Title: “The Administrative State: What it is & How to Address the Problem”

Runtime: 24:27

Speaker: Paul Ray

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: The Administrative State (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, aims to indoctrinate aspiring conservative appointees with a deep distrust of the “administrative state,” a term used by conservatives to describe the vast network of federal agencies and regulations that they believe have grown too powerful and unaccountable. Paul Ray, a former Trump administration lawyer who served as the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), delivers the presentation, outlining the conservative critique of the administrative state and suggesting strategies for a future conservative administration to “rein in” government regulation and assert greater political control over the bureaucracy.

The video’s significance lies in its explicit attack on the legitimacy of the administrative state, framing it as a threat to individual liberty, economic prosperity, and constitutional governance. This ideological framing, rooted in a deep skepticism of government power and a belief in the superiority of free markets, underpins Project 2025’s broader agenda of dismantling the administrative state and shrinking the size and scope of the federal government.


  • The Administrative State as a Threat: Ray portrays the administrative state as a dangerous and unaccountable force that undermines individual liberty, economic prosperity, and constitutional governance. He argues that it has grown too powerful, too intrusive, and too disconnected from the will of the people.
  • Distrust of Expertise and Bureaucracy: The video reflects a deep distrust of expertise and bureaucracy, suggesting that career civil servants are often driven by their own agendas rather than by the public interest. Ray encourages appointees to be skeptical of agency staff and to assert their own authority.
  • Executive Power and Unitary Executive Theory: Ray emphasizes the importance of executive power in controlling the administrative state, advocating for a strong and assertive President who can use his authority to rein in agencies and to implement a conservative agenda. This aligns with the unitary executive theory, a legal doctrine that asserts broad presidential control over the executive branch.
  • Congressional Abdication and the Need for Reclaiming Power: The video argues that Congress has abdicated its responsibility to oversee the administrative state, allowing it to grow unchecked. Ray suggests that a conservative administration should work with Congress to reclaim power from the bureaucracy and to restore legislative accountability.
  • Free Markets and Limited Government: The video promotes a free market ideology, arguing that government regulation is often harmful to the economy and that the private sector is better equipped to solve problems. This aligns with Project 2025’s broader agenda of deregulation and shrinking the size of government.


3.1 Defining the “Administrative State”

Ray begins by defining the “administrative state” as the vast network of federal agencies and regulations that have grown significantly since the New Deal era. He argues that this growth has been largely unchecked by Congress and that it has led to an erosion of individual liberty and economic freedom.

Quote: “The administrative state is a vast, sprawling bureaucracy that has grown out of control. It’s a fourth branch of government that is unaccountable to the people.”

3.2 The Problem: Unaccountable Power and Eroding Liberty

Ray outlines the conservative critique of the administrative state, arguing that it suffers from several key problems:

  • Lack of Accountability: He claims that agencies are not accountable to the people or to their elected representatives, as they are staffed by unelected bureaucrats who are often more interested in protecting their own power than in serving the public interest.
  • Excessive Regulation: He argues that agencies impose excessive regulations that stifle economic growth, innovation, and job creation.
  • Distortion of Markets: He contends that regulations often distort markets, picking winners and losers and creating unfair advantages for certain businesses or industries.
  • Erosion of Individual Liberty: He suggests that regulations infringe on individual liberty, limiting freedom of choice and dictating how people and businesses must operate.

Quote: “The administrative state is a threat to our freedom and our prosperity. It’s time to rein it in and restore the balance of power in our government.”

3.3 The Solution: Executive Power and Congressional Action

Ray outlines a two-pronged approach to addressing the “problem” of the administrative state:

  • Executive Power: He argues that the President has the authority to control the administrative state through executive orders, appointments, and budgetary control. He advocates for a strong and assertive President who is willing to use his power to rein in agencies and to implement a conservative agenda.
  • Congressional Action: He also calls for Congress to reassert its oversight role, to pass legislation that limits the power of agencies, and to defund programs that are deemed unnecessary or harmful.

Quote: “The President and Congress must work together to dismantle the administrative state and to restore the balance of power in our government.”

3.4 Specific Strategies for Reining in the Bureaucracy

Ray offers several specific strategies for a conservative administration to “rein in” the bureaucracy:

  • Appoint Conservative Loyalists: Appoint individuals who are committed to a conservative agenda and who will challenge the status quo within agencies.
  • Use Executive Orders: Issue executive orders to reverse Obama-era regulations, to streamline the regulatory process, and to limit the discretion of agencies.
  • Control the Budget: Use the budget process to defund programs that are not aligned with conservative priorities and to incentivize agencies to adopt a more market-oriented approach.
  • Work with Congress: Work with Congress to pass legislation that limits the power of agencies, that increases transparency and accountability, and that reforms the civil service system.

3.5 Conclusion: Restoring Constitutional Governance

Ray concludes by arguing that dismantling the administrative state is essential for restoring constitutional governance and for protecting individual liberty and economic freedom. He urges conservative appointees to be “bold” and “courageous” in their efforts to reform the government.

Quote: “We have a duty to restore constitutional governance and to protect our freedom from the tyranny of the administrative state.”


  • Appoint Conservative Loyalists: Appoint individuals who are committed to a conservative agenda to key positions within federal agencies.
  • Issue Executive Orders: Issue executive orders to reverse Obama-era regulations, to streamline the regulatory process, and to limit the discretion of agencies.
  • Control the Budget: Use the budget process to defund programs that are not aligned with conservative priorities and to incentivize agencies to adopt a more market-oriented approach.
  • Work with Congress: Work with Congress to pass legislation that limits the power of agencies, that increases transparency and accountability, and that reforms the civil service system.


  • Dismantle the Administrative State: Reduce the size, scope, and power of federal agencies and regulations.
  • Increase Political Control: Assert greater political control over the bureaucracy, making it more responsive to the President’s agenda.
  • Promote Free Markets: Reduce government regulation and promote free market solutions to social and economic problems.
  • Restore Constitutional Governance: Restore what conservatives view as the original intent of the Constitution, with a limited role for the federal government.


Ray frames the growth of the administrative state as a departure from the Founding Fathers’ vision of limited government, arguing that it began with the Progressive Era in the early 20th century and accelerated during the New Deal era. He suggests that the administrative state is a modern phenomenon that is inconsistent with the Constitution and with American traditions of individual liberty and self-government.


  • Weakening of Government Regulations: The implementation of the chapter’s recommendations could lead to a significant weakening of government regulations, potentially harming consumers, workers, and the environment.
  • Increased Corporate Power: A reduction in government oversight could empower corporations to engage in harmful practices, such as pollution, fraud, and exploitation of workers.
  • Erosion of Public Trust: The attack on the legitimacy of the administrative state and the portrayal of career civil servants as untrustworthy could erode public trust in government institutions.


  • Exaggerating the Threat: Critics might argue that the chapter exaggerates the threat posed by the administrative state and that it ignores the important role that government regulations play in protecting public health, safety, and the environment.
  • Disregarding Expertise: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s distrust of expertise and bureaucracy would lead to a less effective government, as qualified and experienced civil servants are sidelined or driven out of government.
  • Undermining Democratic Accountability: Critics might argue that the chapter’s emphasis on executive power and its call for a reduction in congressional oversight would undermine democratic accountability and concentrate too much power in the hands of the President.


  • “The administrative state is a vast, sprawling bureaucracy that has grown out of control. It’s a fourth branch of government that is unaccountable to the people.” This quote reflects the chapter’s alarmist view of the administrative state.
  • “The administrative state is a threat to our freedom and our prosperity. It’s time to rein it in and restore the balance of power in our government.” This quote highlights the perceived dangers of the administrative state.
  • “The President and Congress must work together to dismantle the administrative state and to restore the balance of power in our government.” This quote outlines the conservative solution to the “problem” of the administrative state.
  • “We need to appoint people who are committed to a conservative agenda and who will challenge the status quo within agencies.” This quote emphasizes the importance of “personnel is policy” in reshaping the bureaucracy.
  • “We have a duty to restore constitutional governance and to protect our freedom from the tyranny of the administrative state.” This quote frames the dismantling of the administrative state as a patriotic duty.


Ray’s presentation is characterized by a sense of urgency and alarm, using strong language and vivid imagery to portray the administrative state as a dangerous and oppressive force. He appeals to conservative values of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets, framing the dismantling of the administrative state as a necessary step to restore America’s greatness.


The “The Administrative State: What it is & How to Address the Problem” video is a key component of Project 2025’s ideological framework, aiming to instill a deep distrust of the administrative state and to mobilize support for its dismantling. It reflects a broader conservative movement to reduce the role of government in American life and to shift power away from unelected bureaucrats and towards elected officials and the private sector.

This video raises serious concerns about the potential for a future conservative administration to undermine the legitimacy and effectiveness of the federal government, to weaken essential regulations that protect public health, safety, and the environment, and to erode public trust in government institutions. It highlights the importance of understanding the conservative critique of the administrative state and the potential consequences of its dismantling for American society.