Title: “How to Get Your Policy Through the Agency”

Runtime: 1:00:13

Speaker: Dan Huff

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Navigating Policymaking (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, focuses on providing aspiring conservative appointees with a practical guide to navigating the policymaking process within the executive branch. Dan Huff, a former legal advisor in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel during the Trump administration, delivers the presentation. He offers a detailed overview of the steps involved in developing and implementing policy, emphasizing the importance of understanding the bureaucratic landscape, building relationships with key players, and strategically using legal and procedural tools to advance a conservative agenda.

The video’s significance lies in its detailed roadmap for conservative policy implementation, highlighting potential roadblocks and offering strategies for appointees to overcome them. While presented as a neutral guide, the video subtly reinforces Project 2025’s broader themes of distrusting the “deep state,” maximizing executive power, and minimizing the role of Congress and the courts in the policymaking process.


  • Understanding the “Machine”: Huff emphasizes the importance of understanding the “machine” of the federal bureaucracy, its processes, players, and potential pitfalls. He encourages appointees to learn the rules of the game and to use them to their advantage.
  • Building Relationships and Coalitions: The video highlights the need for political appointees to build relationships with key players, including agency staff, White House officials, and members of Congress, to advance their policy goals.
  • Strategic Use of Legal and Procedural Tools: Huff discusses various legal and procedural tools that appointees can use to implement policy, including executive orders, agency guidance documents, and budget proposals. He emphasizes the importance of using these tools strategically and effectively.
  • “Personnel is Policy”: The video reinforces the “personnel is policy” theme, suggesting that staffing decisions are crucial for achieving policy goals. Huff encourages appointees to surround themselves with loyal and ideologically aligned individuals.
  • Distrust of the “Deep State”: While not explicitly stated, the video’s emphasis on navigating the bureaucracy and using strategic tools to implement policy implicitly reflects a distrust of career civil servants and a belief that they may be resistant to a conservative agenda.


3.1 Introduction: The Policymaking “Machine”

Huff begins by acknowledging the complexity of the federal government and the challenges of navigating the policymaking process. He compares the government to a “machine” with many moving parts and encourages appointees to learn how the machine works to be effective.

Quote: “The federal government is a big, complex machine. It’s important to understand how it works if you want to get things done.”

3.2 The Players: Agencies, White House, and Congress

Huff outlines the key players in the policymaking process, including:

  • Federal Agencies: He describes the role of federal agencies in implementing laws, issuing regulations, and administering programs.
  • The White House: He explains the role of the White House in setting policy priorities, coordinating agency actions, and communicating the President’s agenda to the public.
  • Congress: He discusses the role of Congress in passing laws, appropriating funds, and conducting oversight of the executive branch.

3.3 The Policymaking Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Huff provides a step-by-step guide to the policymaking process, highlighting the following stages:

  • Agenda Setting: Identifying policy priorities and developing a plan for action.
  • Policy Formulation: Developing specific policy proposals and drafting legislation or regulations.
  • Policy Adoption: Getting the policy proposal approved by Congress or through the regulatory process.
  • Policy Implementation: Putting the policy into action, issuing guidance documents, and allocating resources.
  • Policy Evaluation: Assessing the effectiveness of the policy and making adjustments as needed.

3.4 Strategic Tools for Implementing Policy

Huff discusses various legal and procedural tools that appointees can use to implement policy, including:

  • Executive Orders: Directives issued by the President that have the force of law.
  • Agency Guidance Documents: Interpretations of laws and regulations issued by agencies to provide clarity and direction to regulated entities.
  • Budget Proposals: Requests for funding from Congress to support agency programs and initiatives.
  • Litigation: Using the courts to defend the administration’s policies or to challenge actions by other branches of government.

3.5 “Personnel is Policy”: Staffing for Success

Huff emphasizes the importance of staffing decisions in achieving policy goals, arguing that appointees should surround themselves with individuals who are loyal to the President and who share his vision.

Quote: “Personnel is policy. The people you hire will determine whether or not you are successful in implementing the President’s agenda.”

3.6 Navigating the Bureaucracy: “Working the System”

Huff acknowledges the challenges of navigating the federal bureaucracy, but he encourages appointees to be persistent, to build relationships, and to use the system to their advantage.

Quote: “The bureaucracy can be frustrating, but it’s not impossible to navigate. You need to be persistent, you need to build relationships, and you need to learn how to work the system.”

3.7 Conclusion: “Making a Difference”

Huff concludes by encouraging appointees to be bold, to be creative, and to be committed to making a difference in government. He reminds them that they have a unique opportunity to advance a conservative agenda and to leave a lasting legacy.

Quote: “You have a unique opportunity to make a difference in government. Don’t be afraid to be bold, be creative, and be persistent. You can make a real impact on the lives of the American people.”


The video does not focus on specific policy recommendations but rather on providing general guidance and advice to potential political appointees. However, it implicitly supports the broader Project 2025 agenda of dismantling the administrative state, shrinking the government, and advancing a conservative policy agenda.


  • Equip Appointees with Policymaking Skills: Provide potential appointees with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the policymaking process and to effectively implement a conservative agenda.
  • Encourage a Proactive Approach: Encourage appointees to be proactive, to take initiative, and to use all available tools to advance their policy goals.
  • Promote a Conservative Worldview: Subtly reinforce a conservative worldview, emphasizing the importance of limited government, individual responsibility, and free markets.
  • Instill Distrust of the Bureaucracy: Subtly instill a sense of distrust towards career civil servants, suggesting that they may be resistant to change or even hostile to a conservative agenda.


Huff draws on his experience in the Trump administration to provide practical advice and to illustrate the challenges of implementing a conservative agenda in a government that is often perceived as resistant to change. He implicitly criticizes the Obama and Biden administrations, suggesting that they have expanded the size and scope of government and have pursued policies that are not aligned with conservative principles.


  • Increased Politicization of the Bureaucracy: The emphasis on appointing loyal conservatives and on using strategic tools to circumvent bureaucratic resistance could lead to a more politicized and less independent bureaucracy, potentially undermining the merit-based civil service system and the professionalism of government.
  • Erosion of Democratic Norms: The encouragement to use executive orders and other tools to circumvent Congress could undermine the separation of powers and the legislative process, potentially leading to an imbalance of power in favor of the executive branch.
  • Decline in Government Effectiveness: A focus on implementing a narrow ideological agenda, rather than on seeking evidence-based solutions or considering diverse perspectives, could lead to poor policy decisions and a decline in the effectiveness of government.


  • Disregard for Expertise and Experience: Critics might argue that prioritizing loyalty and ideology over expertise and experience could lead to a less qualified and less effective government.
  • Undermining Democratic Processes: Opponents might argue that the emphasis on circumventing Congress and using executive power to advance a partisan agenda undermines democratic processes and the rule of law.
  • Chilling Effect on Dissent: The implicit message that career staff may be resistant to change or even hostile to a conservative agenda could create a chilling effect on dissent within the government, discouraging employees from speaking out against wrongdoing or offering alternative viewpoints.


  • “The federal government is a big, complex machine. It’s important to understand how it works if you want to get things done.” This quote highlights the importance of understanding the bureaucratic process for political appointees.
  • “Personnel is policy. The people you hire will determine whether or not you are successful in implementing the President’s agenda.” This quote emphasizes the importance of staffing decisions in achieving policy goals.
  • “The bureaucracy can be frustrating, but it’s not impossible to navigate. You need to be persistent, you need to build relationships, and you need to learn how to work the system.” This quote offers practical advice on navigating the bureaucracy, but it also subtly reinforces the distrust of career staff.
  • “You have a unique opportunity to make a difference in government. Don’t be afraid to be bold, be creative, and be persistent. You can make a real impact on the lives of the American people.” This quote encourages appointees to be assertive and to make a lasting impact.


Huff’s presentation is delivered in a clear and concise manner, using a combination of practical advice, anecdotes, and subtle ideological framing to appeal to his audience. He uses a conversational tone and avoids overly technical language, making the information accessible to a broad audience.


The “How to Get Your Policy Through the Agency” video is a key component of Project 2025’s strategy to reshape the federal government. It aims to prepare conservative loyalists for navigating the complexities of the policymaking process and to instill in them a sense of distrust towards career civil servants. The video’s emphasis on loyalty, control, and a confrontational approach to management raises serious concerns about the potential for a more politicized and less effective bureaucracy under a future conservative administration.

This video reveals a vision of a government where political ideology trumps expertise and experience, where dissent is discouraged, and where the President’s agenda is paramount. This vision is fundamentally at odds with the principles of a neutral and impartial civil service and raises alarming questions about the future of American governance.