
This page presents a detailed, speculative scenario of the first 100 days of a potential second Trump term, based on multiple sources including Project 2025 and Agenda 47. It combines various perspectives to provide a comprehensive overview of possible actions and their potential implications.

The Lincoln Project’s Ad

The Lincoln Project launched an ad brilliantly layouting what the first 100 days could look like. I highly recommend checking it out on YouTube.

Day One: The Executive Onslaught

Executive Orders

President Trump would likely sign a flurry of executive orders on Day One, reversing Biden-era policies and setting his agenda in motion:

  1. Reinstating Schedule F:
    • Makes it easier to fire federal employees
    • Enables a mass purge of the federal workforce
    • Replaces career civil servants with MAGA loyalists
    • Potentially undermines the expertise that keeps government running
  2. Restricting Transgender Rights:
    • Bans “gender affirming care”
    • Limits transgender rights
    • Could lead to increased discrimination and fear among transgender individuals
  3. Expanding School Choice:
    • Directs the Department of Education to promote school choice and parental rights
    • Could result in public schools losing funding
    • May provide parents with vouchers for private or religious schools
  4. Energy Independence:
    • Reverses environmental regulations
    • Promotes fossil fuel production
    • Potentially expands oil and gas drilling
    • May ignore or downplay climate change concerns
  5. Immigration Crackdown:
    • Reinforces border security
    • Restricts asylum
    • Could lead to increased border militarization
    • May result in more asylum seekers being turned away and families separated
  6. Loyalty Oath:
    • Implements a new oath of office demanding allegiance to Trump, not the Constitution
    • Represents a potential violation of democratic principles
  7. Birthright Citizenship:
    • Attempts to abolish birthright citizenship
    • Could potentially strip citizenship rights from millions of American-born children of immigrants

Personnel Announcements

  • Trump would likely announce key personnel appointments, including loyalists and ideologues who share his vision
  • Expertise and experience may take a back seat to loyalty in these appointments

Department of Justice Directives

  • Transforms the DOJ into a potential tool for political revenge
  • May target political opponents, including members of the January 6th Commission
  • Could bring charges of treason and election interference against opponents

Immigration Enforcement

  • Initiates mass deportations of undocumented immigrants
  • May sweep up legal residents and even some American citizens
  • Potential for detention camps to hold those awaiting deportation

Week One: The Legislative Blitz and Agency Directives

Congressional Agenda

Trump would pressure Congress to pass legislation aligned with his agenda, including:

  1. Tax Cuts:
    • Implements significant tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals
    • Could widen the gap between rich and poor
    • May starve essential government programs of funding
  2. Deregulation:
    • Rolls back regulations on businesses and industries
    • Potentially compromises worker safety and environmental protections
    • Prioritizes corporate profits over public welfare
  3. Immigration Reform:
    • Restricts legal immigration
    • Pushes for border wall construction
    • May make family reunification more difficult
    • Could reduce opportunities for “dreamers” to find a path to citizenship

Agency Directives

Trump would issue directives to federal agencies to begin implementing his policies:

  1. Department of Justice:
    • Investigates political opponents and “radical left” prosecutors
    • Potentially creates a climate of fear and political persecution
  2. Environmental Protection Agency:
    • Weakens environmental regulations
    • Promotes fossil fuel production
    • May compromise air and water quality
    • Could hinder efforts to combat climate change
  3. Department of Health and Human Services:
    • Restricts abortion access
    • Defunds Planned Parenthood
    • May limit women’s reproductive rights and health services

Month One: Consolidation of Power

  1. Purging Dissenting Voices:
    • Removes or sidelines career civil servants not aligned with his agenda
    • Replaces experts with loyalists, potentially compromising government effectiveness
  2. Controlling Information:
    • Limits press access
    • Uses social media to promote his message
    • Attacks and discredits independent media outlets
    • Weaponizes social media for propaganda and misinformation
  3. Challenging the Courts:
    • Appoints conservative judges
    • Challenges court rulings that disagree with his policies
    • Potentially undermines judicial independence and the rule of law

100-Day Milestones

Significant Policy Changes

Trump would aim to achieve significant policy changes within his first 100 days:

  1. Tax Cuts Enacted:
    • Passes legislation to cut taxes for corporations and wealthy individuals
    • Potentially increases income inequality
  2. Regulations Rolled Back:
    • Eliminates or weakens a wide range of regulations
    • Could impact environmental protections, consumer safeguards, and worker rights
  3. Border Wall Construction Begun:
    • Secures funding and starts construction of a border wall
    • Symbolizes a hardline stance on immigration
  4. Transgender Rights Restricted:
    • Implements policies that limit the rights of transgender individuals
    • May lead to increased discrimination and social tension

Shift in Tone and Rhetoric

  • The first 100 days would likely be marked by a more aggressive and confrontational approach to both domestic and foreign policy
  • Potential for increased division and polarization in American society

Potential Consequences and Concerns

  1. Erosion of Democratic Norms:
    • Trump’s disregard for norms and willingness to challenge established institutions could undermine the rule of law and democratic accountability
  2. Weakening of the Administrative State:
    • Dismantling of the administrative state could lead to a decrease in the quality and effectiveness of government services
    • May weaken protections for consumers, workers, and the environment
  3. Increased Inequality:
    • Tax cuts and deregulation could exacerbate income inequality
    • May benefit wealthy individuals and corporations at the expense of ordinary Americans
  4. Harm to Marginalized Groups:
    • Policies targeting immigrants, transgender individuals, and other marginalized groups could lead to discrimination, harassment, and a rollback of civil rights
  5. Increased International Tensions:
    • A confrontational approach to foreign policy could escalate tensions with countries like China and Russia
    • May increase the risk of conflict and undermine global cooperation
  6. Government Dysfunction:
    • Purges of experienced civil servants could leave the federal government weakened and demoralized
    • May hinder the government’s ability to address complex national challenges
  7. Information Crisis:
    • Attacks on media and spread of misinformation could create a crisis of truth in public discourse
    • May make it difficult for citizens to make informed decisions


This comprehensive breakdown presents a speculative but detailed scenario of the potential first 100 days of a second Trump term. It highlights significant concerns about the rapid transformation of government, erosion of democratic norms, and potential negative impacts on various segments of American society. The scenario underscores the importance of civic engagement, informed voting, and vigilance in protecting democratic institutions.