Title: Central Personnel Agencies: Managing the Bureaucracy (TL;DR Version)

Authors: Donald Devine, Dennis Dean Kirk, and Paul Dans

Chapter 3 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” focuses on the central personnel agencies responsible for managing the federal bureaucracy, specifically the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), and Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA). The authors, all staunch conservatives with experience in government, argue that the current civil service system is broken and needs radical reform to make it more responsive to political leadership and less accountable to unions.

The chapter’s significance lies in its stark departure from traditional norms of civil service neutrality and merit-based hiring. It advocates for a more politicized bureaucracy, where loyalty to the President’s agenda trumps expertise and experience. This approach raises serious concerns about potential abuses of power, a decline in the quality of government services, and a chilling effect on dissent within the federal workforce.


  • “Personnel is Policy”: This recurring theme emphasizes the belief that controlling the personnel within the federal bureaucracy is essential for implementing a conservative agenda.
  • Distrust of the Civil Service: The authors express a deep distrust of the current civil service system, portraying it as a self-serving bureaucracy resistant to change and accountable to unions rather than the President.
  • Weakening Civil Service Protections: The chapter advocates for weakening civil service protections that make it difficult to fire federal employees, arguing that these protections hinder accountability and responsiveness to political leadership.
  • Hostility Towards Unions: The authors view public sector unions as a major obstacle to effective government management and call for restricting their power, potentially even eliminating them altogether.
  • Schedule F: A Tool for Control: The chapter praises Trump’s Executive Order 13957, which created Schedule F to reclassify certain federal employees as “at-will” employees, making them easier to fire. They see this as a key tool for a conservative President to control the bureaucracy.


3.1 Introduction: The “Personnel is Policy” Imperative (98)

  • The authors establish the central theme of the chapter: “personnel is policy,” arguing that a President’s ability to implement his agenda depends on controlling the federal workforce.
  • They criticize the current civil service system as being “unresponsive” and “unaccountable” to political leadership.
  • Quote: “The first principle of public administration is that ‘personnel is policy.’”

3.2 The Problem: A “Broken” Civil Service (99)

  • The authors diagnose the problem as a “broken” civil service system that protects incompetent and unmotivated employees.
  • They argue that civil service protections make it nearly impossible to fire federal employees, even for poor performance or misconduct.
  • They also criticize the influence of public sector unions, arguing that they prioritize their own interests over the interests of taxpayers and the efficient functioning of government.

3.3 The Solution: Restoring Presidential Control (102)

  • The authors propose a series of reforms to restore presidential control over the federal workforce, including:
    • Weakening Civil Service Protections: Making it easier to fire federal employees for poor performance, misconduct, or lack of alignment with the President’s agenda.
    • Restricting Unions: Limiting the power of public sector unions, potentially even eliminating them altogether.
    • Reforming Hiring Practices: Making hiring practices more flexible and less reliant on objective criteria, allowing for greater consideration of political loyalty and ideological alignment.
    • Reforming Performance Appraisals: Implementing a more rigorous performance appraisal system that can be used to justify firing employees for subjective reasons.

3.4 Schedule F: A “Bold Step” (113)

  • The authors praise Trump’s Executive Order 13957, which created Schedule F, as a “bold step” towards restoring presidential control over the bureaucracy.
  • They argue that Schedule F would allow a President to reclassify certain federal employees as “at-will” employees, making them easier to fire.
  • Quote: “Schedule F was a bold step in the right direction, but it was only a first step.”

3.5 Conclusion: A Call to Action (116)

  • The authors conclude by urging a future conservative President to “take bold action” to reform the civil service system and to “restore accountability and responsiveness to the American people.”
  • They argue that these reforms are essential for “draining the swamp” and for “making America great again.”


  • Weaken Civil Service Protections: Make it easier to fire federal employees for poor performance, misconduct, or lack of alignment with the President’s agenda. (105)
  • Restrict Unions: Limit the power of public sector unions, potentially even eliminating them altogether. (114)
  • Revive Schedule F: Reissue Trump’s Executive Order 13957 to reclassify certain federal employees as “at-will” employees. (113)
  • Reform Hiring Practices: Allow for greater consideration of political loyalty and ideological alignment in hiring decisions. (105)
  • Reform Performance Appraisals: Implement a more rigorous performance appraisal system that can be used to justify firing employees for subjective reasons. (106)


  • Politicize the Bureaucracy: Transform the federal workforce into a more politicized and less independent entity, loyal to the President’s agenda.
  • Weaken Opposition: Neutralize potential opposition to the President’s agenda from within the bureaucracy by weakening unions and civil service protections.
  • Increase Executive Control: Give the President greater control over hiring, firing, and performance management, allowing him to shape the bureaucracy in his image.
  • Implement a Conservative Agenda: Ensure that the federal workforce is aligned with the President’s conservative ideology and is committed to implementing his policy priorities.


  • Agenda 47: The chapter’s emphasis on “personnel is policy,” weakening civil service protections, and restricting unions aligns with the broader goals outlined in Trump’s Agenda 47.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 1: This chapter complements Chapter 1 by providing a detailed roadmap for how to implement the staffing changes recommended for the White House Office.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 2: This chapter reinforces the themes of Chapter 2 by emphasizing the need to control the bureaucracy and to use personnel decisions to advance the President’s agenda.


  • Decline in Government Effectiveness: Weakening civil service protections and politicizing the bureaucracy could lead to a decline in the quality and expertise of the federal workforce, potentially harming the effectiveness of government.
  • Chilling Effect on Dissent: The fear of being fired for political reasons could create a chilling effect on dissent within the federal workforce, discouraging employees from speaking out against wrongdoing or offering alternative viewpoints.
  • Increased Inequality: Restricting unions and weakening worker protections could lead to lower wages and benefits for federal employees, exacerbating existing inequalities.
  • Erosion of Democratic Norms: The chapter’s recommendations could undermine democratic norms and the principle of a neutral and impartial civil service.


  • Politicization of the Civil Service: Critics might argue that the chapter’s proposals would politicize the civil service, undermining its neutrality and professionalism and leading to a less effective government.
  • Undermining Worker Rights: Opponents might argue that weakening unions and civil service protections would undermine the rights of federal employees and make them more vulnerable to exploitation and political pressure.
  • Potential for Discrimination: Critics might argue that the proposed reforms could be used to discriminate against employees based on their political views, race, gender, or other protected characteristics.


  • “The first principle of public administration is that ‘personnel is policy.’” (98) This quote encapsulates the central theme of the chapter, emphasizing the importance of controlling personnel to achieve policy goals.
  • “The civil service system is broken. It protects incompetent and unmotivated employees, and it makes it nearly impossible to fire anyone, even for cause.” (99) This quote reflects the authors’ deep distrust of the civil service and their desire to weaken its protections.
  • “Schedule F was a bold step in the right direction, but it was only a first step.” (113) This quote reveals the authors’ support for Trump’s efforts to make it easier to fire federal employees.
  • “The next conservative President must take bold action to reform the civil service system and to restore accountability and responsiveness to the American people.” (116) This quote serves as a call to action for a future conservative President to implement the chapter’s recommendations.


Chapter 3 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” outlines a plan to significantly weaken the civil service system, making it easier for a conservative President to control the federal workforce and implement his agenda. This vision for a more politicized and less accountable bureaucracy raises serious concerns among Democrats about potential abuses of power and a disregard for the expertise and experience of career civil servants.

The chapter’s recommendations, if implemented, could have a chilling effect on the ability of the federal government to function effectively and impartially. They represent a significant departure from traditional norms of governance and civil service neutrality, suggesting a willingness to use the power of the executive branch to advance a partisan agenda and silence dissenting voices.