Title: Department of Homeland Security (TL;DR Version)

Author: Ken Cuccinelli, Former Acting Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Chapter 5 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” focuses on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the agency created after 9/11 to consolidate various agencies responsible for protecting the homeland. Authored by Ken Cuccinelli, a staunch conservative and former Acting Deputy Secretary of DHS under President Trump, the chapter argues that DHS has become “bloated, bureaucratic, and expensive” and has “lost sight of its mission priorities.” Cuccinelli proposes a radical plan to dismantle DHS and redistribute its functions to other departments, with a particular emphasis on creating a new, more powerful border and immigration agency focused on stricter enforcement.

The chapter’s significance lies in its radical proposal to dismantle DHS, a major department with a broad mandate. This reflects a deep distrust of the agency and a belief that it has become ineffective and unaccountable. Cuccinelli’s vision for a new, more powerful border and immigration agency with a hardline approach to enforcement raises serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for human rights abuses, a more restrictive and punitive immigration system, and a further erosion of civil liberties.


  • Dismantle DHS: Cuccinelli’s central recommendation is to dismantle DHS, arguing that it has failed to achieve its goals and has become too large and unwieldy. This reflects a broader conservative distrust of large government agencies and a preference for smaller, more focused entities.
  • Hardline Immigration Enforcement: The chapter advocates for a hardline approach to immigration enforcement, including securing the border, strictly enforcing immigration laws, expanding detention and deportation, and eliminating various visa programs. This aligns with the broader conservative focus on border security and reducing illegal immigration.
  • State and Local Empowerment: Cuccinelli supports empowering state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration enforcement, even if those jurisdictions have chosen not to do so. This reflects a conservative preference for decentralization and a belief that states are better equipped to address local issues.
  • National Security Focus: The chapter emphasizes the national security implications of immigration, arguing that a secure border is essential for protecting the homeland from terrorism and other threats.
  • “America First” Approach: Cuccinelli’s recommendations reflect an “America First” approach to immigration, prioritizing the interests of American citizens over the rights of immigrants.


3.1 Introduction: A Failed Experiment? (164)

  • Cuccinelli argues that DHS has been a “failed experiment” and that it has become too large, bureaucratic, and expensive.
  • He criticizes the agency for its “mission creep” and its failure to adequately address key threats, such as illegal immigration and terrorism.
  • Quote: “The Department of Homeland Security has become a bloated, bureaucratic, and expensive behemoth that has lost sight of its core mission.”

3.2 The Solution: Dismantle DHS (166)

  • Cuccinelli’s primary recommendation is to dismantle DHS and to redistribute its functions to other departments.
  • He proposes creating a new, stand-alone border and immigration agency at the Cabinet level, consolidating functions from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and other agencies.
  • Quote: “Our primary recommendation is that the President pursue legislation to dismantle the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).”

3.3 A New Border and Immigration Agency (166)

  • Cuccinelli outlines his vision for a new border and immigration agency, emphasizing a hardline approach to enforcement.
  • He calls for increased funding for border security, stricter enforcement of immigration laws, expanded detention and deportation, and a crackdown on “sanctuary cities.”

3.4 Immigration Enforcement Priorities (174)

  • Cuccinelli outlines specific immigration enforcement priorities, including:
    • Securing the Border: Building a wall, increasing the number of border patrol agents, and using technology to enhance border security.
    • Enforcing Immigration Laws: Strictly enforcing existing immigration laws, including through workplace raids and increased interior enforcement.
    • Expanding Detention and Deportation: Increasing the capacity of immigration detention centers and streamlining the deportation process.
    • Eliminating Visa Programs: Eliminating or reducing various visa programs, such as the Diversity Visa Lottery and family-based immigration.

3.5 State and Local Cooperation (182)

  • Cuccinelli advocates for empowering state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration enforcement, even if those jurisdictions have chosen not to do so.
  • He criticizes “sanctuary cities” and calls for withholding federal funding from jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with ICE.

3.6 Conclusion: Restoring Order and Security (184)

  • Cuccinelli concludes by arguing that his recommendations are necessary to restore order and security at the border and to protect the homeland from threats.
  • He claims that a strong immigration enforcement policy is essential for national security and economic prosperity.


  • Dismantle DHS: Dismantle DHS and redistribute its functions to other departments. (166)
  • Create a New Border and Immigration Agency: Create a new, stand-alone border and immigration agency at the Cabinet level. (166)
  • Increase Border Security Funding: Increase funding for border security, including for a wall, more border patrol agents, and technology. (174)
  • Strictly Enforce Immigration Laws: Strictly enforce existing immigration laws, including through workplace raids and increased interior enforcement. (174)
  • Expand Detention and Deportation: Increase the capacity of immigration detention centers and streamline the deportation process. (174)
  • Eliminate Visa Programs: Eliminate or reduce various visa programs, such as the Diversity Visa Lottery and family-based immigration. (174)
  • Empower State and Local Law Enforcement: Empower state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration enforcement. (182)
  • Crack Down on “Sanctuary Cities”: Withhold federal funding from jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with ICE. (182)


  • Reduce Illegal Immigration: Significantly reduce the number of undocumented immigrants entering and residing in the U.S.
  • Secure the Border: Create a more secure border to prevent illegal crossings, drug trafficking, and terrorism.
  • Prioritize American Citizens: Prioritize the interests and safety of American citizens over the rights of immigrants.
  • Empower States: Give states and local communities greater control over immigration enforcement.
  • Strengthen National Security: Enhance national security by reducing illegal immigration and preventing terrorism.


  • Agenda 47: The chapter’s emphasis on border security, hardline immigration enforcement, and state and local empowerment aligns with the broader goals outlined in Trump’s Agenda 47.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 17: This chapter, focusing on the Department of Justice, complements Chapter 5 by calling for a crackdown on “sanctuary cities” and for the DOJ to play a more active role in immigration enforcement.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 18: This chapter, focusing on the Department of Labor, supports Chapter 5 by advocating for mandatory E-Verify to prevent undocumented immigrants from working in the U.S.


  • Mass Deportations: The creation of a powerful border and immigration agency with a focus on detention and deportation could lead to mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, separating families and harming communities.
  • Erosion of Asylum: Cuccinelli’s proposals to restrict asylum eligibility and expedite removals could make it more difficult for legitimate asylum seekers to find safety in the United States.
  • Discrimination and Exploitation: Mandatory E-Verify and the punishment of “sanctuary cities” could lead to discrimination against immigrants and make them more vulnerable to exploitation by employers.
  • Increased Racial Profiling: Empowering state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration enforcement could lead to increased racial profiling and a decline in trust between police and minority communities.
  • Damaged U.S.-Mexico Relations: The chapter’s hardline approach to immigration enforcement could damage relations with Mexico and undermine cooperation on border security and other issues.


  • Human Rights Concerns: Critics might argue that the chapter’s recommendations would lead to human rights abuses, including the separation of families, the detention of asylum seekers, and the violation of due process rights.
  • Economic Harm: Opponents might argue that mass deportations and restrictions on immigration would harm the U.S. economy by creating labor shortages, disrupting businesses, and reducing consumer spending.
  • Undermining American Values: Critics might argue that the chapter’s “America First” approach to immigration is xenophobic and undermines American values of inclusivity and compassion.
  • Ineffective and Costly: Opponents might argue that the proposed policies would be ineffective in reducing illegal immigration and would be extremely costly to implement.


  • “The Department of Homeland Security has become a bloated, bureaucratic, and expensive behemoth that has lost sight of its core mission.” (164) This quote reflects Cuccinelli’s deep distrust of DHS and his belief that it has become ineffective.
  • “Our primary recommendation is that the President pursue legislation to dismantle the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).” (166) This quote highlights the radical nature of Cuccinelli’s proposal to dismantle DHS.
  • “The next conservative President should make securing the border a top priority.” (174) This quote emphasizes the chapter’s focus on border security.
  • “We must strictly enforce our immigration laws, both at the border and in the interior of the country.” (174) This quote reflects the chapter’s hardline approach to immigration enforcement.
  • “Sanctuary cities are a threat to public safety and should be held accountable.” (182) This quote reveals the chapter’s hostility towards “sanctuary cities.”


Chapter 5 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” outlines a radical plan to dismantle the Department of Homeland Security and create a new, more powerful border and immigration agency with a hardline approach to enforcement. These proposals would likely lead to a more restrictive and punitive immigration system, raising serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for human rights abuses and a further erosion of civil liberties.

This chapter highlights the deep divisions between conservatives and liberals on immigration policy. Cuccinelli’s proposals represent a significant departure from the more humane and compassionate approach favored by Democrats, raising serious concerns about the potential for a more restrictive and punitive immigration system under a future conservative administration.