Title: “The Federal Budget Process”

Runtime: 43:16

Speaker: Michael Duffey

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Federal Budget (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, aims to educate aspiring conservative appointees about the intricacies of the federal budget process. Michael Duffey, who served as Associate Director for National Security Programs at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under President Trump, delivers a detailed presentation covering key budgetary concepts, procedures, and strategies.

While presented as a neutral overview, the video subtly reinforces Project 2025’s broader agenda of shrinking the government, reducing spending, and asserting executive control over the budget process. Duffey emphasizes the power of the OMB, the importance of aligning spending with conservative priorities, and the potential for using the budget process to advance a conservative agenda, even if it means circumventing Congressional intent.


  • OMB as the “Control Tower”: Duffey portrays the OMB as the “control tower” of the federal government, emphasizing its central role in shaping the budget, setting spending priorities, and overseeing agency implementation. This reinforces the conservative belief in a strong executive branch and the importance of controlling the bureaucracy.
  • Fiscal Conservatism and Spending Restraint: The video emphasizes the importance of fiscal conservatism and spending restraint, arguing that the federal government spends too much money and that a balanced budget is essential for economic prosperity. This aligns with the broader conservative agenda of reducing the size and scope of government.
  • Strategic Use of the Budget Process: Duffey suggests that the budget process can be used strategically to advance a conservative agenda, even if it means circumventing Congressional intent or using creative accounting methods. This reflects a willingness to manipulate the budget process for political gain.
  • Distrust of Congress: The video implicitly expresses a distrust of Congress, suggesting that lawmakers are often irresponsible with taxpayer money and that the executive branch needs to assert control over spending.
  • “Starving the Beast”: While not explicitly stated, the video’s emphasis on reducing spending and controlling the budget process aligns with the conservative strategy of “starving the beast,” which aims to shrink the government by reducing its revenue and forcing it to cut programs.


3.1 Introduction: The Importance of the Budget Process

Duffey begins by emphasizing the importance of the federal budget process, arguing that it is not just a technical exercise but a reflection of the nation’s values and priorities. He stresses the need for conservative appointees to understand the budget process to effectively implement their agenda.

Quote: “The budget is more than just numbers. It’s a statement of our values, our priorities, and our vision for the future of our country.”

3.2 The Players: OMB, Congress, and Agencies

Duffey outlines the key players in the budget process, including:

  • The Office of Management and Budget (OMB): He describes the OMB as the “control tower” of the federal government, responsible for developing the President’s budget proposal, setting spending priorities, and overseeing agency implementation.
  • Congress: He explains the role of Congress in approving the budget, highlighting the different committees involved and the process of appropriations and authorizations.
  • Federal Agencies: He discusses the role of federal agencies in developing budget requests, implementing programs, and reporting on their spending.

3.3 Key Budgetary Concepts

Duffey explains several key budgetary concepts, including:

  • Discretionary vs. Mandatory Spending: He distinguishes between discretionary spending, which is subject to annual appropriations by Congress, and mandatory spending, which is authorized by law and does not require annual appropriations (e.g., Social Security, Medicare).
  • Authorizations vs. Appropriations: He explains the difference between authorization bills, which authorize programs and set spending limits, and appropriation bills, which actually provide the funding for those programs.
  • The Budget Cycle: He outlines the annual budget cycle, from the President’s budget request to the final passage of appropriations bills by Congress.

3.4 Strategies for Controlling Spending

Duffey offers several strategies for controlling spending and advancing a conservative agenda through the budget process:

  • Zero-Based Budgeting: He suggests using zero-based budgeting, which requires agencies to justify every dollar they request, rather than simply basing their requests on previous years’ spending levels.
  • Program Reviews: He recommends conducting regular program reviews to identify wasteful or ineffective programs that can be cut or eliminated.
  • Using Rescissions and Impoundment: He discusses the President’s authority to rescind (cancel) previously appropriated funds or to impound (withhold) funds from being spent, potentially allowing a President to circumvent Congressional intent.
  • Creative Accounting: He suggests using creative accounting methods, such as shifting funds between accounts or delaying spending, to achieve budgetary goals.

3.5 Conclusion: “The Power of the Purse”

Duffey concludes by emphasizing the importance of the “power of the purse” and the need for conservative appointees to use the budget process effectively to advance their agenda. He argues that controlling spending is essential for limiting the size and scope of government and for promoting economic prosperity.

Quote: “The power of the purse is one of the most important powers of the presidency. You need to use it wisely and strategically to advance your agenda.”


  • Reduce Discretionary Spending: Cut discretionary spending across the board, targeting programs that are not aligned with conservative priorities.
  • Reform Mandatory Spending: Reform mandatory spending programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, to reduce their long-term costs.
  • Use Zero-Based Budgeting: Require agencies to justify every dollar they request through zero-based budgeting.
  • Conduct Program Reviews: Regularly review government programs to identify waste and inefficiency.
  • Use Rescissions and Impoundment: Use the President’s authority to rescind or impound funds to control spending and circumvent Congressional intent.
  • Employ Creative Accounting: Use creative accounting methods to achieve budgetary goals.


  • Shrink the Government: Reduce the size and scope of the federal government by cutting spending and eliminating programs.
  • Control the Bureaucracy: Use the budget process to control agency spending and to ensure that agencies are implementing the President’s agenda.
  • Advance a Conservative Agenda: Use the budget process to prioritize conservative policy goals and to defund programs that are not aligned with those goals.
  • Empower the Executive Branch: Increase the power of the executive branch over the budget process, potentially at the expense of Congress.


Duffey draws on his experience in the Trump administration, highlighting the challenges of working with Congress to pass a conservative budget and the need for the executive branch to be assertive in controlling spending. He implicitly criticizes the Obama and Biden administrations, suggesting that they have been too willing to increase spending and to expand the role of government.


  • Reduced Funding for Social Programs: The chapter’s emphasis on cutting spending could lead to significant reductions in funding for social programs, such as education, healthcare, housing, and environmental protection, potentially harming vulnerable populations and undermining the social safety net.
  • Weakening of Government Services: Budget cuts could lead to a decline in the quality and availability of government services, as agencies are forced to do more with less.
  • Increased Inequality: The combination of tax cuts and spending cuts could exacerbate income inequality, as the wealthy benefit from lower taxes while the poor and middle class bear the brunt of cuts to social programs.
  • Undermining Congressional Authority: The use of rescissions and impoundment to circumvent Congressional intent could undermine the separation of powers and the legislative process.


  • Harm to Vulnerable Populations: Critics might argue that the chapter’s focus on cutting spending would disproportionately harm vulnerable populations who rely on government programs for essential services.
  • Undermining the Role of Congress: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s recommendations would undermine the role of Congress in the budget process and would concentrate too much power in the hands of the President.
  • Short-Sighted Approach: Critics might argue that the chapter’s focus on short-term budget cuts ignores the long-term benefits of investing in education, infrastructure, and other public goods.
  • Lack of Transparency: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s suggestions for using creative accounting methods would reduce transparency and accountability in the budget process.


  • “The budget is more than just numbers. It’s a statement of our values, our priorities, and our vision for the future of our country.” This quote highlights the importance of the budget as a reflection of national priorities.
  • “The Office of Management and Budget is the control tower of the federal government.” This quote emphasizes the OMB’s central role in the budget process.
  • “We need to use zero-based budgeting to force agencies to justify every dollar they request.” This quote reflects the chapter’s focus on reducing spending and eliminating waste.
  • “The President has the authority to rescind or impound funds to control spending.” This quote highlights the potential for executive overreach in the budget process.
  • “We need to be creative in finding ways to reduce spending and balance the budget.” This quote suggests a willingness to use unconventional methods to achieve budgetary goals.


Duffey’s presentation is delivered in a matter-of-fact tone, emphasizing the technical aspects of the budget process. However, he also uses language that subtly reinforces a conservative ideology, such as “fiscal responsibility,” “limited government,” and “taxpayer dollars.” He also implicitly criticizes liberal spending priorities and suggests that conservatives are more responsible stewards of taxpayer money.


Chapter 14 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” provides a detailed overview of the federal budget process, highlighting the key players, concepts, and strategies involved. While presented as a neutral explanation, the chapter subtly promotes a conservative agenda of reducing spending, shrinking the government, and asserting executive control over the budget process.

The chapter’s recommendations, if implemented, could have a significant impact on the allocation of federal resources and the priorities of the government. They reflect a broader conservative philosophy of fiscal austerity and a distrust of government spending, potentially leading to cuts in social programs, a weakening of government services, and an exacerbation of inequality.