Title: Project 2025: A Conservative Blueprint for Disaster (TL;DR Version)

Author: The Heritage Foundation and a network of over 50 conservative organizations

“Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” is not merely a policy document; it’s a comprehensive blueprint for a radical conservative takeover of the U.S. government. Spearheaded by The Heritage Foundation, a powerful conservative think tank with close ties to the Trump administration, this project represents a coordinated effort to dismantle the “administrative state,” shrink the government, and reshape American society according to a conservative ideology.

The project’s significance lies in its ambition, scope, and level of detail. It goes beyond simply outlining policy recommendations; it provides a roadmap for a conservative revolution, with specific plans for staffing, restructuring, and reorienting every major federal agency and department. This blueprint, if implemented, could have a profound impact on the lives of millions of Americans, potentially leading to a less equitable, less inclusive, and less democratic society.


  • Distrust of the “Deep State”: Project 2025 is fueled by a deep distrust of the federal bureaucracy, often referred to as the “deep state,” which conservatives view as a self-serving entity resistant to change and accountable to liberal interests rather than to the American people. This distrust permeates the entire project, leading to proposals to weaken civil service protections, increase political control over agencies, and reduce the size and scope of government.
  • “Personnel is Policy”: The project emphasizes the importance of personnel decisions in achieving policy goals, arguing that a conservative President must appoint loyal and ideologically aligned individuals to key positions within the government. This “personnel is policy” philosophy is central to Project 2025’s strategy, leading to the creation of a personnel database, a training academy for potential appointees, and detailed plans for staffing transitions.
  • Executive Power Maximization: Project 2025 advocates for expanding presidential power and challenging limitations on executive authority, arguing that a strong and assertive President is necessary to overcome bureaucratic resistance and implement a conservative agenda. This reflects a broader conservative belief in a unitary executive and a distrust of checks and balances.
  • Free Markets and Limited Government: The project champions free market solutions to economic and social problems, advocating for deregulation, tax cuts, privatization, and a reduced role for government in most areas of life. This reflects a core tenet of conservative ideology, but it ignores the potential for market failures and the need for government intervention to protect consumers, workers, and the environment.
  • Conservative Social Agenda: Project 2025 promotes a conservative social agenda, including opposition to abortion, restrictions on transgender rights, support for traditional family values, and a rejection of what it perceives as “woke” ideology. This reflects the conservative movement’s focus on cultural issues and its desire to reshape American society according to its values.
  • Confrontational Foreign Policy: The project advocates for a more confrontational and less diplomatic approach to foreign policy, particularly with respect to China, arguing that the U.S. must assert its dominance and prioritize its own interests over global cooperation. This reflects a belief in American exceptionalism and a skepticism towards multilateralism.


Project 2025 is structured around a series of chapters, each focusing on a specific federal agency or department. The chapters provide detailed policy recommendations, staffing plans, and transition strategies, outlining a comprehensive vision for a conservative transformation of the government.

3.1 The White House and Central Personnel Agencies (Chapters 1-3)

  • These chapters focus on the White House Office (WHO) and the central personnel agencies responsible for managing the federal workforce, arguing that a conservative President must seize control of these entities to implement his agenda.
  • They advocate for staffing the WHO with loyalists, weakening civil service protections, restricting the power of unions, and using Schedule F to make it easier to fire federal employees.
  • Key Recommendations:
    • Appoint a “strong and loyal” Chief of Staff to manage the WHO. (Chapter 1)
    • Use the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to control agency budgets and regulations. (Chapter 2)
    • Weaken civil service protections and make it easier to fire federal employees. (Chapter 3)
    • Restrict the power of public sector unions. (Chapter 3)
    • Reissue Trump’s Executive Order 13957, which created Schedule F. (Chapter 3)

3.2 National Security and Foreign Policy (Chapters 4-9)

  • These chapters focus on national security and foreign policy, advocating for a more militaristic and assertive approach, particularly with respect to China.
  • They call for increased military spending, a modernization of the nuclear arsenal, a strengthening of border security, and a more confrontational stance towards adversaries.
  • Key Recommendations:
    • Increase defense spending to at least 5% of GDP. (Chapter 4)
    • Modernize and expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal. (Chapter 4)
    • Develop new technologies to counter Chinese and Russian capabilities. (Chapter 4)
    • Strengthen alliances with countries in the Indo-Pacific region to counter Chinese influence. (Chapter 4)
    • Eliminate “woke” culture within the military. (Chapter 4)
    • Dismantle the Department of Homeland Security and create a new, more powerful border and immigration agency. (Chapter 5)
    • Transform the State Department into a more ideologically driven and less diplomatic agency. (Chapter 6)
    • Reform the Intelligence Community to make it more responsive to the President’s priorities and more aggressive in countering threats from China. (Chapter 7)
    • Reform the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) to make it more effective in promoting American values and countering adversarial propaganda. (Chapter 8)
    • “Deradicalize” USAID and refocus it on promoting conservative values and countering Chinese influence. (Chapter 9)

3.3 Domestic Policy (Chapters 10-20)

  • These chapters cover a wide range of domestic policy areas, advocating for a reduced role for the federal government, deregulation, privatization, and a return to conservative principles.
  • They promote a conservative social agenda, including opposition to abortion, restrictions on transgender rights, and support for traditional family values.
  • Key Recommendations:
    • Eliminate or significantly reform farm subsidies. (Chapter 10)
    • Move food and nutrition programs to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). (Chapter 10)
    • Reform SNAP by re-implementing work requirements and tightening eligibility. (Chapter 10)
    • Eliminate the Department of Education and replace it with a system of block grants to states. (Chapter 11)
    • Expand school choice, particularly through Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). (Chapter 11)
    • Protect parental rights in education. (Chapter 11)
    • Promote “patriotic” education and ban critical race theory and “gender ideology.” (Chapter 11)
    • Prioritize fossil fuel production and roll back environmental regulations. (Chapter 12)
    • Weaken the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and reduce its authority to regulate environmental issues. (Chapter 13)
    • Restrict abortion access and promote a “culture of life.” (Chapter 14)
    • Weaken the Affordable Care Act and promote a more market-based approach to healthcare. (Chapter 14)
    • Reduce the size and scope of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). (Chapter 15)
    • Repeal the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) regulation. (Chapter 15)
    • Restrict housing assistance to citizens. (Chapter 15)
    • Expand oil and gas leasing and production on public lands. (Chapter 16)
    • Roll back environmental regulations on public lands. (Chapter 16)
    • Empower states and local communities to manage public lands. (Chapter 16)
    • Reform the Department of Justice (DOJ) to make it more focused on “law and order” and less concerned with civil liberties. (Chapter 17)
    • Restart the “China Initiative” to counter Chinese espionage. (Chapter 17)
    • Weaken labor unions and reduce worker protections. (Chapter 18)
    • Expand independent contractor status. (Chapter 18)
    • Promote “pro-life” measures in the workplace. (Chapter 18)
    • Protect religious employers from discrimination lawsuits. (Chapter 18)
    • Reduce the role of the Department of Transportation (DOT) in funding and regulating transportation projects. (Chapter 19)
    • Promote privatization and user fees in transportation. (Chapter 19)
    • Roll back fuel economy standards for automobiles. (Chapter 19)
    • Expand community care for veterans and reduce the role of the VA. (Chapter 20)
    • Reform the disability benefits system for veterans. (Chapter 20)

3.4 The Economy (Chapters 21-26)

  • These chapters focus on economic policy, advocating for a more laissez-faire approach, tax cuts, deregulation, and a confrontational stance towards China.
  • They criticize the Federal Reserve and suggest alternatives such as “free banking” or a return to the gold standard.
  • Key Recommendations:
    • Reform the Department of Commerce to make it more focused on promoting American businesses and countering China’s economic influence. (Chapter 21)
    • Reduce the size and scope of the IRS and limit its enforcement powers. (Chapter 22)
    • Implement significant tax cuts and simplification, potentially including a flat tax or consumption tax. (Chapter 22)
    • Deregulate the financial industry and reduce the role of government in financial markets. (Chapter 22)
    • Use sanctions, investment restrictions, and trade policies to counter China’s economic aggression. (Chapter 22)
    • Either maintain and strengthen the Export-Import Bank (EXIM) to counter China’s export financing practices or abolish it as a form of corporate welfare. (Chapter 23)
    • Reform or abolish the Federal Reserve and consider alternatives such as “free banking” or a return to the gold standard. (Chapter 24)
    • Shrink the Small Business Administration (SBA) and reduce its involvement in the economy. (Chapter 25)
    • Adopt a more protectionist approach to trade, particularly with China, or promote free trade and reduce government intervention in the economy. (Chapter 26)

3.5 Independent Regulatory Agencies (Chapters 27-30)

  • These chapters focus on independent regulatory agencies, arguing that they have become too powerful, too unaccountable, and too willing to advance a “woke” agenda.
  • They advocate for reducing their authority, increasing political control over them, and potentially eliminating some of them altogether.
  • Key Recommendations:
    • Deregulate the financial industry and reduce the role of government in financial markets. (Chapter 27)
    • Simplify securities laws and limit the SEC’s enforcement powers. (Chapter 27)
    • Abolish or reform self-regulatory organizations (SROs) like FINRA. (Chapter 27)
    • Reject the use of ESG criteria in investment decisions. (Chapter 27)
    • Reform the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to rein in Big Tech, promote national security, and foster a more market-oriented approach to communications policy. (Chapter 28)
    • Limit the legal immunity of online platforms under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. (Chapter 28)
    • Maintain the current bipartisan structure of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and limit the DOJ’s role in prosecuting campaign finance violations. (Chapter 29)
    • Expand the scope of antitrust law to encompass the protection of democratic values and institutions. (Chapter 30)
    • Crack down on Big Tech companies using antitrust law. (Chapter 30)
    • Increase cooperation with state attorneys general in antitrust enforcement. (Chapter 30)

3.6 “Onward!”: A Call to Action (916)

  • This concluding section, authored by Edwin J. Feulner, founder and former president of The Heritage Foundation, serves as a call to action for conservatives to embrace Project 2025 as a guide for achieving a conservative revolution in government.
  • It celebrates the successes of the Reagan and Trump Administrations in implementing conservative policies and suggests that the next conservative President can achieve similar results by following the recommendations outlined in “Mandate for Leadership.”
  • It emphasizes the importance of personnel decisions in implementing a conservative agenda, arguing that the next President must appoint individuals who are “principled” and “aligned with the President’s conservative vision.”
  • It calls for presidential appointees to serve as “watchdogs” to “rein in” federal agencies and prevent them from overreaching their authority.
  • It repeatedly contrasts “conservative solutions” with “liberal policies,” arguing that conservative policies are more effective in promoting economic growth, individual freedom, and national security.


  • The policy recommendations outlined in Project 2025 are too numerous to list here comprehensively. However, some of the most significant recommendations include:
    • Dismantling the Administrative State: Weakening civil service protections, increasing political control over agencies, and reducing the size and scope of government.
    • Expanding Executive Power: Increasing presidential authority and challenging limitations on executive power.
    • Implementing a Conservative Economic Agenda: Cutting taxes, deregulating businesses and industries, and promoting free trade.
    • Advancing a Conservative Social Agenda: Restricting abortion access, limiting transgender rights, expanding school choice, and promoting traditional family values.
    • Adopting a More Confrontational Foreign Policy: Increasing military spending, strengthening border security, and taking a hard line against China and other perceived adversaries.


  • Achieve a Conservative Revolution: Transform the federal government and American society according to conservative principles.
  • Empower Conservatives: Increase the power and influence of conservatives in government and society.
  • Reduce the Role of Government: Shrink the size and scope of the federal government and limit its intervention in the economy and social life.
  • Promote Free Markets: Create a more market-driven economy with less regulation and greater freedom for businesses.
  • Advance a Conservative Social Agenda: Promote traditional values, restrict abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, and empower religious institutions.
  • Assert American Dominance: Strengthen the U.S. military, adopt a more confrontational foreign policy, and prioritize American interests over global cooperation.


  • Agenda 47: Project 2025 aligns closely with Trump’s Agenda 47, sharing many of the same goals and policy recommendations.
  • The Heritage Foundation: The Heritage Foundation is the driving force behind Project 2025, and its ideology and policy priorities are reflected throughout the project.
  • The Conservative Movement: Project 2025 represents a broad consensus within the conservative movement, drawing on the ideas and expertise of a wide range of conservative organizations and individuals.


  • Erosion of Democracy: Project 2025’s emphasis on executive power, its disregard for congressional oversight and judicial independence, and its efforts to control information could erode democratic norms and checks and balances, potentially leading to a more authoritarian form of government.
  • Increased Inequality: The project’s economic agenda, with its focus on tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulation, and a weakening of the social safety net, could exacerbate income inequality and create a less just and less equitable society.
  • Environmental Degradation: The project’s rejection of climate science and its advocacy for rolling back environmental regulations could accelerate climate change and lead to irreversible damage to our planet.
  • Harm to Marginalized Groups: The project’s conservative social agenda could lead to discrimination and marginalization of women, minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and other vulnerable groups.
  • A More Dangerous World: Project 2025’s confrontational foreign policy and its emphasis on military strength could increase international tensions and make the world a more dangerous place.


  • Authoritarian Tendencies: Critics argue that Project 2025’s emphasis on executive power and its disregard for democratic norms could lead to an authoritarian takeover of the government.
  • Economic Inequality: Opponents argue that the project’s economic agenda would benefit wealthy individuals and corporations at the expense of working families and the middle class, exacerbating income inequality and undermining social mobility.
  • Environmental Destruction: Critics argue that the project’s rejection of climate science and its advocacy for deregulation would lead to environmental degradation, harming public health and jeopardizing the planet’s future.
  • Social Injustice: Opponents argue that the project’s conservative social agenda would roll back progress on civil rights, discriminate against marginalized groups, and impose a narrow religious worldview on American society.
  • Reckless Foreign Policy: Critics argue that the project’s confrontational foreign policy would alienate allies, embolden adversaries, and increase the risk of conflict, making the world a more dangerous place.


  • “The administrative state is a threat to American liberty and prosperity. It must be dismantled.” (55) This quote reflects the project’s core objective of dismantling the federal bureaucracy.
  • “Personnel is policy. The next conservative President must appoint individuals who share his vision and who are committed to implementing his agenda.” (54) This quote emphasizes the importance of personnel decisions in achieving policy goals.
  • “We need to unleash the power of the free market by cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and getting the government out of the way of businesses.” (727) This quote encapsulates the project’s economic philosophy.
  • “The family is the foundation of a strong and healthy society. We must promote policies that strengthen families and protect children.” (37) This quote highlights the project’s focus on traditional family values.
  • “America is the greatest nation on earth. We must restore American strength and leadership in the world.” (49) This quote reflects the project’s belief in American exceptionalism and its desire to reassert American dominance.


“Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership” is a comprehensive and ambitious effort by the conservative movement to reshape the federal government and American society. The project’s recommendations, if implemented, could have a profound impact on the lives of millions of Americans, potentially leading to a smaller, less active government, a more market-driven economy, a more conservative social and cultural landscape, and a more confrontational foreign policy.

This project represents a fundamental challenge to the role of government in American life and raises serious concerns about the future of our democracy, our economy, our environment, and our values. Democrats, progressives, and all Americans who do not share the project’s conservative vision should be prepared to challenge its proposals and to advocate for alternative policy solutions that prioritize the needs of all Americans, not just those aligned with a conservative ideology.