Title: Department of Veterans Affairs (TL;DR Version)

Author: Brooks D. Tucker, Former Acting Chief of Staff at the Department of Veterans Affairs

Chapter 20 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” focuses on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the agency responsible for providing healthcare and benefits to America’s veterans. Authored by Brooks D. Tucker, a former Acting Chief of Staff at the VA during the Trump administration, the chapter argues that while the VA has made progress in becoming more “Veteran-centric,” it remains plagued by bureaucracy, inefficiency, and a “culture of complacency.” Tucker outlines a plan to reform the VA, emphasizing accountability, efficiency, expanded access to private healthcare through community care, and a reduction in the agency’s role in directly providing services.

The chapter’s significance lies in its vision for a smaller, less active VA, with a greater reliance on the private sector to deliver healthcare and benefits to veterans. While presented as a way to improve efficiency and empower veterans with choice, this approach raises serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for privatization to undermine the quality of care, increase costs for veterans, and weaken the VA’s ability to provide specialized services tailored to veterans’ unique needs.


  • “Veteran-Centric” Approach: Tucker emphasizes the need for a “Veteran-centric” approach, arguing that the VA should prioritize the needs of veterans over the interests of the bureaucracy. This rhetoric, while appealing, could be used to justify cuts to VA programs and services, privatization of VA healthcare, and a weakening of protections for VA employees.
  • Expanding Community Care: The chapter strongly advocates for expanding access to community care, allowing veterans to receive healthcare from private providers outside the VA system. This aligns with the broader conservative preference for market-based solutions and a reduced role for government in healthcare.
  • Streamlining and Efficiency: Tucker focuses on streamlining the VA’s operations, reducing bureaucracy, and improving efficiency. This reflects a broader conservative emphasis on smaller government and a belief that the private sector is more efficient than the government.
  • Accountability and Oversight: The chapter calls for greater accountability and oversight of the VA, including conducting independent audits, strengthening performance metrics, and improving IT systems. While accountability is important, this could also be used to justify cuts to VA programs and to increase privatization.
  • Addressing Shifting Demographics: Tucker acknowledges the challenges posed by shifting veteran demographics, including an aging population and a growing number of women veterans. However, his proposed solutions focus primarily on expanding community care and streamlining services, rather than on investing in the VA’s capacity to meet these evolving needs.


3.1 Introduction: A “Beacon of Hope” or a “Bureaucratic Nightmare”? (672)

  • Tucker acknowledges the VA’s importance as a “beacon of hope” for veterans but argues that it has also become a “bureaucratic nightmare” for many.
  • He criticizes the agency’s long history of scandals, mismanagement, and long wait times for care.
  • Quote: “The Department of Veterans Affairs is at a crossroads. It can either continue down the path of bureaucracy and inefficiency, or it can embrace a new era of accountability, efficiency, and Veteran-centric care.”

3.2 The Mission: Serving Those Who Served (674)

  • Tucker outlines the VA’s mission to provide healthcare, benefits, and other services to veterans.
  • He emphasizes the need for a “culture of service” within the VA and for a focus on meeting the needs of individual veterans.
  • Quote: “The VA’s mission is sacred: to serve those who have served our country. We must never forget that our veterans deserve the best care and support that we can provide.”

3.3 The Challenges: Bureaucracy, Inefficiency, and Complacency (675)

  • Tucker identifies several challenges facing the VA, including:
    • Bureaucracy: The VA’s complex bureaucracy can make it difficult for veterans to navigate the system and to access the services they need.
    • Inefficiency: The VA is often inefficient, with long wait times for appointments, delays in processing claims, and wasteful spending.
    • Complacency: A “culture of complacency” within the VA can lead to a resistance to change and a lack of accountability.

3.4 The Solution: Reform and Transformation (677)

  • Tucker outlines a plan to reform the VA by:
    • Expanding Community Care: Giving veterans greater access to private healthcare providers through the community care program.
    • Streamlining Services: Simplifying and streamlining the VA’s processes to reduce bureaucracy and improve efficiency.
    • Strengthening Accountability: Holding VA employees accountable for their performance and increasing oversight of the agency.
    • Modernizing Technology: Upgrading the VA’s IT systems to improve efficiency and to better serve veterans.

3.5 Specific Agency Recommendations (677)

  • Veterans Health Administration (VHA): Expand community care, rescind policies that provide abortion services and gender reassignment surgery, require the VHA to report publicly on its performance, and address the challenges posed by shifting veteran demographics. (677)
  • Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA): Streamline the disability claims process, increase automation, reduce improper payments and fraud, and explore ways to accelerate reviews of the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities. (681)
  • National Cemetery Administration (NCA): Ensure that all veterans have access to burial in a national cemetery, expand the use of technology to improve cemetery management, and address the challenges posed by an aging veteran population. (683)
  • Human Resources and Administration (HRA): Transfer career Senior Executive Service (SES) employees out of politically appointed positions, re-evaluate telework policies, expedite the acquisition of a new HRIT system, and improve the VBA’s acquisition workforce. (684)

3.6 Conclusion: A “New Era” for the VA (686)

  • Tucker concludes by arguing that his recommendations will usher in a “new era” for the VA, one that is more accountable, more efficient, and more responsive to the needs of veterans.
  • He claims that these reforms will “restore trust” in the VA and will ensure that veterans receive the “world-class care and support” they deserve.


  • Expand Community Care: Give veterans greater access to private healthcare providers through the community care program. (678)
  • Rescind Abortion and Transgender Care Policies: Rescind VA policies that provide abortion services and gender reassignment surgery. (677)
  • Streamline Disability Claims Process: Simplify and streamline the disability claims process. (681)
  • Increase Automation: Increase the use of automation in the VBA to improve efficiency. (681)
  • Reduce Improper Payments and Fraud: Strengthen efforts to reduce improper payments and fraud in VA programs. (681)
  • Review the VASRD: Explore ways to accelerate reviews of the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities. (681)
  • Ensure Burial Access: Ensure that all veterans have access to burial in a national cemetery. (683)
  • Modernize Cemetery Management: Expand the use of technology to improve cemetery management. (683)
  • Transfer Career SES Employees: Transfer career SES employees out of politically appointed positions. (684)
  • Re-evaluate Telework Policies: Re-evaluate telework policies to ensure that VA employees are working in the office. (684)
  • Expedite HRIT Acquisition: Expedite the acquisition of a new HRIT system. (684)
  • Improve Acquisition Workforce: Improve the VBA’s acquisition workforce. (684)


  • Reduce the VA’s Role: Shrink the size and scope of the VA and reduce its role in directly providing healthcare and benefits to veterans.
  • Expand Privatization: Increase reliance on the private sector to deliver healthcare and benefits to veterans through the community care program.
  • Improve Efficiency: Streamline the VA’s operations, reduce bureaucracy, and improve efficiency.
  • Strengthen Accountability: Hold VA employees accountable for their performance and increase oversight of the agency.
  • Promote Conservative Social Values: Use the VA to advance a conservative social agenda, including opposition to abortion and transgender rights.


  • Agenda 47: The chapter’s emphasis on a “Veteran-centric” approach, expanding community care, and promoting conservative social values aligns with the broader goals outlined in Trump’s Agenda 47.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 3: This chapter, focusing on central personnel agencies, complements Chapter 20 by advocating for weakening civil service protections, making it easier to fire VA employees who are not aligned with the President’s agenda.
  • Project 2025, Chapter 14: This chapter, focusing on the Department of Health and Human Services, supports Chapter 20 by advocating for a more market-based approach to healthcare and for reducing the role of government in healthcare.


  • Privatization of VA Healthcare: The emphasis on expanding community care could lead to a gradual privatization of VA healthcare, potentially making it more expensive and less accessible for veterans, particularly those in rural areas or with specialized needs.
  • Reduced Benefits for Disabled Veterans: The proposals to reform the disability benefits system could make it more difficult for veterans to receive the benefits they deserve and could lead to a decrease in support for disabled veterans.
  • Politicization of the VA: The proposals to transfer career SES employees out of politically appointed positions and to strengthen political control over the VA could lead to a more politicized and less accountable agency, potentially prioritizing loyalty over expertise and experience.
  • Weakening of Employee Protections: The proposals to re-evaluate telework policies and to improve the VBA’s acquisition workforce could reduce flexibility for VA employees and lead to a greater reliance on private contractors, potentially undermining worker protections and job security.
  • Erosion of Trust in the VA: The combination of these changes could erode trust in the VA among veterans, making them less likely to seek the care and support they need.


  • Undermining the VA: Critics might argue that the chapter’s recommendations would undermine the VA healthcare system, leading to a decline in the quality of care and reduced access to specialized services for veterans.
  • Harming Disabled Veterans: Opponents might argue that the proposals to reform the disability benefits system would make it more difficult for veterans to receive the benefits they deserve and could lead to increased poverty and hardship among disabled veterans.
  • Privatization Concerns: Critics might argue that expanding community care would lead to higher costs, fragmentation of care, and a decline in the quality of care for veterans.
  • Politicization of the VA: Opponents might argue that the chapter’s proposals would politicize the VA, undermining its mission to serve veterans and making it more responsive to political pressure than to the needs of veterans.


  • “The Department of Veterans Affairs is at a crossroads. It can either continue down the path of bureaucracy and inefficiency, or it can embrace a new era of accountability, efficiency, and Veteran-centric care.” (672) This quote sets the stage for Tucker’s argument that the VA needs radical reform.
  • “The VA’s mission is sacred: to serve those who have served our country.” (674) This quote highlights the importance of the VA’s mission but also suggests that it is not currently fulfilling that mission effectively.
  • “We must expand community care to give veterans more choice and control over their healthcare.” (678) This quote reflects the chapter’s support for privatization.
  • “We must streamline the VA’s processes and reduce bureaucracy.” (680) This quote emphasizes the chapter’s focus on efficiency.
  • “We must hold VA employees accountable for their performance and increase oversight of the agency.” (680) This quote highlights the chapter’s emphasis on accountability.


Chapter 20 of “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” outlines a conservative vision for the VA that emphasizes efficiency, accountability, and a reduced role for the federal government in providing healthcare and benefits to veterans. The chapter’s recommendations could lead to an expansion of community care, a tightening of eligibility requirements for disability benefits, and a greater reliance on private contractors. These proposals raise serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a decrease in the quality of care and services provided to veterans, particularly those who are low-income, disabled, or rely on specialized care that is only available within the VA system.

This chapter, like the previous chapters, reflects the conservative agenda to shrink the role of the federal government in providing social services and to promote a more market-oriented approach to government programs. The proposals outlined in this chapter could have a significant impact on the lives of millions of American veterans, raising serious concerns among Democrats about the potential for a less generous and less effective VA under a future conservative administration.