Title: “Why Your Service Matters: How Presidential Appointees at All Levels Impact Policy”

Runtime: 34:19

Speaker: Multiple Speakers

YouTube: Project 2025 Private Training Video: Appointees and Policymaking (Transcript)


This video, part of Project 2025’s Presidential Administration Academy, focuses on the crucial role that political appointees play in shaping and implementing policy within a conservative administration. Featuring three unidentified speakers from the Heritage Foundation, the video emphasizes the importance of planning, coordination, and a sense of urgency in the first 100 days of a new administration.

The speakers highlight the unique opportunity that political appointees have to make a lasting impact on government and to advance a conservative agenda. They stress the need for appointees to be well-prepared, to understand the policymaking process, and to be ready to “hit the ground running” on Day One. The video’s significance lies in its emphasis on the strategic importance of political appointments in achieving Project 2025’s broader goals of transforming the federal government and implementing a conservative policy agenda.


  • “Personnel is Policy”: The video reinforces the core conservative belief that “personnel is policy,” arguing that appointing the right people to key positions is essential for achieving policy goals. This theme is central to Project 2025’s strategy of building a cadre of conservative loyalists to staff a future administration.
  • “Hit the Ground Running”: The speakers emphasize the need for political appointees to be prepared to “hit the ground running” on Day One, arguing that the first 100 days of a new administration are a critical window of opportunity to make significant progress on policy goals. This reflects a sense of urgency and a belief that conservatives must act quickly and decisively to implement their agenda.
  • Understanding the Policymaking Process: The video provides an overview of the policymaking process, highlighting the different stages of policy development, implementation, and evaluation. This aims to equip potential appointees with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the bureaucracy and to advance conservative policies.
  • Working with Career Staff: The speakers acknowledge the importance of working with career staff, but they also caution appointees against being “captured” by the bureaucracy. They encourage appointees to be assertive, to challenge the status quo, and to be willing to make tough decisions.
  • Leaving a Legacy: The video emphasizes the opportunity that political appointees have to make a lasting impact on government and to leave a legacy of conservative achievements. This appeals to a sense of purpose and ambition among potential appointees.


The video is structured as a panel discussion, with three Heritage Foundation experts offering their insights and advice to aspiring political appointees.

3.1 The Importance of Political Appointees

The speakers begin by emphasizing the crucial role that political appointees play in shaping and implementing policy. They argue that appointees are not just “placeholders” but are essential for translating the President’s vision into action.

Quote: “Political appointees are the eyes, ears, and hands of the President. They are the ones who are responsible for making sure that his agenda is implemented.”

3.2 The First 100 Days: A Critical Window of Opportunity

The speakers stress the importance of the first 100 days of a new administration, arguing that this is a time when the President has the most political capital and can make the most progress on his agenda. They encourage appointees to be prepared to “hit the ground running” and to have a clear plan for what they want to accomplish.

Quote: “The first 100 days are a honeymoon period. You have a lot of momentum, and you need to use that momentum to get things done.”

3.3 Understanding the Policymaking Process

The speakers provide an overview of the policymaking process, highlighting the different stages of policy development, implementation, and evaluation. They discuss the role of different actors in the process, including Congress, the courts, interest groups, and the media.

Quote: “Policymaking is a complex process, but it’s important for appointees to understand how it works so that they can be effective in advancing the President’s agenda.”

3.4 Working with Career Staff

The speakers acknowledge the importance of working with career staff, who have expertise and experience in their respective areas. However, they also caution appointees against being “captured” by the bureaucracy. They encourage appointees to be assertive, to challenge the status quo, and to be willing to make tough decisions.

Quote: “Career staff can be a valuable resource, but they can also be resistant to change. Appointees need to be strong leaders who are willing to make tough decisions.”

3.5 Leaving a Legacy

The speakers conclude by emphasizing the opportunity that political appointees have to make a lasting impact on government and to leave a legacy of conservative achievements. They encourage appointees to be ambitious, to think big, and to be bold in their pursuit of conservative policy goals.

Quote: “You have a unique opportunity to make a difference. Don’t waste it. Be bold, be courageous, and be committed to making America great again.”


The video does not outline specific policy recommendations but rather focuses on providing general guidance and advice to potential political appointees.


  • Recruit and Train Conservative Leaders: Attract and train talented individuals who are committed to a conservative agenda and who are prepared to serve in a future conservative administration.
  • Prepare for a “Day One” Takeover: Equip potential appointees with the knowledge, skills, and mindset they need to “hit the ground running” and to implement a conservative agenda from the first day in office.
  • Instill a Sense of Urgency: Emphasize the importance of acting quickly and decisively in the first 100 days of a new administration, when the President has the most political capital and can make the most progress on his agenda.
  • Encourage Assertiveness and Boldness: Encourage appointees to be assertive, to challenge the status quo, and to be willing to make tough decisions to advance conservative goals.
  • Promote a Legacy of Conservative Achievements: Inspire appointees to think big, to be ambitious, and to strive to leave a lasting legacy of conservative achievements.


The speakers reference the Reagan administration as a model for successful conservative governance, highlighting the importance of “hitting the ground running” and implementing a bold agenda in the first 100 days. They also implicitly criticize the Obama and Biden administrations, suggesting that they have been too cautious and too willing to compromise with liberals.

This use of historical context serves to motivate and inspire potential appointees by presenting a vision of a successful conservative past and by framing the current political climate as an opportunity to restore conservative principles and to reverse the perceived failures of liberal policies.


  • Increased Politicization of Government: The emphasis on appointing loyal conservatives and on “hitting the ground running” could lead to a more politicized and less effective government, as expertise and experience are devalued in favor of ideology and a sense of urgency.
  • Erosion of Democratic Norms: The encouragement to challenge the status quo and to make tough decisions, even if they circumvent established processes or norms, could undermine democratic accountability and the rule of law.
  • Weakening of the Civil Service: The emphasis on political appointees and the distrust of career staff could lead to a weakening of the civil service, as experienced and knowledgeable professionals are sidelined or driven out of government.


  • Lack of Expertise and Experience: Critics might argue that prioritizing ideology and loyalty over expertise and experience could lead to poor policy decisions and a decline in the quality of government services.
  • Undermining Democratic Processes: Opponents might argue that the emphasis on “hitting the ground running” and on challenging the status quo could lead to a disregard for democratic processes and a willingness to circumvent established norms and procedures.
  • Chilling Effect on Dissent: The message that political appointees should be “watchdogs” and should “challenge the bureaucracy” could create a chilling effect on dissent within the government, discouraging career staff from raising concerns or offering alternative viewpoints.


  • “Political appointees are the eyes, ears, and hands of the President. They are the ones who are responsible for making sure that his agenda is implemented.” This quote highlights the central role of political appointees in a conservative administration.
  • “The first 100 days are a honeymoon period. You have a lot of momentum, and you need to use that momentum to get things done.” This quote emphasizes the sense of urgency and the importance of acting quickly and decisively.
  • “Policymaking is a complex process, but it’s important for appointees to understand how it works so that they can be effective in advancing the President’s agenda.” This quote highlights the need for appointees to be knowledgeable and strategic.
  • “Career staff can be a valuable resource, but they can also be resistant to change. Appointees need to be strong leaders who are willing to make tough decisions.” This quote reflects the distrust of career staff and the expectation that appointees will challenge the status quo.
  • “You have a unique opportunity to make a difference. Don’t waste it. Be bold, be courageous, and be committed to making America great again.” This quote appeals to a sense of purpose and ambition among potential appointees.


The speakers in the video use a combination of motivational language, practical advice, and fear-mongering to inspire and prepare potential appointees for service in a conservative administration. They appeal to a sense of patriotism, duty, and opportunity, while also framing the political landscape as a battle between conservative values and liberal threats.

  • Motivational Language: The speakers use phrases like “hit the ground running,” “make a difference,” and “leave a legacy” to inspire and energize potential appointees.
  • Practical Advice: They offer practical advice on how to navigate the policymaking process, work with career staff, and build relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Fear-Mongering: They portray the “administrative state” and liberal opponents as threats to conservative values and goals, creating a sense of urgency and justifying aggressive action.


The “Why Your Service Matters” video is a crucial part of Project 2025’s strategy to build a cadre of conservative loyalists who are ready to take over the federal government and implement a radical agenda. It highlights the importance of political appointments in achieving the project’s goals and provides potential appointees with the guidance and motivation they need to be effective in advancing a conservative agenda.

The video’s emphasis on loyalty, urgency, and a confrontational approach to governance raises serious concerns about the potential for a second Trump administration to undermine democratic norms, erode the professionalism of the civil service, and further polarize American politics. It reveals a vision of a government driven by ideology rather than expertise, and one that is more interested in consolidating power than in serving the public good.