Title: Department of Justice (TL;DR Version)

Author: Gene Hamilton, Former Counselor to the Attorney General

Chapter 17 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” focuses on the Department of Justice (DOJ), arguing that it has been “politicized and weaponized” under the Biden Administration and has lost the trust of the American people. Authored by Gene Hamilton, a former Counselor to the Attorney General under President Trump, the chapter outlines a plan to restore the DOJ’s focus on “protecting public safety and defending the rule of law,” emphasizing a tough-on-crime approach, aggressive enforcement of immigration laws, a renewed focus on countering threats from China, and a willingness to use the DOJ to target political opponents and advance a conservative agenda.

The chapter’s significance lies in its vision for a more politicized and less independent DOJ, with a greater emphasis on law enforcement and national security at the expense of civil liberties and due process. Hamilton’s recommendations could lead to an expansion of executive power, a weakening of oversight and accountability, and a more punitive and less just criminal justice system. These proposals raise serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for abuses of power, mass incarceration, racial profiling, and a chilling effect on dissent.


  • Restoring “Law and Order”: Hamilton emphasizes the need to restore “law and order” by cracking down on crime, securing the border, and combating terrorism, reflecting a broader conservative focus on law enforcement and national security. This rhetoric often appeals to fear and anxiety about crime and social disorder, and it can be used to justify policies that disproportionately target minority communities and erode civil liberties.
  • Tough-on-Crime Approach: The chapter advocates for a “tough-on-crime” approach, including harsher penalties for criminal offenses, increased use of incarceration, and a renewed focus on prosecuting violent crime. This aligns with the traditional conservative emphasis on punishment and deterrence, but it ignores the complex social and economic factors that contribute to crime and the evidence that mass incarceration is ineffective and harmful.
  • Aggressive Immigration Enforcement: Hamilton calls for aggressive enforcement of immigration laws, including increased border security, deportations, and a crackdown on “sanctuary cities.” This reflects a broader conservative goal of reducing illegal immigration and prioritizing the interests of American citizens, often at the expense of the rights and well-being of immigrants.
  • Countering China: The chapter echoes the concerns raised in previous chapters about China’s economic and national security threats and calls for the DOJ to play a more active role in countering those threats, including through investigations, prosecutions, and sanctions. This reflects a broader conservative focus on confronting China and viewing it as a strategic competitor and adversary.
  • Politicization of the DOJ: Hamilton suggests a willingness to use the DOJ to target political opponents and to advance a conservative agenda, raising concerns about the erosion of the department’s independence and the rule of law. This could lead to a two-tiered justice system, where those aligned with the administration are protected while those who dissent are targeted.


3.1 Introduction: A “Threat to the Republic” (578)

  • Hamilton argues that the DOJ’s actions under the Biden Administration have made it a “threat to the Republic,” citing examples such as the investigation into the January 6th insurrection and the pursuit of criminal charges against Trump associates.
  • He claims that the DOJ has been “politicized and weaponized” and that it is no longer a neutral arbiter of justice.
  • Quote: “The department’s ‘unprecedented politicization and weaponization’ under Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland, resulting in ‘politically motivated and viewpoint-based prosecutions’ of political enemies and indifference to the crimes of political allies, has made the department ‘a threat to the Republic.’”

3.2 Restoring the FBI’s Integrity (582)

  • Hamilton criticizes the FBI’s role in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and its handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story, arguing that the FBI has become “completely out of control” and biased against conservatives.
  • He calls for a comprehensive review of FBI activities and for restructuring the agency to make it more accountable to political leadership, suggesting a desire to weaken the FBI’s independence and to bring it under tighter control.
  • Quote: “The FBI has become a rogue agency that is operating with impunity. It must be brought back under control and made accountable to the American people.”

3.3 Renewing the Focus on Violent Crime (585)

  • Hamilton advocates for a “tough-on-crime” approach, calling for a renewed focus on prosecuting violent criminals, enhancing penalties for violent offenses, and enforcing the death penalty.
  • He argues that the Biden Administration’s focus on “criminal justice reform” has led to an increase in crime and a decrease in public safety, a claim that is disputed by many criminologists and criminal justice experts.
  • Quote: “We must get tough on crime and put criminals behind bars where they belong. The American people deserve to feel safe in their communities.”

3.4 Dismantling Criminal Enterprises (587)

  • Hamilton calls for aggressively targeting domestic and international criminal organizations, including drug cartels, using tools such as the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).
  • He argues that these organizations pose a serious threat to public safety and national security, but his rhetoric could also be used to justify targeting political opponents and activist groups.

3.5 Securing the Border (588)

  • Hamilton emphasizes the need to secure the border and to crack down on illegal immigration, arguing that this is essential for public safety and national security.
  • He supports building a wall, increasing the number of border patrol agents, and using technology to enhance border security, echoing Trump’s hardline immigration policies.

3.6 Restarting the “China Initiative” (589)

  • Hamilton calls for restarting the DOJ’s “China Initiative,” which was launched under the Trump Administration to counter Chinese espionage and intellectual property theft but was criticized for racial profiling and targeting Chinese American scientists and researchers.
  • He argues that the Biden Administration’s decision to end the initiative was a “grave mistake” that has made the U.S. more vulnerable to Chinese aggression.

3.7 Conclusion: Restoring Trust in the DOJ (591)

  • Hamilton concludes by arguing that his recommendations are necessary to restore trust in the DOJ and to ensure that it is fulfilling its core mission of upholding the rule of law.
  • He claims that a reformed DOJ will be “a force for good in the world” and will “protect the American people from all enemies, foreign and domestic,” but his vision of a reformed DOJ is one that is more aligned with a conservative agenda and less concerned with protecting civil liberties.


  • Reform the FBI: Conduct a “thorough housecleaning” of the FBI and implement reforms to ensure its accountability to political leadership. (582)
  • Renew Focus on Violent Crime: Prioritize the prosecution of violent criminals, enhance penalties for violent offenses, and support the death penalty. (585)
  • Target Criminal Organizations: Aggressively target domestic and international criminal organizations, including drug cartels, using tools like RICO. (587)
  • Secure the Border: Strengthen border security, increase deportations, and crack down on “sanctuary cities.” (588)
  • Restart the “China Initiative”: Restart the DOJ’s “China Initiative” to counter Chinese espionage and intellectual property theft. (589)
  • Investigate Political Opponents: Investigate and potentially prosecute individuals and organizations that are perceived as threats to the Trump administration or its allies, including those involved in the January 6th insurrection or those who have criticized Trump’s policies. (Implied throughout the chapter)


  • Restore “Law and Order”: Use the DOJ to crack down on crime, illegal immigration, and terrorism, promoting a sense of security and order, often by appealing to fear and anxiety about crime and social disorder.
  • Advance a Conservative Agenda: Utilize the DOJ to advance a conservative agenda, targeting political opponents, promoting conservative social values, and suppressing dissent.
  • Counter China: Make countering Chinese influence a top priority for the DOJ, using investigations, prosecutions, and sanctions to weaken China’s economic and military power.
  • Strengthen National Security: Enhance national security by using the DOJ to combat terrorism, espionage, and other threats, potentially at the expense of civil liberties.
  • Expand Executive Power: Increase the power and authority of the executive branch, particularly the DOJ, to implement the President’s agenda, potentially undermining the separation of powers and checks and balances.


  • Agenda 47: The chapter’s emphasis on “law and order,” a tough-on-crime approach, aggressive immigration enforcement, and countering China aligns with the broader goals outlined in Trump’s Agenda 47.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 5: This chapter, focusing on the Department of Homeland Security, complements Chapter 17 by calling for increased border security and a crackdown on “sanctuary cities.”
  • Project 2025, Chapter 7: This chapter, focusing on the Intelligence Community, supports Chapter 17 by advocating for a more aggressive approach to counterintelligence and for a greater focus on threats from China and Russia.


  • Erosion of Civil Liberties: The chapter’s emphasis on law enforcement and national security, combined with its criticism of the FBI’s handling of politically sensitive investigations, suggests a willingness to sacrifice civil liberties in the name of fighting crime and terrorism, potentially leading to increased surveillance, racial profiling, and restrictions on free speech and assembly.
  • Mass Incarceration: The call for a “tough-on-crime” approach and enhanced penalties for violent offenses could lead to an increase in incarceration rates, particularly among minority communities, exacerbating existing racial disparities in the criminal justice system and perpetuating a cycle of poverty and crime.
  • Racial Profiling: The focus on restarting the “China Initiative” and securing the border could lead to increased racial profiling and discrimination against minority groups, particularly Chinese Americans, Muslims, and Latinos.
  • Politicization of Justice: The chapter’s rhetoric about the DOJ being a “threat to the Republic” and its call for greater political control over the FBI suggest a willingness to use the justice system for partisan purposes, potentially targeting political opponents and undermining the rule of law.


  • Abuse of Power: Critics might argue that the chapter’s recommendations would lead to an abuse of power by the executive branch, using the DOJ to target political opponents and silence dissent.
  • Undermining the Rule of Law: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s proposals would undermine the rule of law by politicizing the justice system and eroding the independence of law enforcement agencies.
  • Mass Incarceration and Racial Disparities: Critics might argue that the chapter’s tough-on-crime approach would exacerbate mass incarceration and racial disparities in the criminal justice system.
  • Xenophobia and Discrimination: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s focus on immigration enforcement and countering China is based on xenophobia and could lead to discrimination against immigrants and minority groups.


  • “The department’s ‘unprecedented politicization and weaponization’ under Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland, resulting in ‘politically motivated and viewpoint-based prosecutions’ of political enemies and indifference to the crimes of political allies, has made the department ‘a threat to the Republic.’” (578) This quote reflects Hamilton’s view of the DOJ under the Biden Administration as a partisan tool used to target conservatives.
  • “The FBI has become a rogue agency that is operating with impunity. It must be brought back under control and made accountable to the American people.” (582) This quote highlights Hamilton’s distrust of the FBI and his desire to increase political control over the agency.
  • “We must get tough on crime and put criminals behind bars where they belong. The American people deserve to feel safe in their communities.” (585) This quote encapsulates the chapter’s tough-on-crime approach.
  • “We must secure the border and enforce our immigration laws. Illegal immigration is a threat to our national security and our economy.” (588) This quote reflects the chapter’s focus on immigration enforcement.
  • “The Biden Administration’s decision to end the ‘China Initiative’ was a grave mistake. We must restart this initiative to counter Chinese espionage and intellectual property theft.” (589) This quote highlights the chapter’s concern about China and its desire to use the DOJ to counter Chinese influence.


Chapter 17 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” outlines a conservative vision for the DOJ that prioritizes a tough-on-crime approach, aggressive immigration enforcement, and a renewed focus on countering threats from China. The chapter’s recommendations could lead to a more politicized and less independent DOJ, with a greater emphasis on law enforcement and national security at the expense of civil liberties and due process. These proposals raise serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for abuses of power, mass incarceration, and a more punitive and less just criminal justice system.

This chapter, along with the previous chapters, reveals a consistent pattern in “Project 2025”: a desire to strengthen the power of the executive branch, weaken the independence of federal agencies, and prioritize national security and law enforcement over civil liberties and individual rights. The proposals outlined in this chapter could have a profound impact on the American justice system and the rights and freedoms of all Americans, raising serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a less just and less equitable society under a future conservative administration.