This website is your essential guide to understanding and resisting the most dangerous threat to American democracy: Project 2025 and Agenda 47. These radical conservative agendas, meticulously crafted by Trump loyalists and fueled by dark money, aim to dismantle the government, erode our rights, and reshape America in their image.

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 are not just policy proposals; they are a blueprint for disaster.

They envision an America where:

  • Millions lose access to healthcare, education, and social security.
  • The environment is ravaged by unchecked pollution and climate change.
  • Immigrants are demonized and deported en masse.
  • LGBTQIA+ rights are erased, and discrimination is enshrined in law.
  • The voices of dissent are silenced, and the media is controlled.

This website is your weapon in the fight for our future. We provide in-depth analysis, chapter breakdowns, and actionable insights to expose the truth about Project 2025 and Agenda 47.

Join the movement to protect our democracy. Our future depends on it.


Project 2025: A Conservative Blueprint for Disaster

The Heritage Foundation’s plan to dismantle the government, shrink the safety net, and reshape America. Learn how to fight back.

Agenda 47: A Blueprint for Trump’s Authoritarian Vision

Trump’s campaign promises reveal a dangerous vision for America. Discover the truth and the potential consequences.

Project 2025 & Agenda 47: Two Sides of the Same Coin - A Blueprint for a Radical Conservative America

Trump’s Agenda 47 and Project 2025 are a dangerous combination. See how they connect and the threat they pose.

Project 2025: Chapter-by-Chapter Breakdowns

Exposing the radical policy proposals hidden within each chapter of Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership”.

Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Academy

Watch and read the transcripts of leaked videos from Project 2025’s training academy, revealing their strategies for taking over the government and implementing their radical agenda.

Trump’s Shadow Government: Unmasking Project 2025’s Deep Ties to Trump and His Inner Circle

Project 2025 was written entirely by Trump insiders. Learn who they are and what they’re planning.

The First 100 Days: A Second Trump Term - A Chillingly Plausible Scenario

A terrifying glimpse into what a second Trump term could look like, based on Project 2025 and Agenda 47.

The People’s Guide to Project 2025: A Quantified Look at the Human Cost

A progressive perspective on the dangers of Project 2025, highlighting the potential harms to ordinary Americans.

Domestic Consequences

Trade War 2.0: A Recipe for Economic Disaster and Higher Prices for All Americans

Project 2025’s protectionist trade policies will trigger a global trade war, raising prices, killing jobs, and harming American businesses and consumers. Discover the truth about tariffs and how to resist this dangerous agenda.

Rigging the System: The Conservative Blueprint for Voter Suppression and Election Subversion

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 aim to suppress voters, rig elections, and silence dissent. Learn how they plan to steal our democracy and how to fight back.

The Threat of Christian Nationalism: A Distortion of History and a Danger to Democracy

Project 2025’s embrace of Christian nationalism threatens religious freedom and the separation of church and state. Discover the dangers and how to defend our pluralistic society.

The Handmaid’s Agenda: A Blueprint for Controlling Women’s Bodies and Erasing Reproductive Freedom

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 are waging a war on women’s bodies, seeking to ban abortion, restrict contraception, and control reproductive healthcare. Learn the facts and join the fight for reproductive rights.

The Handmaid’s Surveillance: Tracking Women’s Bodies to Control Their Choices

Could the government track your period to prevent you from getting an abortion? Project 2025’s agenda creates a chilling possibility. Learn more and fight back against this dystopian threat to women’s privacy and reproductive freedom.

Ending Birthright Citizenship: A Direct Assault on the American Dream and the Constitution

Trump and his allies want to rewrite the Constitution and deny citizenship to millions of American-born children. This page exposes the devastating consequences of this radical proposal and how to fight back.

The Anti-Science Agenda: Unleashing a Public Health Crisis Through Vaccine Skepticism and Misinformation

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 embrace a dangerous anti-vaccine ideology that could unleash a public health crisis. Get informed and learn how to protect yourself and your community.

LGBTQIA+ Rights Under Siege: A Blueprint for Discrimination

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 target the LGBTQIA+ community, seeking to roll back rights, enable discrimination, and erase their identities. Learn about the threats and how to fight for equality.

A War on Transgender Americans: A Multi-Pronged Assault on Existence

Transgender Americans are under attack. Project 2025 and Agenda 47 aim to deny their existence, restrict their healthcare, and enable discrimination. Learn how to defend their rights.

Dismantling the Safety Net: A Blueprint for Privatization, Austerity, and Abandonment

Project 2025’s plans for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid could leave millions of Americans without a safety net. Learn how to protect these vital programs.

Deporting the American Dream: A Blueprint for Mass Expulsion, Economic Devastation, and a Nation Divided

Millions face deportation, families are torn apart, and the economy crumbles. Project 2025’s mass deportation agenda is a humanitarian and economic disaster. Learn more and fight back.

Dismantling Healthcare: A Blueprint for Undermining the Affordable Care Act and Eroding Access to Care

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 threaten to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, erode access to care, and leave millions of Americans without health insurance. Learn how their market-based approach could harm vulnerable populations and exacerbate health disparities.

Betraying Those Who Served: The Conservative Plan to Dismantle the VA and Privatize Veterans’ Healthcare

Project 2025’s promises of support for veterans ring hollow. This page exposes their plan to shrink the VA, restrict benefits, and privatize healthcare.

Silencing Worker Voices: The Conservative Plan to Crush Unions and Undermine Worker Power

Project 2025 aims to weaken unions, silence worker voices, and tilt the balance of power towards corporations. Learn how to fight for worker rights and a fair economy.

A War on Public Education: A Blueprint for Defunding, Privatization, and Indoctrination

Project 2025’s plan for education is a nightmare for students, teachers, and our democracy. This page exposes their agenda to defund, privatize, and indoctrinate.

Eroding Freedom: The Conservative Blueprint for a Surveillance State and the Suppression of Dissent

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 envision a surveillance state where the government monitors your every move and silences dissent. Learn how to protect your freedoms.

Criminalizing Compassion: The Conservative Plan to Punish & Disappear America’s Homeless Population

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 offer a cruel and dehumanizing approach to homelessness, prioritizing punishment over compassion. Learn how to advocate for humane solutions.

Muzzling Dissent: The Conservative Plan to Silence Free Speech and Control the Narrative

Project 2025 and Agenda 47 seek to silence dissent, control the narrative, and undermine freedom of speech. Learn how their plans to weaponize the law, censor the media, and regulate online speech could create a chilling effect on free expression.

Disaster Capitalism: Profiting from Calamity and Leaving Communities to Fend for Themselves

Project 2025 aims to shrink FEMA, privatize disaster relief, and leave communities vulnerable in times of crisis. Learn how this agenda could turn tragedy into profit and exacerbate inequality.

International Consequences

Abandoning Ukraine: A Blueprint for Retreat, Appeasement, and a Russian Victory

Will America abandon Ukraine under a second Trump term? Project 2025 and Agenda 47 suggest a chilling future for Ukraine and the world. Learn more and demand action from our leaders.

Scorched Earth: The Conservative Plan to Unleash Environmental Devastation

Project 2025’s environmental agenda is a recipe for climate catastrophe. They plan to unleash polluters, gut regulations, and ignore the science. Learn how to fight for our planet’s future.

Poisoning the Partnership: The Devastating Impact on U.S.-Mexico Relations

Project 2025’s hardline policies threaten to poison the U.S.-Mexico relationship, fueling tensions and harming both nations. Learn how this agenda could destabilize the region and what you can do to promote cooperation.

Chilling the North: Strained Relations and Trade Tensions with Canada

Even without being directly targeted, Canada could face serious consequences from Project 2025’s protectionist trade policies, “America First” nationalism, and environmental disregard. Learn how this agenda could strain relations and disrupt trade.

Other Resources

Access to Source Documents

Direct links to the full PDFs of Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership,” Agenda 47, and “The People’s Guide to Project 2025,” as well as individual chapters and sections for easy reference and further research.