Title: “Time Management for Political Appointees”

Runtime: 25:02

Speaker: Katie Sullivan

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Time Management for Appointees (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, focuses on time management strategies for political appointees in a conservative administration. Katie Sullivan, a former Acting Assistant Attorney General in the Trump administration, delivers the presentation, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing tasks, controlling one’s schedule, and strategically managing interactions with career staff.

While framed as a practical guide to productivity, the video subtly reinforces the project’s broader themes of distrusting the “deep state” and asserting political control over the bureaucracy. Sullivan encourages appointees to be wary of career staff who may try to “fill their calendars” with unnecessary meetings and to be assertive in setting their own priorities and controlling their time.


  • Prioritization and Focus: Sullivan emphasizes the importance of prioritizing tasks and focusing on the most important goals, arguing that political appointees have a limited time in office and must make the most of it. This aligns with Project 2025’s emphasis on achieving quick results and implementing a conservative agenda rapidly.
  • Controlling Your Schedule: The video stresses the need for appointees to control their own schedules, rather than allowing others, particularly career staff, to dictate how they spend their time. This reflects a distrust of the bureaucracy and a desire to assert political control over the day-to-day operations of government.
  • Strategic Meeting Management: Sullivan provides specific strategies for managing meetings effectively, including vetting attendees, setting clear agendas, and limiting the amount of time spent in meetings. This aims to empower appointees to be more productive and to avoid being bogged down in unnecessary bureaucratic processes.
  • Delegation and Empowerment: The video encourages appointees to delegate tasks to their staff, but also to hold them accountable for results. This aligns with the conservative principle of empowering individuals and reducing reliance on government.
  • “Deep State” Awareness: While not explicitly stated, the video’s emphasis on controlling one’s schedule and being wary of career staff subtly reinforces the Project 2025 theme of distrusting the “deep state” and viewing career bureaucrats as potential obstacles to a conservative agenda.


3.1 The Challenge of Time Management in Government

Sullivan begins by acknowledging the challenges of time management in government, noting that political appointees face a constant barrage of demands on their time and attention. She emphasizes the importance of being strategic and intentional about how they spend their time, given their limited tenure in office.

Quote: “Time is your most valuable resource in government. You need to be very careful about how you spend it.”

3.2 Prioritization and Focus: “What Are Your Top Three Goals?”

Sullivan stresses the importance of prioritization, encouraging appointees to identify their top three goals for their time in office and to focus their energy on achieving those goals. She suggests using a variety of tools and techniques to prioritize tasks, such as creating to-do lists, setting deadlines, and using time-blocking methods.

Quote: “You can’t do everything. You need to prioritize your tasks and focus on the things that are most important.”

3.3 Controlling Your Schedule: “Don’t Let Your Calendar Control You”

Sullivan emphasizes the need for appointees to control their own schedules, rather than allowing others to dictate how they spend their time. She warns against allowing career staff to “fill your calendar” with unnecessary meetings and encourages appointees to be assertive in setting their own priorities.

Quote: “Don’t let your calendar control you. You need to be in control of your time.”

3.4 Strategic Meeting Management: “Make Meetings Matter”

Sullivan provides specific strategies for managing meetings effectively, including:

  • Vetting Attendees: She encourages appointees to carefully vet meeting attendees, ensuring that only those who are essential to the discussion are present.
  • Setting Clear Agendas: She stresses the importance of setting clear agendas for meetings, outlining the objectives and desired outcomes.
  • Limiting Meeting Time: She recommends limiting the amount of time spent in meetings, suggesting that shorter, more focused meetings are often more productive.
  • Following Up: She emphasizes the importance of following up after meetings to ensure that decisions are implemented and that progress is being made.

Quote: “Meetings can be a huge time suck. You need to make sure that every meeting you attend is necessary and that it’s productive.”

3.5 Delegation and Empowerment: “Trust Your Team”

Sullivan encourages appointees to delegate tasks to their staff, but also to hold them accountable for results. She argues that delegation is essential for effective time management and that it empowers staff to take ownership of their work.

Quote: “You can’t do everything yourself. You need to trust your team and delegate tasks to them. But you also need to hold them accountable for results.”

3.6 Conclusion: Making the Most of Your Time

Sullivan concludes by encouraging appointees to make the most of their time in government, to focus on their priorities, and to leave a lasting legacy. She reminds them that they have a unique opportunity to make a difference and that their time in office is precious.

Quote: “Your time in government is limited. Make the most of it. Focus on your priorities, delegate effectively, and leave a legacy that you can be proud of.”


The video does not focus on specific policy recommendations but rather on providing general guidance and advice to political appointees.


  • Maximize Efficiency and Effectiveness: Equip political appointees with time management strategies to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness in implementing a conservative agenda.
  • Assert Political Control: Encourage appointees to control their schedules and to be assertive in managing their interactions with career staff, subtly reinforcing the distrust of the “deep state.”
  • Promote a Results-Oriented Culture: Emphasize the importance of achieving results and leaving a legacy of conservative achievements, aligning with Project 2025’s focus on rapid implementation and transformative change.


Sullivan draws on her experience in the Trump administration to provide practical advice and to illustrate the challenges of time management in a high-pressure political environment. She implicitly contrasts the Trump administration with previous administrations, suggesting that Trump appointees faced a unique level of scrutiny and opposition from the media and the “deep state.”


  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: If implemented effectively, the time management strategies outlined in the video could lead to increased efficiency and productivity among political appointees, allowing them to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time.
  • Reduced Bureaucratic Delays: The emphasis on controlling one’s schedule and limiting unnecessary meetings could reduce bureaucratic delays and streamline decision-making processes.
  • Strained Relationships with Career Staff: The video’s subtle message of distrusting career staff could lead to strained relationships between political appointees and career civil servants, potentially hindering collaboration and undermining morale.


  • Disregard for Expertise: Critics might argue that the emphasis on controlling one’s schedule and limiting interactions with career staff could lead to a disregard for the expertise and experience of career civil servants.
  • Undermining Collaboration: Opponents might argue that the video’s message could create a more adversarial relationship between political appointees and career staff, hindering collaboration and undermining the effectiveness of government.
  • Reinforcing a “Deep State” Narrative: Critics might argue that the video’s subtle reinforcement of the “deep state” narrative is unfounded and harmful, contributing to a climate of distrust and paranoia within the government.


  • “Time is your most valuable resource in government. You need to be very careful about how you spend it.” This quote highlights the importance of time management for political appointees.
  • “You can’t do everything. You need to prioritize your tasks and focus on the things that are most important.” This quote emphasizes the need for prioritization and focus.
  • “Don’t let your calendar control you. You need to be in control of your time.” This quote encourages appointees to be assertive in managing their schedules.
  • “Meetings can be a huge time suck. You need to make sure that every meeting you attend is necessary and that it’s productive.” This quote offers practical advice on managing meetings effectively.
  • “You can’t do everything yourself. You need to trust your team and delegate tasks to them. But you also need to hold them accountable for results.” This quote emphasizes the importance of delegation and accountability.


Sullivan’s presentation is delivered in a clear and concise manner, using a combination of practical advice, anecdotes, and subtle ideological framing to appeal to her audience. She uses a conversational tone and avoids overly technical language, making the information accessible to a broad audience.

  • Practical Advice: Sullivan provides specific and actionable advice on time management, making her presentation relevant and useful for potential appointees.
  • Anecdotes: She uses anecdotes from her own experience in the Trump administration to illustrate her points and to make the information more relatable.
  • Ideological Framing: While not explicitly stated, Sullivan’s emphasis on controlling one’s schedule and being wary of career staff subtly reinforces the Project 2025 theme of distrusting the “deep state.”


The “Time Management for Political Appointees” video is a seemingly innocuous presentation on productivity, but it also serves a more subtle purpose: to reinforce the Project 2025 agenda of distrusting the “deep state” and asserting political control over the bureaucracy. By encouraging appointees to be wary of career staff and to control their own schedules, the video subtly promotes a more adversarial relationship between political appointees and career civil servants, potentially undermining collaboration and trust within the government.

This video reflects Project 2025’s broader goal of reshaping the culture of government and creating a more ideologically driven and less independent bureaucracy. It suggests that a future conservative administration would prioritize loyalty and political control over expertise and experience, potentially leading to a less effective and less accountable government.