going to do everything they can to destroy you and your agenda.”

3.2 Bypassing the Mainstream Media

Woltornist encourages appointees to bypass mainstream media outlets whenever possible, arguing that they are more likely to face hostile questioning and negative coverage from these outlets. He suggests that appointees should instead focus on:

  • Conservative Media: Building relationships with conservative media outlets, such as Fox News, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, which are more likely to be sympathetic to a conservative agenda.
  • Social Media: Using social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, to communicate directly with the public and to bypass the traditional media gatekeepers.
  • Targeted Outreach: Engaging in targeted outreach to specific audiences, such as industry groups, think tanks, and community organizations, to get their message out.

Quote: “You don’t need the mainstream media. You have other ways to get your message out.”

3.3 Controlling the Narrative

Woltornist emphasizes the importance of controlling the narrative and shaping the message, arguing that appointees should be proactive in getting their message out and in countering negative coverage. He suggests that appointees should:

  • Develop Key Messages: Develop clear and concise key messages that they can repeat consistently.
  • Stay on Message: Stay on message and avoid getting sidetracked by irrelevant questions or attacks.
  • Be Prepared for Tough Questions: Anticipate tough questions from reporters and be prepared with answers that support the administration’s agenda.
  • Use Social Media to Push Back: Use social media to push back against negative coverage and to promote positive stories about the administration’s accomplishments.

Quote: “You need to control the narrative. You need to be the one telling your story, not the media.”

3.4 Building Relationships with Conservative Media

Woltornist encourages appointees to cultivate relationships with conservative media outlets, arguing that these outlets are more likely to be fair and balanced in their coverage of a conservative administration. He suggests that appointees should:

  • Grant Interviews: Grant interviews to conservative media outlets and make themselves available to answer their questions.
  • Provide Exclusive Content: Provide exclusive content to conservative media outlets, such as op-eds, interviews, and behind-the-scenes access.
  • Attend Conservative Events: Attend events hosted by conservative media outlets and organizations, such as CPAC and the Heritage Foundation’s annual meeting.

Quote: “Conservative media is your friend. They are going to give you a fair shake. They are going to report on your accomplishments. They are going to help you get your message out to the American people.”

3.5 Using Social Media Effectively

Woltornist highlights the importance of social media as a tool for communicating directly with the public and bypassing the traditional media gatekeepers. He encourages appointees to use social media to:

  • Promote Accomplishments: Promote the administration’s accomplishments and highlight its successes.
  • Engage with Supporters: Engage with supporters and build a strong online following.
  • Counter Negative Narratives: Push back against negative narratives and correct misinformation.

Quote: “Social media is a powerful tool. You can use it to connect with the American people, to get your message out, and to bypass the mainstream media.”

3.6 Conclusion: “Winning the Information War”

Woltornist concludes by arguing that a conservative administration must be prepared to “win the information war” against the “liberal media.” He encourages appointees to be proactive, to be strategic, and to be relentless in getting their message out.

Quote: “We are in an information war, and we need to be prepared to fight and win. We need to be proactive, we need to be strategic, and we need to be relentless.”


The video does not focus on specific policy recommendations but rather on providing communication strategies for political appointees.


  • Bypass Mainstream Media: Encourage conservative appointees to avoid engaging with mainstream media outlets, which are perceived as hostile and biased.
  • Cultivate Conservative Media: Build strong relationships with conservative media outlets, which are seen as more sympathetic to a conservative agenda.
  • Control the Narrative: Shape the public’s perception of the administration and its policies by proactively promoting positive stories and countering negative coverage.
  • Use Social Media Strategically: Leverage social media to communicate directly with the public, bypass traditional media gatekeepers, and build support for a conservative agenda.
  • Advance a Partisan Agenda: Promote a conservative worldview and attack liberal and “woke” ideas, framing the media as an enemy that must be defeated in the “culture war.”


Woltornist draws on his experience in the Trump administration, highlighting the perceived hostility of the mainstream media towards Trump and his policies. He suggests that this hostility is part of a broader pattern of liberal bias in the media, dating back decades.


  • Erosion of Trust in Media: The video’s portrayal of mainstream media as inherently biased and hostile could further erode public trust in journalism, making it more difficult for people to distinguish between credible news sources and misinformation.
  • Increased Polarization and Division: The “us vs. them” mentality promoted in the video could further polarize American society, making it more difficult to find common ground and to engage in constructive dialogue.
  • Spread of Misinformation: The emphasis on bypassing mainstream media and relying on conservative outlets could lead to an increase in the spread of misinformation and propaganda, as these outlets are often less rigorous in their fact-checking and more likely to promote partisan narratives.


  • Promoting a Partisan Media Strategy: Critics might argue that Woltornist’s recommendations encourage a partisan media strategy that undermines the principles of a free and independent press.
  • Exacerbating Media Bias: Opponents might argue that focusing solely on conservative media outlets would reinforce the perception of bias and make it more difficult to engage in a balanced and nuanced discussion of issues.
  • Undermining Public Trust in Government: Critics might argue that the video’s distrust of the media and its emphasis on controlling the narrative could erode public trust in government institutions, as people become more skeptical of official information sources.


  • “The media is not your friend. They are the enemy. They are going to do everything they can to destroy you and your agenda.” This quote reflects the video’s hostile and divisive view of the media.
  • “You don’t need the mainstream media. You have other ways to get your message out.” This quote encourages appointees to bypass traditional media outlets.
  • “You need to control the narrative. You need to be the one telling your story, not the media.” This quote emphasizes the importance of shaping the message and countering negative coverage.
  • “Conservative media is your friend. They are going to give you a fair shake. They are going to report on your accomplishments. They are going to help you get your message out to the American people.” This quote promotes a partisan approach to media relations.
  • “Social media is a powerful tool. You can use it to connect with the American people, to get your message out, and to bypass the mainstream media.” This quote highlights the importance of social media as a tool for circumventing traditional media gatekeepers.


Woltornist’s presentation is characterized by a confrontational and divisive tone, framing the media as an enemy that must be defeated. He uses fear-mongering tactics, anecdotal evidence, and appeals to conservative values to persuade his audience to adopt a partisan media strategy.


The “How to Work With the Media” video provides a chilling glimpse into the conservative movement’s approach to media relations. It encourages political appointees to bypass mainstream media outlets, to cultivate relationships with conservative media, and to use social media to control the narrative and promote a partisan agenda. This approach, if implemented, could further erode trust in the media, exacerbate political polarization, and increase the spread of misinformation.

The video reflects a broader trend within the conservative movement of distrusting and demonizing the media, viewing it as an obstacle to their agenda rather than a vital institution in a democratic society. This trend, if left unchecked, could have serious consequences for the future of American democracy and the ability of citizens to access accurate and unbiased information.