Title: Department of the Treasury (TL;DR Version)

Authors: William L. Walton, Stephen Moore, and David R. Burton

Chapter 22 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” focuses on the Department of the Treasury, arguing that it has strayed from its core mission of promoting economic growth and fiscal responsibility under the Biden Administration. The authors, all prominent conservative economists with ties to the Trump administration, advocate for a return to conservative principles of limited government, free markets, and sound money. They outline a plan to reform the tax code, reduce the size and scope of the IRS, strengthen financial regulation in a way that benefits corporations, counter China’s economic aggression, and roll back the Biden Administration’s “equity” and “climate change” agendas.

The chapter’s significance lies in its radical vision for a smaller, less interventionist Treasury Department that prioritizes tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulation of the financial industry, and a confrontational approach to China. These proposals could lead to a significant decrease in government revenue, a weakening of financial regulations, and an exacerbation of income inequality and racial disparities. These proposals raise serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a less equitable and less sustainable economy under a future conservative administration.


  • Fiscal Responsibility through Spending Cuts: The authors prioritize balancing the federal budget through deep spending cuts rather than tax increases, arguing that the Biden Administration’s fiscal policies are reckless and unsustainable. This reflects a traditional conservative focus on reducing the size and scope of government.
  • Tax Cuts and Simplification: The authors advocate for significant tax cuts and simplification, including a flat tax or consumption tax, arguing that this would boost economic growth and reduce compliance costs. This aligns with the long-standing conservative goal of reducing taxes, particularly for corporations and wealthy individuals.
  • Free Markets and Deregulation: The chapter emphasizes the importance of free markets and deregulation, arguing that government intervention in the economy is often harmful and that the private sector is better equipped to allocate resources and create jobs.
  • Sound Money: The authors advocate for “sound money” policies, suggesting a skepticism towards the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies and a potential interest in returning to the gold standard or other forms of monetary restraint.
  • Countering China: The chapter echoes the concerns raised in previous chapters about China’s economic and national security threats and calls for the Treasury Department to play a more active role in countering those threats, including through sanctions, investment restrictions, and trade policies.
  • Rejection of “Woke” Policies: The authors criticize the Biden Administration’s focus on “equity” and “climate change,” arguing that these are distractions from the Treasury’s core mission and that they are harmful to the economy. This reflects a broader conservative rejection of what they perceive as “woke” ideology and a desire to roll back those initiatives.


3.1 Introduction: Restoring Fiscal Sanity (728)

  • The authors argue that the U.S. is facing a “fiscal crisis” due to the Biden Administration’s “reckless spending” and “tax-and-spend policies.”
  • They call for a return to “fiscal sanity” and for a balanced budget, arguing that this is essential for economic growth and long-term prosperity.
  • Quote: “The Biden Administration’s fiscal policies are a recipe for disaster. They are leading to higher inflation, slower economic growth, and a weaker dollar.”

3.2 Tax Reform and Simplification (729)

  • The authors advocate for significant tax cuts and simplification, arguing that this would boost economic growth, create jobs, and make the U.S. more competitive.
  • They propose several options, including a flat tax, a consumption tax, and a reduction in corporate tax rates.
  • Quote: “We need to simplify the tax code and reduce the tax burden on American families and businesses. This will unleash economic growth and create millions of new jobs.”

3.3 Reining in the IRS (731)

  • The authors criticize the IRS as being “too big, too powerful, and too intrusive.”
  • They call for reducing the IRS’s budget and staffing levels, limiting its enforcement powers, and strengthening taxpayer rights and privacy protections.
  • Quote: “The IRS has become a weaponized agency that is used to target political opponents and to harass innocent taxpayers. We must rein in the IRS and restore its focus on its core mission of collecting taxes.”

3.4 Strengthening Financial Regulation (734)

  • The authors argue that financial regulations should be “streamlined” and “modernized” to promote economic growth and innovation.
  • They criticize the Dodd-Frank Act as being “too burdensome” and “too complex” and call for repealing or reforming many of its provisions.
  • Quote: “We need to strike a balance between protecting consumers and promoting economic growth. The Dodd-Frank Act went too far and has stifled innovation in the financial sector.”

3.5 Countering China’s Economic Aggression (736)

  • The authors echo the concerns raised in previous chapters about China’s economic and national security threats and call for the Treasury Department to play a more active role in countering those threats.
  • They advocate for using sanctions, investment restrictions, and trade policies to “decouple” the U.S. economy from China’s and to protect American businesses from unfair competition.
  • Quote: “China is engaged in a systematic effort to undermine the U.S. economy and to steal our intellectual property. We must take a more aggressive approach to countering China’s economic aggression.”

3.6 Reversing the “Equity” and “Climate Change” Agendas (741)

  • The authors criticize the Biden Administration’s focus on “equity” and “climate change,” arguing that these are distractions from the Treasury’s core mission and that they are harmful to the economy.
  • They call for eliminating the Treasury’s Counselor for Racial Equity, Advisory Committee on Racial Equity, and Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.
  • They also call for eliminating the Treasury’s Climate Hub Office and withdrawing from international climate agreements.
  • Quote: “The Treasury Department should focus on its core mission of promoting economic growth and fiscal responsibility. It should not be used to advance a radical social agenda.”

3.7 Conclusion: A “Prosperous and Secure” Future (743)

  • The authors conclude by arguing that their recommendations are necessary to create a “more prosperous and secure future” for America.
  • They claim that a smaller, less interventionist Treasury Department will “unleash the power of the free market” and “restore America’s economic greatness.”


  • Balance the Budget: Balance the federal budget through spending cuts, not tax increases. (729)
  • Cut Taxes: Implement significant tax cuts and simplification, potentially including a flat tax or consumption tax. (729)
  • Reduce the IRS: Reduce the size and scope of the IRS, limit its enforcement powers, and strengthen taxpayer rights and privacy protections. (731)
  • Deregulate the Financial Industry: Streamline and modernize financial regulations, potentially repealing or reforming the Dodd-Frank Act. (734)
  • Counter China: Use sanctions, investment restrictions, and trade policies to counter China’s economic aggression. (736)
  • Eliminate “Equity” Initiatives: Eliminate the Treasury’s Counselor for Racial Equity, Advisory Committee on Racial Equity, and Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility. (741)
  • Reverse “Climate Change” Agenda: Eliminate the Treasury’s Climate Hub Office and withdraw from international climate agreements. (741)


  • Shrink the Government: Reduce the size and scope of the federal government, particularly the Treasury Department.
  • Promote Economic Growth: Prioritize economic growth above all other considerations, arguing that it will benefit all Americans.
  • Empower the Wealthy: Reduce taxes and regulations on corporations and wealthy individuals, arguing that this will stimulate economic activity.
  • Counter China: Make countering China’s economic and national security threats a top priority for the Treasury Department.
  • Advance a Conservative Social Agenda: Use the Treasury Department to promote conservative social values, including opposition to abortion, traditional family structures, and limited government.


  • Agenda 47: The chapter’s emphasis on fiscal responsibility, tax cuts, deregulation, countering China, and rejecting “woke” policies aligns with the broader goals outlined in Trump’s Agenda 47.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 2: This chapter, focusing on the Executive Office of the President, complements Chapter 22 by advocating for using the OMB to control agency spending and to implement the President’s budgetary priorities.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 27: This chapter, focusing on financial regulatory agencies, supports Chapter 22 by calling for a deregulation of the financial industry and a reduction in the role of government in financial markets.


  • Increased Inequality: The proposals to cut taxes and weaken the IRS could lead to a significant increase in income inequality, as wealthy individuals and corporations would benefit disproportionately from the tax cuts while the government’s ability to fund social programs and address inequality would be diminished.
  • Weakening of Financial Regulations: The proposals to streamline financial regulation and reduce the role of government in financial markets could lead to a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis, potentially harming consumers, destabilizing the economy, and increasing the risk of predatory lending and financial fraud.
  • Erosion of Social Programs: The emphasis on balancing the budget through spending cuts could lead to deep cuts in social programs, education, and other vital government services, harming vulnerable populations, increasing poverty, and undermining the social safety net.
  • Exacerbating Climate Change: The rejection of the Biden Administration’s “climate change” agenda could undermine efforts to address this global challenge and could lead to a more polluting and less sustainable economy, potentially increasing the risks and costs associated with climate change.
  • Increased Racial Disparities: The rejection of the Biden Administration’s “equity” agenda could exacerbate racial and economic disparities, as minority communities would be disproportionately harmed by cuts to social programs, a weakening of financial regulations, and a lack of focus on addressing systemic racism.


  • Fiscal Irresponsibility: Critics might argue that the chapter’s proposals for tax cuts and deregulation would lead to increased deficits and national debt, undermining fiscal responsibility and jeopardizing the long-term health of the economy.
  • Increased Risk of Financial Crisis: Opponents might argue that weakening financial regulations would increase the risk of another financial crisis, potentially harming consumers, businesses, and the overall economy.
  • Harm to Vulnerable Populations: Critics might argue that the chapter’s focus on shrinking government and cutting social programs would disproportionately harm vulnerable populations, such as low-income families, seniors, and people with disabilities.
  • Exacerbating Inequality: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s proposals would exacerbate income inequality and racial disparities, creating a less just and less equitable society.
  • Ignoring Climate Change: Critics might argue that the chapter’s rejection of climate action is irresponsible and short-sighted, ignoring the urgent need to address this global crisis.


  • “The Biden Administration’s fiscal policies are a recipe for disaster. They are leading to higher inflation, slower economic growth, and a weaker dollar.” (728) This quote reflects the authors’ alarmist view of the Biden Administration’s economic policies.
  • “We need to simplify the tax code and reduce the tax burden on American families and businesses. This will unleash economic growth and create millions of new jobs.” (729) This quote highlights the chapter’s emphasis on tax cuts as a solution to economic problems.
  • “The IRS has become a weaponized agency that is used to target political opponents and to harass innocent taxpayers. We must rein in the IRS and restore its focus on its core mission of collecting taxes.” (731) This quote reveals the chapter’s distrust of the IRS and its desire to weaken the agency.
  • “We need to strike a balance between protecting consumers and promoting economic growth. The Dodd-Frank Act went too far and has stifled innovation in the financial sector.” (734) This quote reflects the chapter’s preference for deregulation and its skepticism towards government intervention in the financial industry.
  • “China is engaged in a systematic effort to undermine the U.S. economy and to steal our intellectual property. We must take a more aggressive approach to countering China’s economic aggression.” (736) This quote highlights the chapter’s focus on countering China as a strategic competitor.


Chapter 22 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” outlines a conservative vision for the Treasury Department that prioritizes tax cuts, deregulation, a smaller government, and a confrontational approach to China. The chapter’s recommendations could lead to a significant decrease in government revenue, a weakening of financial regulations, and an exacerbation of income inequality and racial disparities. These proposals raise serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a less equitable and less sustainable economy under a future conservative administration.

This chapter, along with the previous chapters, reinforces the pattern of “Project 2025” to promote a conservative agenda that prioritizes free markets, limited government, and individual responsibility over government intervention, social welfare, and environmental protection. The proposals outlined in this chapter could have a profound impact on the American economy and the lives of millions of Americans, raising serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a less just and less equitable society under a future conservative administration.