Title: Project 2025: Poisoning the Partnership (TL;DR Version)

Author: Analysis based on “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership,” “Agenda 47,” and related sources.

This analysis examines the potential consequences of Project 2025 and Agenda 47 for the U.S.-Mexico relationship, revealing a dangerous agenda that threatens to undermine decades of cooperation, fuel tensions, and harm both nations. Driven by xenophobia, a militarized approach to border security, and a disregard for Mexican sovereignty, this agenda could transform a vital partnership into a toxic rivalry, with far-reaching consequences for regional stability, economic prosperity, and the well-being of communities on both sides of the border.


  • Xenophobia and Scapegoating: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 demonize Mexico and Mexican immigrants, portraying them as criminals, a drain on resources, and a threat to American culture and security. This rhetoric fuels xenophobia and undermines the foundation of a healthy relationship.
  • Border Militarization: The project’s obsession with border security, including the construction of a wall and the deployment of more agents and technology, creates a militarized zone that symbolizes hostility and distrust, further dividing the two nations.
  • Disregard for Mexican Sovereignty: Project 2025 and Agenda 47 advocate for policies that disregard Mexican sovereignty, seeking to impose U.S. will on Mexico through pressure, coercion, and even potential intervention.
  • Economic Warfare: The project’s protectionist trade policies, particularly those targeting China, could indirectly harm Mexico’s economy, as it is deeply integrated into North American supply chains and relies on trade with both the U.S. and China.
  • Undermining Cooperation: The project’s aggressive approach to immigration and its disregard for Mexican interests would undermine cooperation on a range of shared challenges, including drug trafficking, organized crime, climate change, and economic development.


3.1 Border Militarization: A Wall of Distrust

Project 2025 and Agenda 47’s focus on border militarization would be a major source of tension and a symbolic representation of a hostile relationship:

  • Expanding the Wall: Agenda 47’s promise to “build the wall” and make Mexico pay for it is a deeply offensive and unrealistic proposal that would further damage relations. (Agenda 47, Immigration Reforms)
  • Increased Enforcement: Project 2025 calls for increasing the number of border patrol agents, deploying more surveillance technology, and expanding the use of detention and deportation. This would create a more militarized and less welcoming border, discouraging legitimate travel and commerce. (Chapter 5)
  • Empowering State and Local Law Enforcement: The project encourages state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration enforcement, potentially leading to abuses of power and racial profiling, further alienating Mexican communities in the U.S. (Chapter 5)

3.2 Mass Deportations: A Humanitarian and Economic Crisis

Deporting millions of undocumented immigrants to Mexico, as envisioned by Project 2025 and Agenda 47, would create a humanitarian and economic crisis in Mexico:

  • Overwhelming Resources: Mexico’s social services, infrastructure, and economy would be strained by the influx of deportees, many of whom have lived in the U.S. for decades and have limited ties to Mexico.
  • Social Unrest: Mass deportations could lead to social unrest and instability in Mexico, as deportees struggle to find jobs, housing, and support.
  • Anti-American Sentiment: The forced return of millions of people would likely fuel anti-American sentiment in Mexico, damaging the U.S.’s image and undermining its influence in the region.

3.3 Undermining Mexican Sovereignty: Dictating Terms, Not Building Partnerships

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 advocate for policies that disregard Mexican sovereignty, seeking to impose U.S. will on Mexico through pressure and coercion:

  • “Remain in Mexico” Policy: The project supports the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which forces asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases are processed in the U.S., putting them at risk of violence and exploitation. (Chapter 5)
  • Safe Third Country Agreements: They propose designating Mexico as a “safe third country,” forcing asylum seekers who pass through Mexico to seek asylum there instead of in the U.S., even if Mexico is not safe for them. (Chapter 5)
  • Economic Pressure: They advocate for using economic pressure, such as tariffs or trade sanctions, to force Mexico to comply with U.S. demands on immigration and security. (Chapter 6)
  • Potential Intervention: The Lincoln Project transcript suggests that a second Trump administration could even consider military intervention in Mexico, citing the need to restore “order” and to combat drug cartels. This would be a disastrous escalation of tensions and a violation of Mexican sovereignty.

3.4 Economic Warfare: Collateral Damage to Mexico

Project 2025’s protectionist trade policies, particularly those targeting China, could indirectly harm Mexico’s economy:

  • Disrupted Supply Chains: Mexico is deeply integrated into North American supply chains, and tariffs or sanctions on Chinese goods could disrupt these chains, harming Mexican businesses that rely on trade with both the U.S. and China.
  • Reduced Investment: Increased tensions between the U.S. and China could discourage foreign investment in Mexico, as businesses seek to avoid being caught in the crossfire of a trade war.
  • Economic Uncertainty: A more volatile and unpredictable global trade environment could create economic uncertainty in Mexico, hindering growth and investment.

3.5 Undermining Cooperation: From Partners to Adversaries

Project 2025 and Agenda 47’s aggressive approach to immigration and its disregard for Mexican interests would undermine cooperation on a range of shared challenges:

  • Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime: A breakdown in trust and cooperation would make it more difficult to combat drug trafficking and organized crime, which operate across the border and require a coordinated response.
  • Climate Change: The U.S. and Mexico need to work together to address climate change, which is already impacting both countries through extreme weather events, droughts, and rising sea levels. A more confrontational relationship would make it harder to cooperate on this critical issue.
  • Economic Development: The U.S. and Mexico have a shared interest in promoting economic development in the region, but a hostile relationship would undermine efforts to create jobs, reduce poverty, and improve living standards.


  • Build a Border Wall: Construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, symbolizing a rejection of Mexico and a hostile approach to immigration. (Agenda 47, Immigration Reforms)
  • Expand Border Enforcement: Increase the number of border patrol agents, deploy more surveillance technology, and expand detention and deportation. (Project 2025, Chapter 5)
  • Empower State and Local Law Enforcement: Encourage state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration enforcement. (Project 2025, Chapter 5)
  • Crack Down on “Sanctuary Cities”: Punish jurisdictions that limit their cooperation with federal immigration enforcement. (Project 2025, Chapter 5)
  • Implement the “Remain in Mexico” Policy: Force asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases are processed in the U.S. (Project 2025, Chapter 5)
  • Designate Mexico as a “Safe Third Country”: Force asylum seekers who pass through Mexico to seek asylum there. (Project 2025, Chapter 5)
  • Use Economic Pressure: Use tariffs or trade sanctions to force Mexico to comply with U.S. demands on immigration and security. (Chapter 6)


  • Reduce Immigration from Mexico: Stem the flow of migrants from Mexico to the U.S., both legal and illegal.
  • Shift the Burden of Immigration Enforcement: Force Mexico to take on more responsibility for managing migration and border security.
  • Assert U.S. Dominance: Establish a more dominant position in the U.S.-Mexico relationship, dictating terms and prioritizing American interests over Mexican concerns.
  • Appeal to Anti-Mexican Sentiment: Tap into xenophobic and anti-Mexican sentiment among Trump’s base, using Mexico as a scapegoat for domestic problems.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47’s promises to “build the wall,” “end catch and release,” and “put America first” align with Project 2025’s agenda to crack down on immigration and to take a more confrontational approach to Mexico.
  • Project 2025, Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 26: These chapters contain proposals that would harm the U.S.-Mexico relationship, including increasing military spending, expanding border enforcement, promoting a confrontational foreign policy, and adopting protectionist trade policies.


  • Damaged Bilateral Relations: The relationship between the U.S. and Mexico would likely deteriorate significantly, characterized by distrust, resentment, and a lack of cooperation.
  • Increased Border Tensions: The border region would become more militarized and less welcoming, potentially leading to increased violence, human rights abuses, and a decline in cross-border commerce and tourism.
  • Economic Harm: Both the U.S. and Mexican economies would suffer, as trade is disrupted, investment declines, and labor shortages emerge.
  • Regional Instability: A strained U.S.-Mexico relationship could destabilize the entire region, undermining efforts to address shared challenges such as drug trafficking, organized crime, and climate change.
  • Humanitarian Crisis: Mass deportations and restrictions on asylum could create a humanitarian crisis in Mexico, overwhelming its resources and leading to increased suffering and instability.


  • Counterproductive to U.S. Interests: Critics argue that Project 2025’s approach to Mexico is counterproductive to U.S. interests, damaging a vital partnership and undermining cooperation on key issues.
  • Harmful to Both Countries: Opponents argue that the project’s policies would harm both the U.S. and Mexico, leading to economic decline, social unrest, and regional instability.
  • Based on Xenophobia and Disrespect: Critics argue that the project’s rhetoric and policies are based on xenophobia and a disregard for Mexican sovereignty, fueling anti-American sentiment and undermining diplomatic efforts.


  • “We will build a big, beautiful wall and make Mexico pay for it.” (Donald Trump) This quote reflects the project’s hostile and unrealistic approach to border security.
  • “Mexico is sending us their worst: criminals, drug dealers, and rapists.” (Donald Trump) This quote exemplifies the project’s dehumanizing rhetoric and scapegoating of Mexican immigrants.
  • “We will not allow Mexico to take advantage of the United States anymore.” (Agenda 47, Immigration Reforms) This quote reflects the project’s “America First” nationalism and its desire to assert dominance over Mexico.
  • “We must get tough on Mexico and force them to stop the flow of illegal immigration and drugs into our country.” (Project 2025, Chapter 5, p. 182) This quote highlights the project’s coercive approach to Mexico, seeking to impose U.S. will through pressure and threats.


Project 2025 and Agenda 47’s agenda for U.S.-Mexico relations is deeply concerning. Their proposals, if implemented, would likely lead to a significant deterioration in the relationship, characterized by distrust, hostility, and a lack of cooperation. This would have far-reaching consequences for both countries, harming their economies, undermining regional stability, and exacerbating the challenges of immigration, drug trafficking, and climate change.

This analysis highlights the urgent need to reject the project’s divisive and destructive agenda and to advocate for a more constructive and mutually beneficial relationship with Mexico. A strong and positive partnership between the U.S. and Mexico is essential for the prosperity and security of both nations and for the stability of the entire region.