Title: “Presidential Transitions & Appointee Hiring: What You Need To Know”

Runtime: 43:53

Speaker: Ed Corrigan and Rick Dearborn

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Presidential Transitions (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, provides a practical guide for aspiring conservative political appointees on how to navigate the presidential transition process and secure a position in a future conservative administration. Ed Corrigan, president and CEO of the Conservative Partnership Institute, and Rick Dearborn, former Deputy Chief of Staff to President Trump and executive director of Trump’s 2016 presidential transition team, offer their insights and advice, drawing on their extensive experience in Republican politics and government.

The video’s significance lies in its detailed roadmap for staffing a conservative administration, highlighting the importance of early preparation, networking, and understanding the intricacies of the appointment process. It reveals a concerted effort to build a pipeline of conservative loyalists who are ready to assume key positions in government and to implement Project 2025’s agenda on “Day One.”


  • Early Preparation is Key: The speakers emphasize the importance of preparing early for a potential transition, building relationships, developing policy expertise, and making oneself a desirable candidate for a political appointment.
  • Networking and Connections: The video highlights the importance of networking and building relationships with key individuals in the conservative movement, including those involved in Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation, and other conservative organizations.
  • Understanding the Appointment Process: Corrigan and Dearborn provide a detailed overview of the appointment process, explaining the different types of positions, the vetting process, and the role of the Presidential Personnel Office (PPO).
  • “Personnel is Policy”: The video reinforces the “personnel is policy” theme, emphasizing the importance of staffing the government with individuals who are aligned with the President’s ideology and who are committed to implementing his agenda.
  • “Hitting the Ground Running”: The speakers stress the need for appointees to be ready to “hit the ground running” on Day One, arguing that the first 100 days of a new administration are crucial for making progress on policy goals.


3.1 Introduction: The Importance of Presidential Transitions

Corrigan and Dearborn begin by emphasizing the significance of presidential transitions, arguing that they are crucial for ensuring a smooth transfer of power and for setting the agenda for a new administration. They highlight the challenges of staffing a new government and the importance of having a well-prepared team in place.

Quote: “Presidential transitions are a critical time for our country. They are an opportunity to bring in new ideas, to change the direction of government, and to make a real difference in the lives of the American people.”

3.2 The Appointment Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

The speakers provide a detailed overview of the appointment process, explaining the different types of positions, the vetting process, and the role of the PPO. They discuss the importance of submitting a complete and accurate application, of preparing for interviews, and of understanding the ethical and legal requirements of serving in government.

Quote: “The appointment process can be long and complicated, but it’s important to understand how it works so that you can be successful in getting a job in a conservative administration.”

3.3 Building Your Resume and Network

Corrigan and Dearborn offer advice on how to build a strong resume and network to make oneself a more attractive candidate for a political appointment. They emphasize the importance of gaining experience in government, policy, or politics, of developing expertise in a particular area, and of building relationships with key individuals in the conservative movement.

Quote: “You need to build a strong resume and a strong network. Get involved in your community, volunteer for campaigns, and build relationships with people who share your values.”

3.4 The “Personnel is Policy” Principle

The speakers reiterate the importance of the “personnel is policy” principle, arguing that staffing the government with the right people is essential for achieving policy goals. They encourage potential appointees to be clear about their conservative values and to be committed to implementing the President’s agenda.

Quote: “Personnel is policy. The people you hire will determine the success or failure of your administration.”

3.5 “Hitting the Ground Running” on Day One

Corrigan and Dearborn emphasize the need for appointees to be ready to “hit the ground running” on Day One, arguing that the first 100 days of a new administration are crucial for making progress on policy goals. They encourage appointees to develop a clear plan for their first 100 days in office and to be prepared to face challenges and opposition.

Quote: “You need to be ready to hit the ground running on Day One. The first 100 days are critical, and you need to have a plan for what you want to accomplish.”

3.6 Conclusion: A Call to Service

The speakers conclude by encouraging aspiring conservative political appointees to answer the call to service and to use their talents and skills to advance a conservative agenda in government. They emphasize the importance of patriotism, public service, and making a difference in the lives of Americans.

Quote: “Serving in government is a noble calling. It’s an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of the American people. We need good conservatives to step up and serve.”


The video does not focus on specific policy recommendations but rather on providing practical guidance to potential political appointees.


  • Recruit and Train Conservative Appointees: Attract and train talented individuals who are committed to a conservative agenda and who are prepared to serve in a future conservative administration.
  • Streamline the Appointment Process: Make the appointment process more efficient and effective, ensuring that key positions are filled quickly with qualified conservatives.
  • Promote a “Day One” Mentality: Instill a sense of urgency and a focus on achieving quick results in the first 100 days of a new administration.
  • Emphasize Loyalty and Ideological Alignment: Prioritize appointing individuals who are loyal to the President and who share his conservative vision.
  • Build a Network of Conservative Leaders: Foster a network of conservative leaders who are prepared to serve in government and to advance a conservative agenda.


The speakers draw on their experience in the Trump administration and previous Republican administrations to provide practical advice to potential appointees. They highlight the successes of past conservative administrations in implementing their agendas and emphasize the importance of learning from past mistakes.


  • Politicization of the Federal Workforce: The emphasis on appointing loyal conservatives could lead to a more politicized and less independent federal workforce, potentially undermining the merit-based civil service system and the professionalism of government.
  • Erosion of Expertise and Experience: Prioritizing ideology over expertise and experience in hiring decisions could lead to a decline in the quality of government services and a less effective government.
  • Increased Turnover and Instability: A focus on “hitting the ground running” and a “Day One” mentality could lead to increased turnover and instability within the government, as appointees prioritize short-term gains over long-term planning and institutional knowledge.


  • Lack of Diversity and Inclusion: Critics might argue that the focus on appointing conservative loyalists would lead to a less diverse and less inclusive federal workforce, potentially excluding qualified individuals from marginalized groups and limiting the range of perspectives within government.
  • Undermining the Merit System: Opponents might argue that the emphasis on political loyalty over expertise and experience would undermine the merit system and lead to a less qualified and less effective government.
  • Erosion of Democratic Norms: Critics might argue that the focus on “hitting the ground running” and on achieving quick results could lead to a disregard for democratic processes and a willingness to circumvent established norms and procedures.


  • “Presidential transitions are a critical time for our country. They are an opportunity to bring in new ideas, to change the direction of government, and to make a real difference in the lives of the American people.” This quote highlights the importance of presidential transitions and the opportunity they present for conservatives to implement their agenda.
  • “The appointment process can be long and complicated, but it’s important to understand how it works so that you can be successful in getting a job in a conservative administration.” This quote offers practical advice to aspiring appointees, emphasizing the need for preparation and understanding of the process.
  • “You need to build a strong resume and a strong network. Get involved in your community, volunteer for campaigns, and build relationships with people who share your values.” This quote emphasizes the importance of networking and building connections within the conservative movement.
  • “Personnel is policy. The people you hire will determine the success or failure of your administration.” This quote reinforces the “personnel is policy” principle, highlighting the importance of staffing decisions in achieving policy goals.
  • “You need to be ready to hit the ground running on Day One. The first 100 days are critical, and you need to have a plan for what you want to accomplish.” This quote stresses the importance of being prepared and acting quickly to implement the President’s agenda.


The speakers in the video use a combination of motivational language, practical advice, and appeals to shared values to inspire and prepare potential appointees for service in a conservative administration. They emphasize the opportunity to make a difference, the importance of loyalty and ideological alignment, and the need for urgency and action.

  • Motivational Language: The speakers use phrases like “make a difference,” “hit the ground running,” and “be a part of something bigger than yourself” to inspire and energize potential appointees.
  • Practical Advice: They offer practical advice on how to navigate the appointment process, build a strong resume and network, and understand the expectations of serving in government.
  • Appeals to Shared Values: They appeal to shared conservative values, such as limited government, individual liberty, and a strong national defense, to create a sense of common purpose and to motivate potential appointees.


The “Presidential Transitions & Appointee Hiring” video provides a practical guide for aspiring conservative political appointees, revealing the importance of early preparation, networking, and understanding the intricacies of the appointment process. It underscores the “personnel is policy” philosophy that underpins Project 2025 and highlights the strategic importance of staffing the government with loyal conservatives who are ready to implement a conservative agenda on “Day One.”

The video’s emphasis on loyalty, urgency, and a results-oriented approach raises concerns about the potential for a future conservative administration to prioritize ideology over expertise, to undermine the merit-based civil service system, and to erode democratic norms and accountability. It reveals a vision of a government driven by a narrow partisan agenda, rather than by the broader public interest.