Title: “Political Appointees & The Federal Workforce”

Runtime: 32:51

Speaker: Ed Corrigan and Rick Dearborn

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: The Federal Workforce (Transcript)


This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, focuses on the critical role that political appointees play in carrying out the vision of a conservative administration, particularly in navigating and potentially reshaping the federal workforce. Spencer Chretien, Associate Director of Project 2025 and a former White House official in the Trump administration, delivers the presentation, emphasizing the importance of understanding the dynamics between political appointees and career civil servants.

Chretien’s presentation is a blend of practical advice and ideological framing. He provides insights into the structure and function of the federal bureaucracy, while also instilling a sense of distrust towards career staff and emphasizing the need for political appointees to assert control and implement the President’s agenda. The video’s significance lies in its attempt to prepare conservative loyalists for navigating the complexities of the federal workforce, potentially laying the groundwork for a more politicized and less independent bureaucracy under a future conservative administration.


  • “Personnel is Policy”: The video reinforces the core conservative belief that “personnel is policy,” arguing that controlling the federal workforce is essential for implementing a conservative agenda. Chretien stresses the importance of appointing loyal and ideologically aligned individuals to key positions and of managing career staff effectively to ensure that they are carrying out the President’s vision.
  • Distrust of the “Deep State”: Chretien instills a sense of distrust towards career civil servants, portraying them as a potential obstacle to a conservative agenda. He suggests that career staff may be resistant to change, may have their own agendas, and may not be fully committed to the President’s vision.
  • Political Appointees as “Change Agents”: The video frames political appointees as “change agents” who are responsible for driving the President’s agenda and for overcoming bureaucratic resistance. Chretien encourages appointees to be assertive, to challenge the status quo, and to be willing to make tough decisions, even if it means facing opposition from career staff.
  • Understanding the Bureaucracy: The video provides an overview of the structure and function of the federal bureaucracy, highlighting the different types of agencies, the role of the civil service, and the challenges of managing a large and complex organization. This aims to equip potential appointees with the knowledge they need to navigate the bureaucracy effectively.
  • Building Relationships and Managing Conflict: Chretien acknowledges the importance of building relationships with career staff and of managing conflict effectively. However, he also emphasizes the need for political appointees to maintain control and to ensure that the President’s agenda is being implemented.


3.1 Introduction: The Importance of Political Appointees

Chretien begins by emphasizing the crucial role that political appointees play in a presidential administration. He argues that they are responsible for translating the President’s vision into action and for ensuring that the government is working to achieve the President’s goals.

Quote: “Political appointees are the President’s team. They are the ones who are responsible for making sure that his agenda is implemented.”

3.2 The Structure of the Federal Bureaucracy

Chretien provides an overview of the structure of the federal bureaucracy, highlighting the different types of agencies, the role of the civil service, and the challenges of managing a large and complex organization. He explains the distinction between political appointees and career civil servants, noting that political appointees are appointed by the President and serve at his pleasure, while career civil servants are hired through a merit-based system and have certain protections against being fired.

Quote: “The federal bureaucracy is a massive and complex organization. It’s important for political appointees to understand how it works so that they can be effective in their jobs.”

3.3 The “Deep State” and the Potential for Resistance

Chretien introduces the concept of the “deep state,” a term often used by conservatives to describe a network of career bureaucrats who are resistant to change and who may have their own agendas. He suggests that political appointees may face resistance from career staff who are not aligned with the President’s vision.

Quote: “The deep state is real. There are career bureaucrats who are more interested in protecting their own turf than in implementing the President’s agenda.”

3.4 Strategies for Managing the Federal Workforce

Chretien offers several strategies for political appointees to manage the federal workforce effectively:

  • Building Relationships: He emphasizes the importance of building relationships with career staff, getting to know them, and understanding their perspectives.
  • Communicating Clearly: He stresses the need for clear communication, setting clear expectations, and providing regular feedback.
  • Delegating Effectively: He encourages appointees to delegate tasks to career staff, but to also hold them accountable for results.
  • Managing Conflict: He acknowledges that conflict is inevitable, but he encourages appointees to address it constructively and to find solutions that advance the President’s agenda.
  • Asserting Control: He emphasizes the need for political appointees to maintain control and to ensure that the President’s agenda is being implemented, even if it means making tough decisions or facing opposition from career staff.

3.5 The Importance of “Personnel is Policy”

Chretien reiterates the importance of the “personnel is policy” principle, arguing that staffing decisions are crucial for achieving policy goals. He encourages appointees to be strategic in their hiring decisions, to look for individuals who are loyal to the President and who share his vision.

Quote: “Personnel is policy. The people you hire will determine whether or not you are successful in implementing the President’s agenda.”

3.6 Conclusion: A Call to Action

Chretien concludes by calling on potential appointees to be prepared to serve, to be bold in their pursuit of conservative goals, and to make a lasting impact on government.

Quote: “This is your opportunity to make a difference. Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. Be bold, be courageous, and be committed to making America great again.”


  • Appoint Loyalists: Appoint individuals who are loyal to the President and who share his conservative vision to key positions within the federal bureaucracy.
  • Weaken Civil Service Protections: Support reforms that make it easier to fire federal employees, particularly those who are not aligned with the President’s agenda.
  • Restrict Unions: Limit the power of public sector unions, which are often seen as obstacles to conservative policy goals.


  • Control the Bureaucracy: Gain control over the federal bureaucracy and ensure that it is implementing the President’s agenda.
  • Advance a Conservative Agenda: Use the power of the federal workforce to advance a conservative policy agenda across all areas of government.
  • Neutralize Opposition: Neutralize potential opposition to the President’s agenda from within the bureaucracy by weakening civil service protections, restricting unions, and appointing loyalists to key positions.
  • Create a “Conservative Culture”: Foster a more conservative culture within the federal workforce, one that is aligned with the President’s values and priorities.


Chretien references the Reagan administration as a model for successful conservative governance, highlighting the importance of appointing loyalists and of using the power of the presidency to implement a conservative agenda. He also implicitly criticizes the Obama and Biden administrations, suggesting that they have allowed the “deep state” to grow too powerful and that they have not been sufficiently assertive in controlling the bureaucracy.


  • Politicization of the Civil Service: The emphasis on loyalty and ideological alignment could lead to a more politicized and less professional civil service, as expertise and experience are devalued in favor of political considerations.
  • Erosion of Democratic Norms: The distrust of career staff and the encouragement to challenge the status quo could undermine democratic norms and the principle of a neutral and impartial civil service.
  • Decline in Government Effectiveness: Replacing experienced career civil servants with political appointees who lack the necessary expertise could lead to a decline in the quality and effectiveness of government services.


  • Disregard for Expertise: Critics might argue that prioritizing loyalty over expertise could lead to a less qualified and less effective federal workforce.
  • Undermining the Merit System: Opponents might argue that weakening civil service protections and politicizing the bureaucracy would undermine the merit system and lead to a less fair and less efficient government.
  • Chilling Effect on Dissent: The emphasis on loyalty and ideological alignment could create a chilling effect on dissent within the federal workforce, discouraging employees from speaking out against wrongdoing or offering alternative viewpoints.


  • “Political appointees are the President’s team. They are the ones who are responsible for making sure that his agenda is implemented.” This quote highlights the central role of political appointees in driving the President’s agenda.
  • “The deep state is real. There are career bureaucrats who are more interested in protecting their own turf than in implementing the President’s agenda.” This quote reflects the deep distrust of career civil servants that pervades Project 2025.
  • “Personnel is policy. The people you hire will determine whether or not you are successful in implementing the President’s agenda.” This quote underscores the importance of staffing decisions in achieving policy goals.
  • “Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. Be bold, be courageous, and be committed to making America great again.” This quote encourages appointees to be assertive and to prioritize the President’s agenda over bureaucratic resistance.


Chretien’s presentation is a blend of practical advice and ideological framing. He uses a combination of motivational language, fear-mongering, and appeals to authority to persuade his audience.

  • Motivational Language: He uses phrases like “make a difference,” “be bold,” and “be courageous” to inspire potential appointees.
  • Fear-Mongering: He warns of the dangers of the “deep state” and suggests that career staff may be resistant to change or even hostile to the President’s agenda.
  • Appeals to Authority: He cites his own experience in the Trump administration and the successes of the Reagan administration to bolster his arguments.


The “Political Appointees & The Federal Workforce” video is a key component of Project 2025’s strategy to reshape the federal government. It aims to prepare conservative loyalists for navigating the complexities of the federal workforce and to instill in them a sense of distrust towards career civil servants. The video’s emphasis on loyalty, control, and a confrontational approach to management raises serious concerns about the potential for a more politicized and less effective bureaucracy under a future conservative administration.

This video reveals a vision of a government where political ideology trumps expertise and experience, where dissent is discouraged, and where the President’s agenda is paramount. This vision is fundamentally at odds with the principles of a neutral and impartial civil service and raises alarming questions about the future of American governance.