Title: Executive Office of the President of the United States (TL;DR Version)

Author: Russ Vought, Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Chapter 2 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” delves into the Executive Office of the President (EOP), the collection of agencies and offices directly supporting the President. Authored by Russ Vought, former Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Trump, the chapter emphasizes the EOP’s critical role in advancing a conservative agenda and dismantling the “administrative state.”

Vought argues that the EOP must be used aggressively to “limit, control, and direct the executive branch,” advocating for a significant shift in power dynamics within the government. He outlines specific recommendations for how a conservative President can leverage key EOP components, particularly the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), to control the bureaucracy, roll back regulations, and implement conservative policy priorities.


  • Executive Power Maximization: Vought emphasizes maximizing executive power to overcome bureaucratic resistance and implement the President’s agenda, suggesting a willingness to challenge traditional norms and limitations on presidential authority.
  • Dismantling the Administrative State: The chapter reflects a core conservative goal of reducing the size and scope of the federal government and curtailing the power of unelected bureaucrats.
  • “Personnel is Policy”: Vought reiterates the conservative belief that staffing decisions are crucial for achieving policy goals, advocating for appointing loyal and ideologically aligned individuals to key positions within the EOP.
  • Aggressive Budgetary Control: The chapter highlights the OMB’s power to control agency spending and to use the budget process to advance the President’s agenda, even if it means circumventing Congressional intent.
  • Regulatory Rollback: Vought calls for a significant rollback of regulations, arguing that they stifle economic growth and individual liberty. He advocates for streamlining the regulatory process and limiting agency discretion.


3.1 Introduction (76)

  • Vought argues that the EOP must be used strategically to advance the President’s agenda and to “deconstruct the Administrative State.”
  • He criticizes the “leftward drift” of the federal bureaucracy and the “growth of the Administrative State.”
  • Quote: “The next conservative President must be prepared to use the EOP aggressively to limit, control, and direct the executive branch.”

3.2 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) (77)

  • Vought views the OMB as the “most powerful entity” within the EOP and the President’s primary tool for controlling the bureaucracy.
  • He advocates for using the OMB’s budgetary and regulatory powers to “bring the bureaucracy in line” with the President’s agenda.
  • Quote: “Properly understood, it is a President’s air-traffic control system with the ability and charge to ensure that all policy initiatives are flying in sync and with the authority to let planes take off and, at times, ground planes that are flying off course.”

3.3 Apportionments and Spending Control (78)

  • Vought recommends that Program Associate Directors (PADs) at OMB personally sign apportionments, giving them greater control over agency spending.
  • He suggests that PADs should use their authority to “slow-walk” or block spending on programs that are not aligned with the President’s priorities.

3.4 Regulatory Reform (82)

  • Vought calls for a significant rollback of regulations, arguing that they are “costly, burdensome, and often unnecessary.”
  • He advocates for reviving Trump-era executive orders that streamlined the regulatory process and limited agency discretion.
  • He also suggests extending regulatory review to independent agencies, which are currently exempt.

3.5 National Security Council (NSC) (84)

  • Vought recommends a strong NSC that can “drive the bureaucracy” and ensure that national security policies are aligned with the President’s agenda.
  • He suggests eliminating NSC directorates that are not aligned with the President’s priorities.

3.6 Other EOP Components (86)

  • Vought briefly discusses other EOP components, including the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), and the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).
  • He emphasizes the need to staff these offices with individuals who are committed to the President’s agenda.

3.7 Conclusion (93)

  • Vought reiterates the importance of using the EOP aggressively to advance the President’s agenda and to dismantle the “Administrative State.”
  • He argues that a conservative President must be willing to “challenge the status quo” and to “fight for the principles that made America great.”


  • Strengthen OMB Authority: Give the OMB greater control over agency budgets and regulations. (77)
  • Control Apportionments: Require PADs to personally sign apportionments, giving them greater control over agency spending. (78)
  • Rollback Regulations: Revive Trump-era executive orders on regulatory reform and extend regulatory review to independent agencies. (82)
  • Restructure the NSC: Eliminate NSC directorates that are not aligned with the President’s agenda. (84)
  • Staff with Loyalists: Appoint individuals who are committed to the President’s agenda to all key positions within the EOP. (Throughout the chapter)


  • Control the Bureaucracy: Use the EOP, particularly the OMB, to control agency spending, regulations, and policy implementation.
  • Advance a Conservative Agenda: Implement a conservative policy agenda across all areas of government, using the EOP to overcome bureaucratic resistance.
  • Dismantle the Administrative State: Reduce the size and scope of the federal government and curtail the power of unelected bureaucrats.
  • Maximize Executive Power: Expand presidential authority and challenge limitations on executive power.


  • Agenda 47: The chapter’s emphasis on executive power, dismantling the administrative state, and regulatory rollback aligns with the broader goals outlined in Trump’s Agenda 47.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 1: This chapter builds on the foundation laid in Chapter 1 by outlining how to utilize the EOP to implement the staffing and structural changes recommended for the White House Office.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 3: This chapter complements Chapter 2 by focusing on reforming the civil service system to make it easier to remove employees who are not aligned with the President’s agenda.


  • Erosion of Agency Expertise: The emphasis on political control over the bureaucracy could lead to a disregard for agency expertise and a decline in the quality of government services.
  • Circumventing Congressional Intent: The use of budgetary and regulatory powers to advance the President’s agenda could circumvent Congressional intent and undermine the legislative process.
  • Weakening of Protections: The rollback of regulations could weaken protections for consumers, workers, and the environment.
  • Increased Political Polarization: The aggressive use of executive power could further polarize American politics and erode trust in government institutions.


  • Abuse of Power: Critics might argue that the chapter’s recommendations would lead to an abuse of executive power and a disregard for the separation of powers.
  • Undermining the Rule of Law: Opponents might argue that the use of budgetary and regulatory powers to circumvent Congressional intent undermines the rule of law.
  • Harm to Vulnerable Populations: Critics might argue that the rollback of regulations would disproportionately harm vulnerable populations, such as low-income communities and communities of color.


  • “The next conservative President must be prepared to use the EOP aggressively to limit, control, and direct the executive branch.” (76) This quote sets the tone for the chapter, emphasizing the need for an assertive approach to executive power.
  • “Properly understood, it is a President’s air-traffic control system with the ability and charge to ensure that all policy initiatives are flying in sync and with the authority to let planes take off and, at times, ground planes that are flying off course.” (77) This quote highlights Vought’s vision of the OMB as a tool for controlling the bureaucracy.
  • “The next Administration should consider reviving these executive orders and issuing new ones that further streamline the regulatory process and limit agency discretion.” (82) This quote reveals the desire to rollback regulations and limit agency autonomy.
  • “The next conservative President should ensure that the NSC is staffed with individuals who are committed to his agenda and who will work tirelessly to advance his priorities.” (84) This quote emphasizes the importance of staffing the NSC with loyalists.


Chapter 2 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” outlines a plan to significantly restructure the federal government, giving the President greater control over the bureaucracy and weakening the influence of career civil servants. This vision for a more powerful and less accountable executive branch, driven by ideology and loyalty to the President, raises serious concerns about potential abuses of power and a disregard for democratic norms.

The chapter’s recommendations, if implemented, could have a profound impact on the functioning of the federal government and the lives of millions of Americans. It highlights the conservative movement’s desire to dismantle the “administrative state” and to implement a radical agenda that prioritizes executive power over checks and balances.