Title: Department of Health and Human Services (TL;DR Version)

Author: Roger Severino, Former Director of the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Chapter 14 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” focuses on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), arguing that it has strayed from its mission of serving “all Americans from conception to natural death” and has become a tool for promoting a “woke” agenda under the Biden Administration. Severino, a former Director of the Office for Civil Rights at HHS under President Trump, outlines a conservative vision for HHS that prioritizes protecting life, empowering patient choices, promoting traditional families, preparing for future health emergencies, and increasing transparency and accountability.

The chapter’s significance lies in its comprehensive plan to reshape HHS according to a conservative ideology, potentially impacting access to healthcare, reproductive rights, and the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals. Severino’s recommendations could lead to restrictions on abortion and contraception, a weakening of the Affordable Care Act, and a rollback of protections for transgender individuals and same-sex couples. These proposals raise serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a less inclusive and less equitable healthcare system under a future conservative administration.


  • Protecting “Life”: Severino emphasizes the need to protect the “fundamental right to life” from “conception to natural death,” signaling a strong anti-abortion stance and a desire to restrict access to reproductive healthcare services.
  • Religious Freedom and Conscience Rights: The chapter advocates for expanding religious freedom and conscience rights for healthcare providers, potentially allowing them to refuse to provide care that conflicts with their religious beliefs, even if it harms patients.
  • Patient Choice and Market-Based Solutions: Severino promotes patient-centered, market-based healthcare reform that empowers individuals to make their own healthcare decisions and reduces government regulation. This aligns with the broader conservative preference for free markets and limited government intervention in healthcare.
  • Traditional Family Values: The chapter emphasizes the importance of “stable and flourishing married families” and criticizes policies that support single parents, LGBTQ+ families, and other non-traditional family structures. This reflects a conservative social agenda that prioritizes a narrow definition of family.
  • Distrust of Government and Public Health Agencies: Severino criticizes the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic as being “centralized and politicized” and calls for a more decentralized and less intrusive approach to public health. This reflects a broader conservative distrust of government and a belief that individuals should be responsible for their own health.


3.1 Introduction: A Department Adrift (476)

  • Severino argues that HHS has strayed from its mission of serving “all Americans from conception to natural death” and has become a tool for promoting a “woke” agenda.
  • He criticizes the Biden Administration for its policies on abortion, transgender rights, and COVID-19, arguing that they are harmful and divisive.
  • Quote: “The Department of Health and Human Services has been hijacked by the radical left. They are using the agency to promote a dangerous agenda that is out of touch with the values of the American people.”

3.2 Protecting Life, Conscience, and Religious Freedom (477)

  • Severino outlines a plan to protect “life, conscience, and religious freedom” by:
    • Reversing Abortion Policies: Reversing the Biden Administration’s policies that expand access to abortion care, including through Medicaid and Title X funding.
    • Expanding Conscience Rights: Broadening conscience rights for healthcare providers, allowing them to refuse to provide care that conflicts with their religious beliefs.
    • Promoting Adoption: Promoting adoption as an alternative to abortion.

3.3 Empowering Patient Choices (480)

  • Severino advocates for patient-centered, market-based healthcare reform that empowers individuals to control their healthcare decisions.
  • He calls for:
    • Expanding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): Allowing individuals to use pre-tax dollars to pay for healthcare expenses.
    • Increasing Price Transparency: Requiring healthcare providers to disclose their prices upfront.
    • Deregulating the Healthcare Market: Reducing government regulations on health insurance and healthcare providers.

3.4 Promoting Stable Families (483)

  • Severino emphasizes the importance of “stable and flourishing married families” and criticizes policies that he believes undermine marriage and family values.
  • He calls for:
    • Strengthening Marriage: Promoting marriage through public education campaigns and tax incentives.
    • Reducing Out-of-Wedlock Births: Discouraging out-of-wedlock births through abstinence-only education and other programs.
    • Reforming Welfare Programs: Reforming welfare programs to encourage work and marriage.

3.5 Preparing for the Next Health Emergency (484)

  • Severino criticizes the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic as being “centralized and politicized.”
  • He calls for a more decentralized and less intrusive approach to public health, emphasizing individual responsibility and state and local control.

3.6 Specific Agency Recommendations (486)

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Split the CDC into two separate agencies, one for data collection and one for public health recommendations. Eliminate the CDC Foundation. (486)
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Reverse the approval of chemical abortion drugs. Strengthen safety protocols for mifepristone. Address drug shortages. (490)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH): End research using fetal tissue and embryonic stem cells. Impose term limits on NIH leadership. Eliminate the NIH Foundation. (493)
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): Repeal the Biden Administration’s policies that expand access to abortion care through Medicaid and Title X funding. (496)

3.7 Conclusion: A Department for All Americans (500)

  • Severino concludes by arguing that his recommendations are necessary to “restore HHS to its proper role” and to “make it a department for all Americans.”
  • He claims that a reformed HHS will be “more effective, more efficient, and more responsive to the needs of the American people.”


  • Reverse Abortion Policies: Reverse the Biden Administration’s policies that expand access to abortion care. (477)
  • Expand Conscience Rights: Broaden conscience rights for healthcare providers. (477)
  • Promote Adoption: Promote adoption as an alternative to abortion. (477)
  • Expand Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): Allow individuals to use pre-tax dollars to pay for healthcare expenses. (480)
  • Increase Price Transparency: Require healthcare providers to disclose their prices upfront. (480)
  • Deregulate the Healthcare Market: Reduce government regulations on health insurance and healthcare providers. (480)
  • Strengthen Marriage: Promote marriage through public education campaigns and tax incentives. (483)
  • Reduce Out-of-Wedlock Births: Discourage out-of-wedlock births through abstinence-only education and other programs. (483)
  • Reform Welfare Programs: Reform welfare programs to encourage work and marriage. (483)
  • Decentralize Public Health: Adopt a more decentralized and less intrusive approach to public health. (484)
  • Split the CDC: Split the CDC into two separate agencies. (486)
  • Reverse Approval of Abortion Drugs: Reverse the FDA’s approval of chemical abortion drugs. (490)
  • End Fetal Tissue Research: End research using fetal tissue and embryonic stem cells. (493)
  • Repeal Medicaid and Title X Expansion: Repeal the Biden Administration’s policies that expand access to abortion care through Medicaid and Title X funding. (496)


  • Restrict Abortion Access: Implement a comprehensive agenda to restrict access to abortion care and to promote a “culture of life.”
  • Weaken the Affordable Care Act: Roll back provisions of the Affordable Care Act and promote a more market-based approach to healthcare.
  • Promote Conservative Social Values: Use HHS to advance a conservative social agenda, including opposition to abortion, support for traditional families, and a rejection of transgender rights.
  • Reduce the Role of Government: Shrink the size and scope of HHS and reduce government intervention in healthcare.
  • Empower States and Individuals: Give states and individuals greater control over healthcare decisions.


  • Agenda 47: The chapter’s emphasis on protecting “life,” promoting traditional families, and restricting abortion access aligns with the broader goals outlined in Trump’s Agenda 47.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 3: This chapter, focusing on central personnel agencies, complements Chapter 14 by advocating for weakening civil service protections and making it easier to fire federal employees who do not align with the President’s agenda, potentially allowing for a purge of HHS employees who support abortion rights or transgender rights.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 11: This chapter, focusing on the Department of Education, supports Chapter 14 by calling for a rollback of federal regulations related to sex education and transgender students, aligning with the conservative social agenda promoted in both chapters.


  • Restrictions on Abortion Access: The chapter’s strong anti-abortion stance and its specific recommendations regarding the FDA and CMS suggest a concerted effort to restrict access to abortion care, potentially forcing women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term and increasing maternal mortality rates.
  • Weakening of the Affordable Care Act: The chapter’s advocacy for patient-centered, market-based healthcare reform and its criticism of the ACA suggest a desire to weaken or dismantle the law, potentially making health insurance less affordable and accessible for millions of Americans.
  • Discrimination Against LGBTQ+ Individuals and Families: The chapter’s emphasis on “stable and flourishing married families” and its criticism of policies that support non-traditional families suggest a willingness to discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals and families, potentially leading to a denial of healthcare services and benefits.
  • Inadequate Public Health Response: The chapter’s criticism of the government’s COVID-19 response and its call for a more limited role for the CDC in future health emergencies could lead to a less effective response to future pandemics, potentially putting public health at risk.
  • Undermining Scientific Research: The chapter’s opposition to research using fetal tissue and embryonic stem cells could stifle important medical research and hinder the development of new treatments and cures for diseases.


  • Erosion of Reproductive Rights: Critics might argue that the chapter’s proposals would severely restrict access to abortion care, violating women’s reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.
  • Weakening of Healthcare Access: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s emphasis on market-based solutions and deregulation would make healthcare less affordable and accessible for millions of Americans, particularly those who are low-income or have pre-existing conditions.
  • Discrimination Against LGBTQ+ Individuals: Critics might argue that the chapter’s promotion of traditional family values and its opposition to transgender rights would lead to discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals and families, denying them equal access to healthcare and other services.
  • Undermining Public Health: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s distrust of government and public health agencies would weaken our ability to respond effectively to public health emergencies, such as pandemics.
  • Interference with Scientific Research: Critics might argue that the chapter’s opposition to research using fetal tissue and embryonic stem cells would stifle important medical research and hinder the development of new treatments and cures for diseases.


  • “The Department of Health and Human Services has been hijacked by the radical left. They are using the agency to promote a dangerous agenda that is out of touch with the values of the American people.” (476) This quote reflects Severino’s view of HHS as being controlled by a liberal agenda.
  • “We must protect the fundamental right to life from conception to natural death.” (477) This quote highlights the chapter’s strong anti-abortion stance.
  • “We must empower patients to make their own healthcare decisions and to choose the healthcare providers and plans that best meet their needs.” (480) This quote reflects the chapter’s support for patient choice and market-based solutions.
  • “We must strengthen marriage and promote stable and flourishing families.” (483) This quote emphasizes the chapter’s focus on traditional family values.
  • “We must adopt a more decentralized and less intrusive approach to public health.” (484) This quote reflects the chapter’s distrust of government and its preference for individual responsibility.


Chapter 14 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” outlines a conservative vision for HHS that prioritizes a pro-life agenda, limited government intervention in healthcare, and a traditional view of family structures. The chapter’s recommendations could have a significant impact on access to reproductive healthcare, the affordability and accessibility of health insurance, and the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals and families. These proposals raise serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a less inclusive and less equitable healthcare system under a future conservative administration.

This chapter, along with the previous chapters, provides a clear picture of the conservative agenda for reshaping the federal government. The proposals outlined in this chapter would have a profound impact on the lives of millions of Americans, particularly women, low-income families, and LGBTQ+ individuals, raising serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a less just and less equitable society under a future conservative administration.