Title: “The Art of Professionalism”

Runtime: 32:42

Speaker: Chris Hayes and Karoline Leavitt

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: The Art of Professionalism (Transcript)

This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, focuses on the importance of professionalism for political appointees in a conservative administration. Chris Hayes, who worked for the Leadership Institute, a conservative training organization, and Karoline Leavitt, a former White House press office staffer and current spokesperson for Trump’s 2024 reelection campaign, discuss various aspects of professional conduct, emphasizing the need for ethical behavior, effective communication, and a commitment to conservative principles.

While the video ostensibly aims to prepare appointees for the demands of government service, it also subtly reinforces Project 2025’s broader agenda of promoting a conservative worldview and instilling distrust of the media and the “deep state.” The speakers emphasize the importance of loyalty to the President and his agenda, caution against leaks and negative media coverage, and encourage appointees to be mindful of their public image and to use social media strategically.


  • Ethical Conduct and Integrity: Hayes and Leavitt emphasize the importance of ethical conduct and integrity for political appointees, stressing the need to avoid conflicts of interest, to comply with laws and regulations, and to maintain a high standard of personal behavior.
  • Effective Communication: The video highlights the importance of effective communication, both written and oral, for political appointees. The speakers discuss strategies for writing clear and concise memos, for delivering effective presentations, and for interacting with the media and the public.
  • Loyalty and Discretion: The speakers stress the importance of loyalty to the President and his administration, as well as the need for discretion in handling sensitive information. They caution against leaks and gossip, emphasizing the importance of maintaining confidentiality.
  • Managing Media Relations: Hayes and Leavitt provide advice on how to navigate the media landscape, suggesting that appointees should be prepared for scrutiny, should avoid making off-the-cuff remarks, and should use social media strategically to promote the administration’s message.
  • Conservative Principles: The video implicitly reinforces the importance of adhering to conservative principles, suggesting that appointees should be guided by these principles in their decision-making and their interactions with others.


3.1 Introduction: The Importance of Professionalism

Hayes and Leavitt begin by emphasizing the importance of professionalism for political appointees, arguing that it is essential for building trust, maintaining a positive public image, and effectively serving the President and the American people. They suggest that professionalism encompasses a range of qualities, including ethical conduct, effective communication, and a commitment to excellence.

Quote: “Professionalism is about more than just dressing the part. It’s about how you conduct yourself, how you communicate, and how you represent the administration.”

3.2 Ethical Conduct and Integrity

The speakers discuss the importance of ethical conduct and integrity for political appointees, stressing the need to avoid conflicts of interest, to comply with laws and regulations, and to maintain a high standard of personal behavior. They emphasize that appointees are held to a higher standard than private citizens and that their actions reflect on the entire administration.

Quote: “You are representing the President of the United States. Your actions and your words matter. You need to be above reproach.”

3.3 Effective Communication

Hayes and Leavitt highlight the importance of effective communication, both written and oral, for political appointees. They discuss strategies for writing clear and concise memos, for delivering effective presentations, and for interacting with the media and the public.

  • Written Communication: They emphasize the need for clear, concise, and well-organized writing, using proper grammar and punctuation. They also suggest that appointees should be mindful of their audience and should tailor their writing style accordingly.
  • Oral Communication: They encourage appointees to be clear, confident, and concise in their oral communication, whether they are giving a presentation, speaking to the media, or interacting with colleagues.
  • Active Listening: They stress the importance of active listening, paying attention to what others are saying, and responding thoughtfully.

Quote: “Communication is key in government. You need to be able to communicate effectively in order to get your point across and to build relationships.”

3.4 Loyalty and Discretion

The speakers stress the importance of loyalty to the President and his administration, as well as the need for discretion in handling sensitive information. They caution against leaks and gossip, emphasizing the importance of maintaining confidentiality and protecting the integrity of the administration’s decision-making process.

Quote: “Loyalty is paramount in this town. You need to be loyal to the President and to his team. You also need to be discreet. Don’t gossip, and don’t leak information to the press.”

3.5 Managing Media Relations

Hayes and Leavitt provide advice on how to navigate the media landscape, suggesting that appointees should be prepared for scrutiny, should avoid making off-the-cuff remarks, and should use social media strategically to promote the administration’s message.

  • Be Prepared: They encourage appointees to be prepared for media inquiries, to anticipate tough questions, and to have their talking points ready.
  • Stay on Message: They emphasize the importance of staying on message and of avoiding making off-the-cuff remarks that could be taken out of context or used against the administration.
  • Use Social Media Strategically: They suggest that appointees can use social media to connect with constituents, to promote the administration’s agenda, and to counter negative narratives.

Quote: “The media can be your friend or your enemy. You need to be smart about how you interact with them. Be prepared, stay on message, and use social media to your advantage.”

3.6 Conclusion: Professionalism as a Reflection of Values

The speakers conclude by arguing that professionalism is not just about following rules or presenting a polished image; it’s about reflecting conservative values and principles. They encourage appointees to be guided by these values in their work and to strive to make a positive difference in the lives of Americans.

Quote: “Professionalism is about more than just looking the part. It’s about living your values and making a difference in the world.”


The video does not focus on specific policy recommendations but rather on providing general guidance and advice to potential political appointees.


  • Promote a Conservative Image: Encourage appointees to project a professional and competent image that reflects positively on the administration and its conservative agenda.
  • Control the Narrative: Provide guidance on managing media relations and using social media strategically to shape public perception and counter negative narratives.
  • Instill Loyalty and Discretion: Emphasize the importance of loyalty to the President and his administration, as well as the need for discretion in handling sensitive information, potentially discouraging dissent and leaks.
  • Prepare for a Hostile Media Environment: Prepare appointees for a potentially hostile media environment, encouraging them to be cautious in their interactions with the press and to stay on message.
  • Reinforce Conservative Values: Implicitly promote the importance of adhering to conservative principles and values in all aspects of government service.


The speakers draw on their experience in the Trump administration, highlighting the challenges of dealing with a hostile media and a “deep state” bureaucracy. They implicitly contrast the Trump administration with previous administrations, suggesting that Trump appointees faced unique challenges and pressures.


  • Increased Politicization of Government: The emphasis on loyalty to the President and his agenda could further politicize the federal workforce and undermine the principle of a neutral and impartial civil service.
  • Chilling Effect on Dissent: The focus on discretion and the warnings about leaks could create a chilling effect on dissent within the government, discouraging employees from speaking out against wrongdoing or offering alternative viewpoints.
  • Erosion of Trust in Government: The portrayal of the media as a hostile force and the emphasis on controlling the narrative could further erode public trust in government institutions and the media.


  • Superficiality and Image over Substance: Critics might argue that the video’s focus on professionalism is superficial and emphasizes image over substance, potentially distracting from the need for appointees to have substantive policy expertise and experience.
  • Suppressing Dissent: Opponents might argue that the emphasis on loyalty and discretion could be used to silence dissent and to create a culture of fear within the government, discouraging employees from speaking out against wrongdoing or offering alternative viewpoints.
  • Manipulating the Media: Critics might argue that the advice on managing media relations is manipulative and aims to control the narrative rather than to engage in open and honest communication with the public.


  • “Professionalism is about more than just dressing the part. It’s about how you conduct yourself, how you communicate, and how you represent the administration.” This quote highlights the importance of professionalism as a reflection of the administration’s values and image.
  • “You are representing the President of the United States. Your actions and your words matter. You need to be above reproach.” This quote emphasizes the high ethical standards expected of political appointees.
  • “Communication is key in government. You need to be able to communicate effectively in order to get your point across and to build relationships.” This quote highlights the importance of effective communication skills for appointees.
  • “Loyalty is paramount in this town. You need to be loyal to the President and to his team. You also need to be discreet. Don’t gossip, and don’t leak information to the press.” This quote emphasizes the importance of loyalty and discretion, potentially discouraging dissent and whistleblowing.
  • “The media can be your friend or your enemy. You need to be smart about how you interact with them. Be prepared, stay on message, and use social media to your advantage.” This quote offers advice on managing media relations, but it also reflects a distrust of the media and a desire to control the narrative.


The speakers in the video use a combination of motivational language, practical advice, and subtle ideological framing to appeal to aspiring conservative appointees. They emphasize the importance of professionalism, loyalty, and discretion, while also subtly reinforcing the Project 2025 agenda of distrusting the media and the “deep state.”


The “Art of Professionalism” video, while ostensibly about professional conduct, serves a deeper purpose: to instill a conservative worldview and to prepare appointees for a highly politicized and potentially hostile environment within the government. It emphasizes loyalty to the President and his agenda, cautions against leaks and negative media coverage, and encourages appointees to be mindful of their public image and to use social media strategically.

This video reflects Project 2025’s broader goal of reshaping the culture of government and creating a more ideologically driven and less independent bureaucracy. It raises concerns about the potential for a future conservative administration to prioritize loyalty over expertise, to silence dissent, and to manipulate the media to advance its agenda.