Title: “Deep Dive on The Federal Background Investigation & Security Clearance Process”

Runtime: 29:56

Speaker: James Sherk

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Background Checks and Security Clearances (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, provides a detailed overview of the federal government’s background check and security clearance process for potential political appointees. James Sherk, an economist and former special assistant to President Trump for domestic policy, guides viewers through the intricacies of this process, highlighting potential red flags and offering advice on how to navigate the system successfully.

The video’s significance lies in its practical guidance for aspiring conservative appointees, aiming to ensure that they are well-prepared for the vetting process and can avoid potential pitfalls that could derail their chances of securing a position in a future conservative administration. It underscores the importance of personal conduct, financial responsibility, and adherence to legal and ethical standards, while also subtly suggesting that the process can be used to weed out individuals who do not align with a conservative ideology.


  • Thoroughness and Transparency: Sherk emphasizes the thoroughness of the background check process, highlighting the various aspects of an individual’s life that are scrutinized, including finances, personal conduct, and foreign contacts. He encourages transparency and honesty, suggesting that attempts to hide information will likely be discovered and could be disqualifying.
  • National Security and Trustworthiness: The video frames the background check process as essential for protecting national security and ensuring that only trustworthy individuals are granted access to sensitive information and positions of authority. This framing reinforces the importance of vetting potential appointees and subtly suggests that those who fail to meet the standards may pose a risk to national security.
  • Personal Responsibility and Accountability: Sherk stresses the importance of personal responsibility and accountability for one’s actions and associations, suggesting that individuals are ultimately responsible for the choices they make and the people they associate with. This framing aligns with a broader conservative emphasis on individual responsibility and could be used to justify excluding individuals with past mistakes or controversial associations.
  • Navigating the Bureaucracy: The video provides practical advice on how to navigate the bureaucratic process, including how to complete the SF-86 form, how to prepare for interviews, and how to address potential red flags. This guidance aims to help potential appointees successfully clear the background check process and secure a position in government.
  • Ideological Screening (Implied): While not explicitly stated, the video’s emphasis on certain “red flags,” such as past drug use, financial irresponsibility, and foreign contacts, could be interpreted as a form of ideological screening, potentially targeting individuals who do not align with conservative values or who may be perceived as sympathetic to liberal causes.


3.1 The Importance of Background Checks

Sherk begins by explaining the rationale behind the federal government’s background check process, emphasizing its importance in protecting national security and ensuring the trustworthiness of individuals in positions of authority. He highlights the sensitive nature of the information and the potential risks posed by individuals who might abuse their access or who might be susceptible to blackmail or foreign influence.

Quote: “The background investigation process is designed to ensure that only those individuals who are trustworthy and who can be relied upon to protect classified information are granted access to it.”

3.2 The Scope of the Investigation

Sherk outlines the comprehensive nature of the background check process, detailing the various aspects of an individual’s life that are scrutinized:

  • Personal Conduct: This includes criminal history, drug use, alcohol abuse, financial responsibility, and any other behavior that might raise concerns about an individual’s judgment, trustworthiness, or suitability for government service.
  • Foreign Contacts: The investigation examines any foreign contacts or associations, particularly those with individuals or entities from countries considered adversarial to the U.S., such as China or Russia. This reflects the growing concern about foreign influence and espionage.
  • Financial History: The investigation scrutinizes an individual’s financial history, looking for signs of debt, bankruptcy, or other financial problems that might make them vulnerable to bribery or coercion.
  • Social Media Activity: Sherk mentions that social media activity is increasingly being reviewed as part of the background check process, looking for posts or comments that might raise concerns about an individual’s judgment or suitability for government service.

3.3 The SF-86 Form: A “Daunting” but Essential Document

Sherk discusses the SF-86 form, a lengthy and detailed questionnaire that all applicants for security clearances must complete. He acknowledges that the form can be “daunting,” but he emphasizes the importance of providing accurate and complete information. He warns that any attempts to hide information or to be less than truthful will likely be discovered and could be disqualifying.

Quote: “The SF-86 form is the cornerstone of the background investigation process. It’s important to be honest and forthcoming in your answers, even if you think something might be embarrassing or could raise a red flag.”

3.4 Red Flags and Adjudicative Guidelines

Sherk discusses some of the “red flags” that can arise during the background check process, including past drug use, financial problems, foreign contacts, and mental health issues. He explains that the government uses a set of adjudicative guidelines to evaluate these red flags and to determine whether or not an individual is eligible for a security clearance.

Quote: “The adjudicative guidelines are designed to ensure that only those individuals who are trustworthy and who can be relied upon to protect classified information are granted access to it.”

3.5 Advice for Navigating the Process

Sherk offers practical advice to potential appointees on how to navigate the background check process successfully:

  • Be Honest and Transparent: He emphasizes the importance of being honest and transparent in all interactions with investigators.
  • Prepare for Interviews: He encourages potential appointees to prepare for interviews with investigators, anticipating questions about their past and their associations.
  • Address Red Flags Proactively: He advises individuals to address any potential red flags proactively, providing context and mitigating information to explain any concerns that might arise.
  • Seek Legal Counsel: He suggests that individuals who have concerns about their eligibility for a security clearance should consult with an attorney who specializes in security clearance law.

3.6 Conclusion: A Necessary Process

Sherk concludes by emphasizing that the background check process is a necessary part of protecting national security and ensuring the trustworthiness of individuals in government. He encourages potential appointees to approach the process with honesty, transparency, and a willingness to cooperate with investigators.


The video does not explicitly advocate for specific policy changes but rather focuses on explaining the existing background check process. However, it implicitly supports the broader Project 2025 agenda of increasing political control over the federal workforce and ensuring that appointees are aligned with a conservative ideology.


  • Prepare Conservative Appointees: Equip potential conservative appointees with the knowledge and strategies they need to successfully navigate the background check process and secure positions in a future conservative administration.
  • Instill a Sense of Caution and Conformity: Encourage potential appointees to be mindful of their past actions and associations, potentially discouraging them from engaging in activities or expressing views that might be perceived as “red flags” by a conservative administration.
  • Promote a Culture of Compliance: Emphasize the importance of following rules, regulations, and ethical standards, potentially creating a more compliant and less independent federal workforce.


Sherk does not explicitly reference historical events or figures in this video. However, he implicitly draws on the post-9/11 era and the heightened concern about national security to justify the thoroughness of the background check process. He also suggests that the process has become more rigorous in recent years, potentially reflecting the Trump administration’s focus on loyalty and its distrust of the “deep state.”


  • Chilling Effect on Dissent: The video’s emphasis on “red flags” and the potential consequences of past actions or associations could create a chilling effect on dissent within the federal workforce, discouraging individuals from expressing views that might be perceived as controversial or from associating with groups that are not aligned with a conservative ideology.
  • Exclusion of Qualified Individuals: The focus on certain “red flags” could lead to the exclusion of qualified individuals from government service, particularly those from marginalized groups or those with unconventional backgrounds, potentially reducing the diversity of perspectives within the government.
  • Increased Politicization of the Vetting Process: The video’s implicit suggestion that the background check process can be used to screen for ideological alignment could lead to a more politicized and less objective vetting process, potentially favoring conservative loyalists over those with greater expertise or experience.


  • Overly Broad and Intrusive: Critics might argue that the background check process is overly broad and intrusive, delving into aspects of an individual’s life that are irrelevant to their ability to perform their job or to protect national security.
  • Lack of Due Process: Opponents might argue that the process lacks adequate due process protections, potentially leading to the denial of security clearances based on flimsy evidence or unsubstantiated allegations.
  • Discriminatory Impact: Critics might argue that the focus on certain “red flags,” such as past drug use or financial problems, could have a discriminatory impact on individuals from marginalized groups who are more likely to have been affected by these issues.


  • “The background investigation process is designed to ensure that only those individuals who are trustworthy and who can be relied upon to protect classified information are granted access to it.” This quote highlights the rationale behind the background check process, emphasizing national security and trustworthiness.
  • “The SF-86 form is the cornerstone of the background investigation process. It’s important to be honest and forthcoming in your answers, even if you think something might be embarrassing or could raise a red flag.” This quote emphasizes the importance of honesty and transparency in the process.
  • “The adjudicative guidelines are designed to ensure that only those individuals who are trustworthy and who can be relied upon to protect classified information are granted access to it.” This quote highlights the government’s use of guidelines to evaluate potential security risks.
  • “It’s important to be prepared for interviews with investigators. They will ask you about your past, your associations, and your views on a variety of issues.” This quote underscores the need for potential appointees to be prepared for scrutiny.
  • “If you have any concerns about your eligibility for a security clearance, you should consult with an attorney who specializes in security clearance law.” This quote suggests that the process can be complex and that legal advice may be necessary.


Sherk’s presentation is delivered in a calm and measured tone, emphasizing the importance of the background check process and the need for transparency and cooperation. However, his language also subtly suggests that the process can be used to screen for ideological alignment and to weed out individuals who do not conform to conservative norms.

  • Emphasis on Trustworthiness and Loyalty: Sherk repeatedly emphasizes the importance of trustworthiness and loyalty, suggesting that these are essential qualities for government service.
  • Focus on “Red Flags”: His discussion of “red flags” focuses on issues that are often associated with liberal or progressive values, such as drug use, financial irresponsibility, and foreign contacts, potentially sending a message that these activities are incompatible with conservative principles.
  • Omission of Due Process Concerns: Sherk does not address the potential for abuse or the lack of due process protections in the background check process, potentially creating a false sense of security among potential appointees.


The “Deep Dive on The Federal Background Investigation & Security Clearance Process” video provides a detailed overview of the vetting process for potential political appointees, highlighting the importance of personal conduct, financial responsibility, and adherence to legal and ethical standards. However, the video also subtly suggests that the process can be used to screen for ideological alignment and to exclude individuals who do not conform to conservative norms.

This video reflects Project 2025’s broader goal of reshaping the federal workforce to be more loyal, more compliant, and more ideologically aligned with a conservative agenda. It raises concerns about the potential for a more politicized and less independent bureaucracy under a future conservative administration, where dissent is discouraged and those who do not conform to a narrow set of values are excluded from public service.