Title: “Building Winning Coalitions to Advance Policy”

Runtime: 35:37

Speaker: Paul Teller and Sarah Makin

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Coalition Building (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, focuses on how conservative political appointees can effectively leverage outside advocacy groups to advance a conservative policy agenda. Paul Teller, a former senior aide in the Office of the Vice President during the Trump administration, and Sarah Makin, a former deputy assistant to the President and director of outreach in the Office of the Vice President under Trump, deliver the presentation. They emphasize the importance of building relationships with conservative organizations, coordinating messaging, and mobilizing grassroots support to pressure Congress and influence policy outcomes.

The video’s significance lies in its explicit call for a coordinated strategy between the executive branch and outside conservative groups, suggesting a blurring of lines between government and partisan activism. This approach raises concerns about the potential for undue influence by special interest groups, a prioritization of narrow ideological agendas over the broader public interest, and a further polarization of American politics.


  • Coalition Building as a Political Weapon: Teller and Makin frame coalition building as a strategic tool for political warfare, emphasizing the need to mobilize outside groups to pressure Congress, counter opposition, and advance a conservative agenda.
  • The Power of Grassroots Activism: The video highlights the power of grassroots activism, arguing that mobilizing conservative voters and activists can be crucial for influencing policy decisions and overcoming legislative gridlock.
  • Shared Values and Common Goals: The speakers emphasize the importance of finding common ground and shared values with conservative organizations, suggesting that a united front is essential for achieving policy victories.
  • Strategic Communication and Messaging: Teller and Makin stress the need for clear and consistent messaging, coordinating communication strategies with outside groups to amplify their message and to influence public opinion.
  • Distrust of the “Establishment”: The video implicitly reinforces a distrust of the “establishment,” suggesting that conservative groups need to work outside traditional channels to achieve their goals, potentially undermining democratic norms and institutions.


3.1 Introduction: The Importance of Coalitions

Teller and Makin begin by emphasizing the importance of building coalitions to advance policy goals, arguing that no single organization or individual can achieve success alone. They highlight the power of collective action and the need to bring together diverse groups with shared interests.

Quote: “Coalitions are essential for advancing policy. You need to build a broad base of support if you want to get things done in Washington.”

3.2 Identifying Potential Allies: “Finding Common Ground”

The speakers discuss the importance of identifying potential allies, focusing on conservative organizations that share the administration’s values and policy priorities. They suggest that appointees should reach out to these groups, build relationships, and explore opportunities for collaboration.

  • Shared Values: They emphasize the importance of finding common ground and shared values, arguing that this is the foundation for a strong coalition.
  • Complementary Strengths: They suggest that coalitions should be built on complementary strengths, bringing together groups with different expertise, resources, and constituencies.
  • Mutual Benefit: They emphasize that coalitions should be mutually beneficial, with all parties working together to achieve shared goals.

Quote: “You need to find groups that share your values and your goals. You also need to look for groups that have complementary strengths and that can bring something to the table.”

3.3 Building Relationships: “It’s All About Relationships”

Teller and Makin stress the importance of building strong relationships with leaders and staff of conservative organizations. They suggest that these relationships should be based on trust, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to advancing conservative principles.

  • Personal Connections: They encourage appointees to build personal connections with leaders of these groups, getting to know them on a personal level and understanding their motivations.
  • Regular Communication: They emphasize the importance of regular communication, keeping these groups informed about the administration’s activities and seeking their input on policy issues.
  • Transparency and Trust: They suggest that transparency and trust are essential for building strong relationships and for ensuring that all parties are working towards the same goals.

Quote: “It’s all about relationships. You need to build strong relationships with these groups if you want to be successful in advancing your agenda.”

3.4 Coordinating Strategy and Messaging

The speakers highlight the importance of coordinating strategy and messaging with outside groups, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and that the message is consistent and effective.

  • Shared Goals and Strategies: They encourage appointees to work with these groups to develop shared goals and strategies, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same objectives.
  • Consistent Messaging: They emphasize the need for consistent messaging, ensuring that the administration and its allies are using the same language and framing the issues in a similar way.
  • Amplifying the Message: They suggest that appointees can work with these groups to amplify their message, using social media, traditional media, and other channels to reach a wider audience.

Quote: “You need to be on the same page with your allies. You need to have a shared understanding of your goals and your strategies. And you need to make sure that your message is consistent and effective.”

3.5 Mobilizing Grassroots Support: “The Power of the People”

Teller and Makin emphasize the power of grassroots activism, arguing that mobilizing conservative voters and activists can be crucial for influencing policy decisions and overcoming legislative gridlock.

  • Engaging the Base: They encourage appointees to work with conservative groups to engage their base, mobilizing them to contact their elected officials, to participate in rallies and protests, and to advocate for conservative policies.
  • Using Social Media: They highlight the importance of social media as a tool for mobilizing grassroots support, encouraging appointees to use social media to connect with voters, to share information, and to organize action.
  • Building a Movement: They suggest that a strong grassroots movement can create pressure on Congress and can help to overcome opposition to conservative policies.

Quote: “The power of the people is the most powerful force in politics. You need to tap into that power if you want to get things done.”

3.6 Conclusion: “Building a Winning Coalition”

Teller and Makin conclude by emphasizing the importance of building a “winning coalition” that can effectively advance a conservative agenda. They encourage appointees to be strategic, to be persistent, and to never give up on their goals.

Quote: “Building a winning coalition is essential for achieving success in Washington. You need to be strategic, you need to be persistent, and you need to never give up on your goals.”


The video does not focus on specific policy recommendations but rather on providing general guidance and advice to potential political appointees. However, it implicitly supports the broader Project 2025 agenda of advancing a conservative policy agenda across all areas of government, particularly on issues such as abortion, gun rights, religious freedom, and deregulation.


  • Mobilize Outside Groups: Encourage conservative appointees to mobilize outside advocacy groups to pressure Congress, counter opposition, and advance a conservative agenda.
  • Build a Conservative Movement: Foster a strong and cohesive conservative movement that can effectively influence policy decisions and shape the national debate.
  • Control the Narrative: Shape the public’s perception of conservative policies and actions, ensuring that the conservative message is heard and that opposing viewpoints are marginalized.
  • Bypass Traditional Channels: Encourage conservative groups to work outside traditional channels, such as the media and the “establishment,” to achieve their goals.


Teller and Makin draw on their experience in the Trump administration, highlighting the importance of working with outside groups to advance a conservative agenda in a highly polarized political environment. They implicitly criticize previous administrations, suggesting that they were not sufficiently effective in mobilizing conservative support or in countering liberal opposition.


  • Increased Influence of Special Interests: The emphasis on building coalitions with outside advocacy groups could lead to an increase in the influence of special interests in government, potentially prioritizing narrow ideological agendas over the broader public interest.
  • Further Polarization of American Politics: The video’s framing of coalition building as a form of political warfare and its encouragement of grassroots activism could further polarize American politics, making it more difficult to find common ground and to address shared challenges.
  • Erosion of Democratic Norms: The video’s implicit distrust of the “establishment” and its encouragement to work outside traditional channels could undermine democratic norms and institutions, potentially leading to a less accountable and less transparent government.


  • Undue Influence of Special Interests: Critics might argue that the video’s recommendations would give undue influence to special interest groups, potentially leading to a capture of government by these groups and a disregard for the broader public interest.
  • Furthering Polarization: Opponents might argue that the video’s emphasis on coalition building as a form of political warfare would further polarize American politics and make it more difficult to find common ground and to address shared challenges.
  • Undermining Democratic Processes: Critics might argue that the video’s implicit distrust of the “establishment” and its encouragement to work outside traditional channels would undermine democratic processes and institutions.


  • “Coalitions are essential for advancing policy. You need to build a broad base of support if you want to get things done in Washington.” This quote highlights the importance of coalition building in achieving policy goals.
  • “You need to find groups that share your values and your goals. You also need to look for groups that have complementary strengths and that can bring something to the table.” This quote emphasizes the strategic considerations involved in building effective coalitions.
  • “It’s all about relationships. You need to build strong relationships with these groups if you want to be successful in advancing your agenda.” This quote underscores the importance of personal relationships in coalition building.
  • “You need to be on the same page with your allies. You need to have a shared understanding of your goals and your strategies. And you need to make sure that your message is consistent and effective.” This quote highlights the need for coordination and strategic communication.
  • “The power of the people is the most powerful force in politics. You need to tap into that power if you want to get things done.” This quote emphasizes the power of grassroots activism in influencing policy decisions.


The video uses a combination of motivational language, practical advice, and appeals to shared values to inspire and empower potential appointees. Teller and Makin present themselves as experienced insiders who understand the complexities of Washington, D.C., and who can provide valuable guidance on how to navigate the political process and achieve policy victories. They also use fear-mongering tactics to portray the opposition as a threat and to create a sense of urgency among conservatives.


The “Building Winning Coalitions to Advance Policy” video is a clear example of Project 2025’s strategy to mobilize outside groups, build a powerful conservative movement, and advance a conservative agenda through a combination of insider tactics and grassroots activism. It highlights the importance of strategic thinking, relationship building, and effective communication in achieving policy goals.

However, the video also raises concerns about the potential for undue influence by special interest groups, a prioritization of narrow ideological agendas over the broader public interest, and a further polarization of American politics. It reflects a broader conservative trend of distrusting the “establishment” and seeking to circumvent traditional democratic processes, potentially undermining the legitimacy and effectiveness of government institutions.