Title: Agenda 47 and Project 2025: Two Sides of the Same Coin (TL;DR;)

Author: Analysis based on “Agenda 47” and “Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership”

This analysis delves into the striking convergence between Donald Trump’s “Agenda 47” campaign promises and the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” policy blueprint, revealing a coordinated effort to implement a radical conservative agenda should Trump return to the White House. This dangerous synergy, where Agenda 47 provides the populist appeal and Project 2025 offers the detailed roadmap, poses a significant threat to American democracy, the rule of law, and the well-being of millions of Americans.


  • Promises and Plans: Agenda 47 lays out broad promises to appeal to Trump’s base, while Project 2025 provides the concrete plans and personnel to implement those promises, creating a seamless transition from campaign rhetoric to governing strategy.
  • Shared Vision: Both documents articulate a shared vision for a smaller, less intrusive government, a more conservative social and cultural landscape, a more confrontational foreign policy, and an economic system that prioritizes corporations and wealthy individuals.
  • Targeting the “Deep State”: Both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 express a deep distrust of the federal bureaucracy, viewing it as an obstacle to a conservative agenda and advocating for measures to increase political control, weaken civil service protections, and reduce the size and scope of government.
  • “America First” Nationalism: Both documents embrace an “America First” nationalism, prioritizing American interests over global cooperation and viewing international institutions and agreements with skepticism.
  • Appealing to Fear and Resentment: Both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 tap into fear and resentment towards immigrants, minorities, liberals, and “elites,” using divisive rhetoric to mobilize their base and justify their policies.


This section examines the specific overlaps between Agenda 47’s promises and Project 2025’s plans, demonstrating how they work together to advance a shared conservative agenda.

3.1 Dismantling the “Deep State”: A Shared Obsession

Both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 are obsessed with dismantling what they perceive as the “deep state,” a shadowy network of unelected bureaucrats who they believe are working to undermine conservative values and policies.

  • Agenda 47’s Promise: Trump vows to “dismantle the deep state and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption,” promising to fire government employees, reissue Executive Order 13957 (Schedule F), and “restore the president’s authority to fire rogue bureaucrats.” (Agenda 47, Expansion of Presidential Powers)
  • Project 2025’s Plan: The project provides a detailed roadmap for how to “deconstruct” the administrative state, including:
    • Weakening Civil Service Protections: Making it easier to fire federal employees for poor performance, misconduct, or lack of alignment with the President’s agenda. (Chapters 2, 3, and 17)
    • Increasing Political Control: Appointing loyalists to key positions, centralizing decision-making in the White House, and using the OMB to control agency budgets and regulations. (Chapters 1, 2, and 3)
    • Reducing the Size and Scope of Government: Eliminating or consolidating agencies and programs, cutting budgets, and transferring power to states and local communities. (Various chapters)

3.2 Securing the Border: A Hardline Approach

Both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 advocate for a hardline approach to immigration, promising to secure the border, crack down on illegal immigration, and prioritize the interests of American citizens.

  • Agenda 47’s Promise: Trump promises to build a border wall, end “catch and release,” increase deportations, and “end birth tourism” by challenging birthright citizenship. (Agenda 47, Immigration Reforms)
  • Project 2025’s Plan: The project outlines a comprehensive strategy for reducing illegal immigration, including:
    • Dismantling DHS and Creating a New Immigration Agency: Dismantling the Department of Homeland Security and creating a new, more powerful border and immigration agency focused on enforcement. (Chapter 5)
    • Expanding Detention and Deportation: Increasing the capacity of immigration detention centers, streamlining the deportation process, and empowering state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration enforcement. (Chapter 5)
    • Restricting Asylum: Making it more difficult for asylum seekers to enter and remain in the U.S. (Chapter 5)
    • Eliminating Visa Programs: Eliminating or reducing various visa programs, such as the Diversity Visa Lottery and family-based immigration. (Chapter 5)

3.3 Restoring the Family: A Conservative Social Agenda

Both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 promote a conservative social agenda, emphasizing traditional family values, restricting abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, and promoting “patriotic” education.

  • Agenda 47’s Promise: Trump promises to “restore the family” by promoting marriage, protecting children, and combating “gender ideology.” (Agenda 47, Overview)
  • Project 2025’s Plan: The project outlines a range of policies to advance a conservative social agenda, including:
    • Restricting Abortion Access: Reversing Roe v. Wade, defunding Planned Parenthood, and appointing pro-life judges. (Chapters 14 and 29)
    • Limiting Transgender Rights: Banning gender-affirming care, restricting transgender participation in sports, and promoting a binary view of gender. (Chapters 11, 14, and 18)
    • Expanding School Choice: Empowering parents to choose their children’s schools, including through vouchers and tax credits, potentially diverting funds from public schools and increasing the influence of private and religious schools. (Chapter 11)
    • Promoting “Patriotic” Education: Encouraging schools to adopt a more “patriotic” curriculum that emphasizes American exceptionalism and downplays historical injustices. (Chapter 11)

3.4 Unleashing the Economy: Tax Cuts, Deregulation, and Confronting China

Both Agenda 47 and Project 2025 advocate for a more laissez-faire approach to the economy, promising tax cuts, deregulation, and a more confrontational stance towards China.

  • Agenda 47’s Promise: Trump promises to “unleash” the American economy by cutting taxes, slashing regulations, and bringing back manufacturing jobs from China. (Agenda 47, Economy)
  • Project 2025’s Plan: The project outlines a comprehensive economic agenda, including:
    • Tax Cuts: Implementing significant tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals, potentially including a flat tax or consumption tax. (Chapter 22)
    • Deregulation: Rolling back regulations on businesses and industries, arguing that they stifle economic growth and innovation. (Various chapters)
    • Confronting China: Using tariffs, investment restrictions, and other measures to counter China’s economic aggression and to decouple the U.S. economy from China’s. (Chapters 4, 6, 21, and 26)


The specific policy recommendations outlined in Project 2025 are designed to implement the broad promises made in Agenda 47, providing a detailed roadmap for a radical conservative transformation of the federal government.


  • Consolidate Power: Increase the power of the executive branch, weaken checks and balances, and undermine opposition.
  • Implement a Conservative Agenda: Rapidly implement a sweeping conservative agenda across all areas of government, using executive action, legislative pressure, and agency directives.
  • Mobilize the Conservative Base: Energize and mobilize the conservative base by appealing to their fears, values, and aspirations, using populist rhetoric and framing the agenda as a fight against “elites” and the “deep state.”
  • Reshape American Society: Promote traditional values, restrict the rights of marginalized groups, and create a more “patriotic” and less “woke” culture, using education, social policy, and cultural institutions to advance a conservative worldview.
  • Assert American Dominance: Project strength and dominance on the world stage, prioritize American interests over global cooperation, and take a hard line against China and other perceived adversaries, using military strength, economic pressure, and diplomatic isolation.


  • Agenda 47: Agenda 47 provides the broad promises and populist appeal, while Project 2025 provides the detailed plans and personnel to implement those promises.
  • The Heritage Foundation: The Heritage Foundation, the driving force behind Project 2025, is closely aligned with Trump and his agenda, suggesting a coordinated effort to advance a shared vision.
  • Trump Administration Alumni: The involvement of numerous former Trump administration officials in Project 2025 further strengthens the connection between the project and Trump’s agenda.


  • Erosion of Democracy: The combined impact of Agenda 47 and Project 2025 could lead to a significant erosion of democratic norms and institutions, as the executive branch consolidates power, checks and balances are weakened, and dissent is suppressed.
  • Increased Inequality: The economic policies advocated in both documents could exacerbate income inequality, benefitting wealthy individuals and corporations at the expense of working families and the middle class.
  • Social and Cultural Backlash: The conservative social agenda promoted in both documents could lead to a backlash against marginalized groups, including women, minorities, and LGBTQ+ individuals, and could undermine social progress.
  • Increased International Tensions: The confrontational foreign policy advocated in both documents could lead to increased tensions with China, Russia, and other countries, potentially increasing the risk of conflict.


  • Authoritarian Tendencies: Critics argue that the convergence of Agenda 47 and Project 2025 reveals a dangerous authoritarian streak, with a disregard for democratic norms, a willingness to abuse power, and a desire to silence opposition.
  • Economic Inequality and Social Injustice: Opponents argue that the economic and social policies advocated in both documents would benefit the wealthy and powerful at the expense of ordinary Americans, exacerbating inequality and undermining social justice.
  • Environmental Catastrophe: Critics argue that the rejection of climate science and the promotion of fossil fuels would accelerate climate change and lead to irreversible environmental damage.


  • “We will dismantle the deep state and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption.” (Agenda 47, Expansion of Presidential Powers)
  • “The next conservative President must be prepared to use the EOP aggressively to limit, control, and direct the executive branch.” (Chapter 2)
  • “We must restore the family as the foundation of a strong and healthy society.” (Agenda 47, Overview)
  • “Education Savings Accounts are the most promising school choice policy available today.” (Chapter 11)
  • “We need to unleash the power of the free market by cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and getting the government out of the way of businesses.” (Agenda 47, Economy)
  • “China is the most significant threat to U.S. national security in the 21st century.” (Chapter 7)


The convergence of Agenda 47 and Project 2025 represents a clear and present danger to American democracy, the rule of law, and the well-being of millions of Americans. These two documents, working in tandem, provide a blueprint for a radical conservative transformation of the United States, one that could have far-reaching and potentially irreversible consequences.

It is crucial for Democrats, progressives, and all Americans who value a fair, just, and sustainable society to understand the threat posed by this conservative agenda and to be prepared to fight back against its implementation. The 2024 election will be a pivotal moment in determining the future direction of our country, and we must be vigilant in defending our democracy and our values.