Title: “The Political Appointee’s Survival Guide”

Runtime: 47:30

Speaker: Bethany Kozma and Others

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Appointee Survival Guide (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, offers a glimpse into the experiences and challenges of serving as a political appointee in a conservative administration. Bethany Kozma, former Deputy Chief of Staff at USAID during the Trump administration, leads a discussion with six other former Trump administration officials, providing practical advice and insights for aspiring conservative appointees.

The video’s significance lies in its candid portrayal of the realities of working in government, highlighting the importance of navigating bureaucratic obstacles, managing relationships with career staff, and staying true to conservative principles. It serves as a pep talk and a warning, encouraging potential appointees to be prepared for the challenges ahead while also reinforcing the ideological framework of Project 2025.


  • Navigating the Bureaucracy: The panelists emphasize the challenges of navigating the federal bureaucracy, which they often portray as slow, inefficient, and resistant to change. They offer advice on how to overcome these obstacles, build relationships with career staff, and effectively implement the President’s agenda.
  • Staying True to Conservative Principles: The panelists stress the importance of staying true to conservative principles, even in the face of pressure from career staff, the media, or political opponents. They encourage appointees to be bold, to challenge the status quo, and to fight for their beliefs.
  • The Importance of Teamwork: The video highlights the importance of teamwork and collaboration among political appointees, arguing that they need to work together to support the President’s agenda and to overcome bureaucratic resistance.
  • The “Deep State” and Resistance to Change: The panelists express a distrust of the “deep state,” suggesting that career staff may be resistant to change, may have their own agendas, and may not be fully committed to the President’s vision.
  • The Rewards of Public Service: Despite the challenges, the panelists emphasize the rewards of public service, arguing that it is an opportunity to make a difference, to serve the country, and to advance conservative principles.


3.1 Introduction: The “Honor and Privilege” of Serving

Kozma begins by welcoming the panelists and emphasizing the “honor and privilege” of serving in a presidential administration. She sets the stage for the discussion by asking the panelists to share their experiences and to offer advice to aspiring appointees.

Quote: “It is an honor and a privilege to serve in a presidential administration. It’s an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of the American people.”

3.2 Navigating the Bureaucracy: “A Different World”

The panelists discuss the challenges of navigating the federal bureaucracy, describing it as a “different world” with its own rules, procedures, and culture. They offer advice on how to overcome bureaucratic obstacles, build relationships with career staff, and get things done.

  • Understanding the Culture: They emphasize the importance of understanding the culture of the bureaucracy, which they often portray as risk-averse, slow-moving, and resistant to change.
  • Building Relationships: They stress the need to build relationships with career staff, to listen to their perspectives, and to find common ground.
  • Being Assertive: They encourage appointees to be assertive, to push back against bureaucratic inertia, and to be willing to make tough decisions.
  • Knowing Your Authorities: They advise appointees to understand their legal authorities and to use them effectively to advance the President’s agenda.

Quote: “The bureaucracy is a different world. It’s important to understand the culture, to build relationships, and to be assertive in order to get things done.”

3.3 Staying True to Conservative Principles: “Don’t Go Native”

The panelists emphasize the importance of staying true to conservative principles, even in the face of pressure from career staff, the media, or political opponents. They encourage appointees to be bold, to challenge the status quo, and to fight for their beliefs.

  • Resisting Pressure: They warn appointees about the pressure they may face to compromise their principles or to conform to the “Washington way” of doing things.
  • Standing Up for Your Beliefs: They encourage appointees to stand up for their beliefs, even if it means facing criticism or opposition.
  • Remembering Your Mission: They remind appointees that they are there to serve the President and to implement his agenda, not to become part of the “deep state.”

Quote: “Don’t go native. Remember why you’re there. You’re there to serve the President and to implement his agenda.”

3.4 The Importance of Teamwork: “You’re Not Alone”

The video highlights the importance of teamwork and collaboration among political appointees. The panelists emphasize the need to support each other, to share information, and to work together to overcome challenges.

Quote: “You’re not alone. You have a team of people who are there to support you and to help you succeed.”

3.5 The “Deep State” and Resistance to Change

The panelists express a distrust of the “deep state,” suggesting that career staff may be resistant to change, may have their own agendas, and may not be fully committed to the President’s vision. They encourage appointees to be aware of this potential resistance and to be prepared to challenge it.

Quote: “The deep state is real. There are career bureaucrats who are more interested in protecting their own turf than in implementing the President’s agenda.”

3.6 The Rewards of Public Service: “Making a Difference”

Despite the challenges, the panelists emphasize the rewards of public service, arguing that it is an opportunity to make a difference, to serve the country, and to advance conservative principles.

Quote: “Public service is a noble calling. It’s an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of the American people.”


The video does not focus on specific policy recommendations but rather on providing general guidance and advice to potential political appointees.


  • Prepare Conservative Appointees for Success: Equip potential appointees with the knowledge, skills, and mindset they need to navigate the bureaucracy, overcome challenges, and effectively implement a conservative agenda.
  • Reinforce Conservative Ideology: Instill a strong sense of conservative principles and a distrust of the “deep state” among potential appointees.
  • Foster a Sense of Camaraderie and Teamwork: Encourage collaboration and support among conservative appointees, creating a network of like-minded individuals within the government.


The panelists draw on their experiences in the Trump administration to provide practical advice and to illustrate the challenges and rewards of serving as a political appointee. They implicitly contrast the Trump administration with previous administrations, suggesting that Trump appointees faced unique challenges due to the “deep state” and the hostility of the media.


  • Increased Politicization of the Bureaucracy: The emphasis on loyalty to the President and the distrust of career staff could lead to a more politicized and less independent bureaucracy, potentially undermining the merit-based civil service system and the professionalism of government.
  • Erosion of Trust in Government: The portrayal of career staff as resistant to change and potentially disloyal to the President could erode public trust in government institutions and undermine the legitimacy of the civil service.
  • Increased Turnover and Instability: The challenges and pressures of serving in a highly politicized environment could lead to increased turnover among political appointees, potentially disrupting the continuity of government operations and hindering the implementation of long-term policy goals.


  • Disregard for Expertise and Experience: Critics might argue that prioritizing loyalty over expertise and experience could lead to a less qualified and less effective government.
  • Undermining Democratic Norms: Opponents might argue that the distrust of career staff and the encouragement to challenge the status quo could undermine democratic norms and the principle of a neutral and impartial civil service.
  • Creating a Toxic Work Environment: The emphasis on ideological purity and the portrayal of career staff as potential enemies could create a toxic work environment, hindering collaboration and undermining morale.


  • “It is an honor and a privilege to serve in a presidential administration. It’s an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of the American people.” This quote highlights the appeal of public service and the potential for making a positive impact.
  • “The bureaucracy is a different world. It’s important to understand the culture, to build relationships, and to be assertive in order to get things done.” This quote offers practical advice on navigating the bureaucracy, but it also reinforces the view of career staff as a potential obstacle.
  • “Don’t go native. Remember why you’re there. You’re there to serve the President and to implement his agenda.” This quote emphasizes the importance of loyalty to the President and his agenda.
  • “You’re not alone. You have a team of people who are there to support you and to help you succeed.” This quote highlights the importance of teamwork and collaboration among political appointees.
  • “The deep state is real. There are career bureaucrats who are more interested in protecting their own turf than in implementing the President’s agenda.” This quote reinforces the distrust of career staff and the belief that they may be resistant to change.


The video uses a combination of personal anecdotes, practical advice, and ideological framing to appeal to aspiring conservative appointees. The panelists share their own experiences to make the information more relatable and to build a sense of camaraderie. They also use fear-mongering tactics to warn of the challenges posed by the “deep state” and to motivate appointees to be vigilant in defending the President’s agenda.


The “Political Appointee’s Survival Guide” video provides a glimpse into the challenges and rewards of serving as a political appointee in a conservative administration, offering practical advice and insights for aspiring conservative leaders. However, it also reinforces the ideological framework of Project 2025, emphasizing the importance of loyalty, the distrust of career staff, and the need for political appointees to be “change agents” who are willing to challenge the status quo.

This video raises concerns about the potential for a more politicized and less independent bureaucracy under a future conservative administration. It suggests that Project 2025 is not just about policy changes but also about reshaping the culture of government and creating a more ideologically driven and less accountable bureaucracy.